Society's ChildS

Cloud Lightning

Food insecurity: Fevers, floods and insects - China's growing agriculture crisis

storm damage in China
For the past months the Peoples' Republic of China has been subject to one after the other devastating shocks to its agriculture sector. A deadly outbreak of African Swine Fever that halved China's huge pig herds in 2019, was followed by infestation from a plague of fall armyworms (FAW) which reached China in December, 2018 and now threaten China's corn belt. Now the worst floods in some 60 years is wiping out major rice and other crops in central China along the Yangtze and other rivers. Food Security is one of six national priorities for national security. President Xi Jinping has just issued a call to citizens not to waste food or face penalties, a sign that the depth of the food security threat is far worse than thought.

While any of the several problems would be manageable in normal times, the combination of agriculture disasters combined with the economic consequences of the China outbreaks of coronavirus are presenting challenges that could well impact global food security in coming months.

Comment: See also:


Echo of riots: 4 charged for torching Minneapolis police precinct during protests sparked by George Floyd death

George Floyd protests
© Reuters / Nicholas Pfosi
Four men have been indicted by a grand jury for their alleged roles in burning the Minneapolis Police Third Precinct station on May 28, marking progress in efforts to punish those who escalated George Floyd protests into riots.

Indictments were issued against Dylan Shakespeare Robinson, 22; Davon De-Andre Turner, 24; Bryce Michael Williams, 26; and Branden Michael Wolfe, 23, US Attorney Erica MacDonald announced on Tuesday. All four men are from Minnesota, and each is charged with one count of conspiracy to commit arson.

The incident occurred three days after Floyd died in police custody. Hundreds of protesters gathered outside the Third Precinct headquarters in south Minneapolis, at one point chanting "Burn it down, burn it down." Police chose to abandon the building and flee for their own safety as rioters tore down a perimeter fence and breached an entrance.

Bizarro Earth

Rioters tear down dinosaur statue... in the name of social justice?

dinosaur statue
Two days ago, BLM protestors managed to pull down the statue of a dinosaur which was gracing the area outside the Kenosha Dinosaur Discovery Museum.

The Kenosha Dinosaur Discovery Museum was one of many municipal buildings that were damaged, including the public library, the Harborside Academy charter school, the US Postal Service building and the county register of deeds.

It is unclear as to why the mob decided to take its rage out on the dinosaur statue, but it can be seen damaged and defeated outside the museum, perhaps in testament to misplaced anger that is all too common these days.

The unrest and violence in Kenosha stems from an incident last Sunday afternoon around 5 pm, in which the police shot and badly injured Jacob Blake several times in the back at close range.

Light Sabers

Best of the Web: 'Clear case of self-defense': Pundits argue video evidence exonerates 17-year-old charged with Kenosha killings

Kyle Rittenhouse kenosha shooting self defense
© Brendan Gutenschwager/via REUTERSKyle Rittenhouse opens fire after being chased by protesters in Kenosha, Wisconsin, US, August 25, 2020
Numerous commentators claim that all available evidence shows that Kyle Rittenhouse acted in self-defense when he opened fire on protesters in Kenosha, Wisconsin. The teen is accused of killing two protesters.

Rittenhouse, 17, was arrested and charged with first-degree murder over the shooting of three demonstrators - two of whom died - during riots in the city on Tuesday night.

Although painted as a bloodthirsty white supremacist by some journalists and activists, multiple observers have made the case that Rittenhouse had good intentions and pulled the trigger as a last resort.

Comment: Social media has been publishing the backgrounds of the shooting victims.

Tucker Carlson came under fire for defending Rittenhouse:
Carlson's segment on the ongoing protests and rioting in Kenosha, Wisconsin on Wednesday night largely took aim at state and local officials, arguing that those in positions of power were to blame for a spike in violence after leaving city residents to cope with the unrest on their own.

"Kenosha has devolved into anarchy because the authorities in charge of the city abandoned it," he said. "People in charge from the governor of Wisconsin on down refused to enforce the law, they stood back and they watched Kenosha burn."

