Society's ChildS


'Hysteria & reverse racism': Ex-NHL star Pavel Bure questions BLM protests and US unrest

Pavel Bure
© REUTERS / Shaun BestPavel Bure
Russian and NHL superstar Pavel Bure has added his weight on the issue of the ongoing protests in the US, questioning why large-scale unrest occurs only when black people suffer.

The former Vancouver Canucks forward called the ongoing protests, which have swept the US following the shooting of Jacob Blake, "hysteria," insisting that all people should be treated equally regardless of their race and nation.

"If we talk about equality, one law should be interpreted equally for everyone. If something happens to a white person, it's OK, but if he is black - it's a big tragedy. All people should be treated equally," Bure was quoted as saying by Sport-Express.

"I worked in America for more than 20 years playing with guys from different ethnic groups. My best friend was Gino Odjick, an American Indian who introduced me to his ethnic community.

"But native Indians are the most oppressed nation in North America. Donald Brashear, a black guy, was also my friend and there was no racism. What is happening now is outrageous hysteria, reverse racism. Why should anyone apologize?," the 'Russian Rocket' added.

Bizarro Earth

Extinction Rebellion and Keira Knightley film's bogus claims of impending apocalypse damages the climate change cause

Keira Knightley Extinction rebellion film movie
© Getty Images / John Keeble; REUTERS/Henry NichollsExtinction Rebellion protest; Keira Knightley (inset)
An XR film starring Keira Knightley that claimed human extinction is a real possibility has had to be re-edited before its launch this weekend. Unscientific nonsense like this makes a fool of everyone involved.

Pint-sized 17-year-old Swedish climate change activist Greta Thunberg announced last week that she was stepping out of the limelight and returning to school, but it seems she's not the only climate change activist who could use a bit more classroom time.

Because if Serena Schellenberg, age 59, was equipped with a clearer understanding of the need for critical analysis, particularly in the climate change minefield, maybe her rookie error of producing an Extinction Rebellion campaign film based on totally bogus information could have been avoided.



'They would have killed us': Violent BLM mob attacks Rand Paul, others, outside the White House

Rand Paul Mob scene
© bgonthesceneSenator Rand Paul (center) targeted by mob
During an interview with Fox and Friends Friday morning, Senator Rand Paul described the "horrific scene," said they would have been killed or very seriously injured without the police and called for the coordinated, organized mob violence to stop.
"It was horrific....right as we got to the policeman, fortunately or I don't know we would have survived, we got to the policeman and I don't think the policeman recognized me and as I came closer the crowd was shouting my name and it doubled to 60 and it double again to 120. I can't tell you how...I'm not sure we would have made it. They were attempting to push the police over to get to've seen the pictures of what they do to you.

"If the police are not there, if you defund the police, if we become Portland, if America becomes Portland, what's going to happen is people are going to be pummeled and kicked in the head and left senseless on the curb.

"That would have happened to us I promise you, had we not had the D.C. police to support us...Thank God for the police. Had we not gotten to the police I truly believe that the police saved our lives and we would not be here today or we would be in a hospital today if the police had not been there.

"We can't walk down the street safely in D.C. now, that's how bad it is. I don't hear Joe Biden or Kamala Harris saying one thing about the violence. This mob is their voters. This is the New Democrat party."

Comment: Raising hysteria and protest to a new level, the timbre of the protesters escalates in DC. Police form a ring around Senator Paul and his wife:
Barriers were erected around the White House to keep protesters away, but noise and drumbeats could be heard from behind the fencing. Protesters yelled: "No justice, no peace!" and "Join us!" while holding anti-Trump and Black Lives Matter banners.

In a bizarre twist, demonstrators also posed with an imitation guillotine and a Trump effigy, with one protester heard saying "off with his head!" A while later, police moved in to push demonstrators away from some locations around the White House, sparking scuffles and altercations.
Protesters were leveling accusations at Paul, when it was Paul who introduced the Justice for Breonna Taylor Act in Congress:
The protesters could be heard chanting "Say her name!" They were referring to the unprosecuted death of Breonna Taylor, a young black Kentucky woman fatally shot by plain-clothes police who entered her apartment during a "no-knock" search. However, the Kentucky congressman did, quite famously, "say the name" of his killed constituent when he introduced the legislation, which was rejected. It would have banned unannounced "no-knock" searches.

Another critic noted that the partisan conversation around criminal justice reform could be easily flipped nowadays. They pointed to the Democratic nominee for president being Joe Biden, author of the controversial 1994 crime bill, which is widely considered to have been a key contributor to the mass incarceration of black Americans.
Paul calls for FBI arrests:

Fireworks were a surprise ending to the ceremony, meant as a distraction and crowds attending the event were harassed and threatened:

Hateful anarchists surrounded Trump supporters, spat at them, threw items at them, and followed the to their hotels, attacking, punching and drawing blood with a few of the attendees.

