"In beloved Iraq, blood is shed among our brothers while there is an illegitimate foreign occupation and a hateful sectarianism that is threatening to develop into a civil war . . ."--king Abdullah of Saudi Arabia.I seem to recall that Saudi Arabia, together with Kuwait and the rest of the Gulf kennel, supported the U.S. invasion and the occupation of Iraq. Saudi and Kuwaiti (as well as Jordanian) airspace and land were used by the invading army. Kuwaiti territory, to this day, is used to move U.S. troops and supplies into Iraq. Saudi Arabia in addition to Egypt, Jordan and the UAE (and even Syria), still oppose the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq!
Comment: Is this guy insane? Apparently so. His myopia (or is it plain psychopathy?) is stunning. He states that "it wouldn't just be aimed at the nuclear sites. It would hit military and security targets, industrial and oil-related targets such as Kharg island [Iran's main oil export terminal in the Gulf], and regime targets"
No mention of the RESULTS of ANY attack on Iran i.e. massive revolt in the Middle East and attacks around the world against Israeli and American interests that would destablize the world in many areas not directly linked to Iran's non-existent nuclear weapons programme.
Then again, maybe this is exactly what the Neocon and Zionist "crazies" want, because it would allow them to further demonise Arabs and Muslims as "terrorists" (by way of a few carefully planned false flag operations) and retaliate in the name of a war on terror.