So are we really surprised that looting and arson accelerated to murder? How shocked are we that 17-year-olds with rifles decided they had to maintain order when no one else would?"

Media outlets from the Huffington Post to the Daily Beast and the Guardian were soon reporting as flat fact that Carlson's comments were a 'defense' and 'justification' of Rittenhouse's actions, while critics sent #FireTuckerCarlson into the trends on Twitter - some compiling a list of the pundit's advertisers in a bid to see him 'canceled.'

Some netizens weighed in to clarify the points advanced in Carlson's Wednesday segment, however, noting that he never offered a defense of the shooting, but rather criticized authorities for failing to protect the city from violence and destruction.

And finally, closet lefty site GoFundMe is not allowing any fundraising for Rittenhouse's legal defense, but hosting campaigns for the attackers:
The URL for his legal defense fundraiser "Help us Free Kyle!", set up by his father Tom Rittenhouse, still appears in Google searches but redirects to a "page not found" notice on the GoFundMe website.

Meanwhile, GoFundMe is directing people to the campaign for Anthony Huber, one of the two men allegedly shot dead by Rittenhouse during the violent altercation, describing him as a "hero" who "gave his life" and "tried to save others."

This move was not popular online, as Huber's alleged history of domestic violence has been discussed widely among those critical of the mainstream narrative about the shooting incident.


The removal of a bust of the British Museum's founder is no trivial issue. It is a step towards the erasure of the Enlightenment

Hans Sloane statue, Hans Sloane bust, British Museum
© Wikimedia / Paul Hudson
The wrong-headed decision to give the activists a victory by 'toppling' Hans Sloane will not end their campaign, but boost it. These people will not stop until they have destroyed the very principles of Western society.

The British Museum has moved the bust of its founder from its prominent position. Hartwig Fischer, the museum's director, this week announced that due to social media pressure from Black Lives Matter, the sculpture of Sir Hans Sloane had been moved to a cabinet, where it is surrounded by contextualizing material. Activists state that Sloane benefited from owning slaves. Fischer took up the iconoclastic imagery of social-justice rioters by stating, "We have pushed him off the pedestal, we must not hide anything."

Sir Hans Sloane was a leading physician in London. He saved countless lives from the 1680s onwards through pioneering smallpox vaccination and malaria treatment. He traveled widely and sought to understand the natural world and human culture, which led to him form a large collection of historical and man-made artifacts.

He believed that material should benefit humanity, so, upon his death in 1753, he bequeathed it to the British nation. It was an act of philanthropic generosity which led to the foundation of the British Museum, British Library and Natural History Museum (originally in one body) in 1753.


New court filings reveal medical examiner thought George Floyd had 'fatal level' of fentanyl in system

george floyd arrest
New footage shows the entirety of George Floyd’s arrest, previously shown only in short witness videos and police-approved bodycam clip, as well as this CCTV footage released by Rashad West, the owner of the Dragon Wok restaurant.
New exhibits filed in the case against the four former Minneapolis Police Officers accused of murdering George Floyd suggest the Hennepin County Medical Examiner thought George Floyd's fentanyl levels were at a potentially "fatal level", but his and other medical examiner's findings showed he died of a combination of factors.

Six pieces of evidence were filed in the case Tuesday one day after former officer Tou Thao's attorneys requested the release of the full autopsy reports from the Hennepin County Medical Examiner, the Armed Forces Medical Examiner and the private medical examiners hired by George Floyd's family.

The Armed Forces Medical Examiner filed a memorandum agreeing with the Hennepin County Medical Examiner's final conclusion that Floyd's death was a homicide, saying, "His death was caused by the police subdual and restraint in the setting of severe hypertensive atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, and methamphetamine and fentanyl intoxication."

Comment: You would think this would be an important story! Yet, at this point in time no national mainstream media has picked up on it. While arsonists and looters are ravaging cities across the US, the media feeds into the mob's frenzy by cultivating lies and distortions.