Throughout the entire night there was an effigy of Trump in a Guillotine.

Threatening violence, threatening to burn down the White House and surrounding buildings and assaulting the elderly were on the agenda:

Trump gave his acceptance speech to a live audience of more than 1,000 on the final night of the RNC, a number of activists congregated around St. John's Episcopal Church less than half a mile away from the White House (the one damaged by fire during unrest that broke out in June) and others ratcheted up the noise level with chants and horns to obliterate Trump's address:

At least two different organizations planned demonstrations near the White House on Thursday night, according to USA Today, including Refuse Fascism - which held a rally in Black Lives Matter Plaza - and the Party Majority PAC, a group founded by former Hillary Clinton aides. Though a co-founder of Refuse Fascism, Carl Dix, said he expected only a small crowd to show up to the event, he noted a spike in interest due to the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Wisconsin on Sunday, which has spurred heated demonstrations across the country.


Minsk Belarus: Russian, American, British journalists covering protests rounded up for 'document check'

2 guards and a woman
© AFP/Sergei Gapon
Belarusian authorities have apprehended over 60 journalists who were planning to cover a major protest in Minsk on Thursday evening. They include members of the Russian, American and British press corps in the capital of Belarus.

Photographer Sergey Bobylev of Moscow news agency TASS was among those held. He said he was stopped on the Svobody Square in central Minsk, before an opposition rally. Opponents of Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko have disputed the outcome of this month's controversial presidential elections, in which he was officially re-elected with 80 percent of the vote.

Bobylev, who is officially accredited in Belarus, contacted TASS and disclosed that the police put him on a bus along with other journalists, including representatives of Reuters, Associated Press and US state-run RFE/RL.

Arrow Up

Online vigilantes archive defamatory tweets about Kyle Rittenhouse in anticipation of lawsuits likely to come

kyle rittenhouse tweet
With the same lawyer who secured defamation settlements from the media for Nick Sandmann now joining the defense of Kenosha, Wisconsin shooter Kyle Rittenhouse, a whole lot of tweets might be soon getting scrubbed in a hurry.

Rittenhouse, 17, was arrested and charged with premeditated murder for shooting three rioters - two of them fatally - in Kenosha on Tuesday evening, during the second day of Black Lives Matter riots. On Thursday, however, attorney Lin Wood - who represented Sandmann in suits against the Washington Post and CNN - offered to defend him pro bono.

That could spell bad news for almost everyone who piled onto Rittenhouse over the past 48 hours. One of the most outspoken was Representative Ayanna Pressley (D-Massachusetts), member of the progressive 'Squad,' who went so far as to call him a "white supremacist domestic terrorist."

Actual facts trickling in from Kenosha, however, suggest otherwise. Videos from the riot indicate Rittenhouse acted in self-defense in all three cases. There is no evidence he was a "white supremacist" of any kind. Furthermore, the people Rittenhouse shot - all white - were filmed clearly attacking him, prompting even the New York Times to seriously entertain the idea of legitimate self-defense in this instance.

Comment: See also:

Chart Pie

Anti-Trump Lincoln Project Republican says polls undercount Trump support

trump hug flag
© Reuters / Yuri GripasU.S. President Donald Trump hugs American flag at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) annual meeting at National Harbor near Washington, U.S., March 2, 2019.
One of the GOP founders of the anti-Trump group The Lincoln Project said Wednesday that polls undercount the level of support that exists for President Trump.

"It is historically difficult to defeat an incumbent president, No. 1," Steve Schmidt, a former adviser to Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), told Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC. "I suspect there is at least a point or two of undercount for Trump voters."

Comment: It's probably more than that.

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has a healthy lead in national polls. Biden has smaller leads in most of the six core battleground states, although recent surveys have found the race is tightening.

The president's campaign has routinely dismissed polls showing Trump is behind, pointing to 2016, when most election analysts didn't give him any chance of winning. Trump edged out Democrat Hillary Clinton in most of the battleground states and eked out victories in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan, which had not gone for a GOP nominee in decades.

Comment: That's why this is happening:

Bad Guys

'Rainbow-bashing': Trans activists have turned the word 'CIS' into a slur and they're getting away with it

trans activists
© Getty Images / Alexander Pohl / NurPhoto
Popularized by gender activists, 'cis' has found widespread usage within the online-sphere. But where some see a word that simply designates a person as non-trans, others view it as an insult, and in this they're not incorrect.

By definition a 'slur' is "an insulting or disparaging remark" and I fail to see how 'cis' doesn't match that description. Spend just a few minutes on social media, and it quickly becomes apparent how the label is weaponized. Cis men are portrayed as the beneficiaries of an uber privileged gender that doesn't work hard for their individual achievements. They're also deemed as emotionally unintelligent and a disease. Just the simple act of communicating with them is something to be scoffed at.


Kenosha police arrest alleged agitators who arrived in out-of-state vehicles filled with terrorist gear

kenosha cars burning burn
© CapturedNewsCar burn at a Kenosha auto dealership after rioters set fire to the business
Suspected subversive elements travel to Wisconsin

Kenosha, Wisconsin police announced that they arrested nine people for disorderly conduct traveling in out-of-state vehicles Wednesday evening amid leftist race riots in Kenosha following the shooting of accused sexual assaulter Jacob Blake.

"During the early evening hours of August 26, 2020 Kenosha Police Department received a citizen tip alerting us to several suspicious vehicles with out of state plates meeting in a remote lot near State Highway 50 and Green Bay Road...The vechicles were a black school bus, bread truck and tan minivan. Kenosha Police confirmed the out of state license plates...Police observed the occupants of the black bus and bread truck exit and attempt to fill multiple fuel cans...The vehicles contained various items that included helmets, gas masks, protective vests, illegal fireworks, and suspected controlled substances. The 9 individuals were arrested for disorderly conduct and are pending charging decisions by the Kenosha County District Attorney."


Best of the Web: David Dorn's widow emotionally recounts her husband's death, pleads for end to 'nightmare' of riots and looting

Ann Dorn David dorn RNC
© Committee on Arrangements for the 2020 Republican National Committee via Getty ImagesAnn Dorn, police captain David Dorn's widow, spoke at the Republican National Convention
Ann Dorn, the wife of slain former St. Louis Police Captain David Dorn, called on governors and mayors to accept federal help in putting down violent riots after recounting the painful night that her husband was killed.

Ann spoke at the Republican National Convention on Thursday, the fourth and final night of the proceedings. Her husband, a 44-year veteran of law enforcement, died on June 2 while defending a friend's pawnshop from rioters who were defacing and destroying property and looting businesses across the city. The riots broke out following protests over the death of George Floyd, a black man who died in police custody in Minneapolis on May 25.



Best of the Web: Caitlin Johnstone: QAnon is a fake, decoy imitation of a healthy revolutionary impulse

qanon flag
© Getty Images / Scott Olson
Many Donald Trump supporters religiously follow the QAnon conspiracy theory, claiming it holds all the keys to 'draining the swamp' and ending the status quo. It's a shameless distraction that ensures no real change ever happens.

Today the US president moved from tacit endorsement and evading questions on the toxic QAnon psyop to directly endorsing and supporting it, telling reporters "I don't know much about the movement other than I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate," and saying they're just people who love their country and don't like seeing what's happening in places like Portland, Chicago and New York City.

Asked about the driving theory behind QAnon, that Trump is waging a covert war against a satanic pedopheliac baby-eating deep state, Trump endorsed the idea but reframed it by saying that he's leading a fight against "a radical left philosophy."

Comment: Trump may have reframed it, but the author did so first. "Satanic pedopheliac baby-eating deep state" is a mischaracterization of the themes galvanizing support for 'QAnon' right across the Western world.

"If I can help save the world from problems, I'm willing to do it. I'm willing to put myself out there," Trump said in response to the query. "And we are actually. We're saving the world from a radical left philosophy that will destroy this country, and when this country is gone, the rest of the world would follow."

Comment: You're never "free from any perceptual distortion." The moment you believe you are, The Matrix has you! Life is a process of constant adjustment. Some things remain true throughout, but many don't because context changes.

The interesting thing about QAnon is that it indeed began as a psy-op with outlandish claims, but seems to have grown into this international movement that 'absorbed' the core elements that are true (elites everywhere are psychos, the media's lying about everything, Trump and some other leaders mean well, etc). What it offered in the beginning were 'titillating breadcrumbs', and people 'critically corrected' much of it to fill in the blanks with solid truths.

The 'Q' motto of 'WWG1WGA' (Where We Go One, We Go All) pops up all over the place now, from anti-lockdown protests in Ireland to anti-establishment Dutch rap songs.

So what probably began as a US intel operation has taken on a life of its own and become something with widespread symbolic appeal, something which, if the author could adjust her lens of perception, she would spend less time railing against and instead focus her energies on the really dangerous psy-ops, like Covid-19...