No class: NYT reporter Kenneth Vogel tries to cancel pardoned black Christian for supporting Trump

john ponder wife trump pardon
© Committee on Arrangements for the 2020 Republican National Committee via Getty ImagesJon Ponder (L) and his wife Jamie Ponder (R) look on as President Donald Trump signs a document granting clemency to Ponder during the virtual RNC on Aug. 25, 2020.
A New York Times money and politics reporter, Kenneth Vogel, is trying to cancel a pardoned black Christian, Jon Ponder, whose inspirational story of redemption was prominently featured on night two of the Republican National Convention Tuesday, for endorsing the president's re-election.

"JON PONDER's story is inspirational," Vogel wrote on Twitter. "But should he be endorsing a candidate for president while being identified as the founder & CEO of Hope for Prisoners, which — as a 501(c)(3) non-partisan non-profit group — is barred from participating in partisan politics?"

Bad Guys

Kenosha officials: Jacob Blake admitted to having a knife in his possession during Kenosha shooting

jacob blake kenosha riot knife
Officials in Wisconsin announced that Jacob Blake, the man shot by police in Kenosha, admitted to being in possession of a knife.

The Wisconsin Department of Justice's Division of Criminal Investigation provided further details about the Sunday shooting in a Wednesday news release and identified the officer allegedly involved in the shooting as Rusten Sheskey, a seven-year veteran of the police force.

"During the investigation following the initial incident, Mr. Blake admitted that he had a knife in his possession. DCI agents recovered a knife from the driver's side floorboard of Mr. Blake's vehicle. A search of the vehicle located no additional weapons," the Wisconsin Department of Justice said.

Comment: Police in Wisconsin shoot Black man in back multiple times, sparking protests - Updates

Black Cat

Best of the Web: Gaslighting: CNN claims Kenosha protests are 'fiery but mostly peaceful' as city burns behind reporter

kenosha riots
© Joshua Lott for The Washington Post via Getty ImagesA building burns during the Kenosha, WI riots
CNN ran a segment on the unrest in Kenosha, Wisconsin, on Tuesday night that featured a chyron claiming that the protests were "fiery but mostly peaceful" as a reporter who was on the ground stood in front of a city that was on fire.

"What you're seeing behind me is one of multiple locations that have been burning in Kenosha, Wisconsin, over the course of the night," the CNN reporter said. "A second night since Jacob Blake was seen shot in the back seven times by a police officer."

"And what you are seeing now, these images came and come in stark contrast to what we saw over the course of the daytime hours in Kenosha and into the early evening, which were largely peaceful demonstrations in the face of law enforcement," the reporter continued. "It wasn't until night fell that things began to get a little bit more contentious, things were thrown back and forth. Police started using some of those crowd disbursal tactics like teargas, even playing really loud sounds to push them out."

Comment: The Twitterati had a field day mocking CNN:


Coronavirus' two-meter social distancing rule is based on 'outdated science,' medical experts say

social distance
© EPAResearchers suggest "one-size-fits-all" replaced by "graded recommendations".
Some of the research used to justify 2m distancing based on findings from 1800s. Two-metre social distancing deployed across the world to limit the spread of coronavirus is based on "outdated science", experts have said.

A group of British scientists said distance should not be the focal point of measures designed to limit the spread of the virus and that the one-size-fits-all system should be replaced by "graded recommendations" for different settings.

Comment: Shucks. It was almost hopeful...and then they ruined it. Read on, it gets worse.

The UK government, as in many other nations, recommends people should remain two metres or one metre if mitigating factors such as face masks and screens are in use. But researchers writing in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) said more flexible guidance would enable "a return towards normality in some aspects of social and economic life".

"Current rules on safe physical distancing are based on outdated science," Nicholas Jones, from Oxford University's Nuffield Department of Primary Care, and his colleagues wrote. They added: "Distribution of viral particles is affected by numerous factors, including air flow. Evidence suggests Sars-CoV-2 may travel more than two metres through activities such as coughing and shouting.

Comment: Two words of advice: Diss Stancing! The 'complications' are not a 'medical' issue.

See also: