© N/ANATO dropped cluster bombs on Libya
Has anyone noticed the virtual silence on Libya among western news agencies? If Libya was today quiet, and without any conflict, we could believe the Lies on Sky and friends incorporated that a dictator had been toppled and his enraptured people freed, living now in peace, preparing for democracy. But this is not the case...
What I am about to say comes as no surprise at all for those of us who know Libya, know Colonel Gaddafi and who warned NATO about the monumental mistake being made before the invasion began, as indeed was the case before Iraq in this column back in 2003. NATO, however, in its greed, just does not learn.
As the IAEA invents lies about Iran, and includes in its team elements who are wholly unqualified for the task to monitor the Islamic Republic's nuclear programme,* we see the same old story being repeated. It begins with the lies about a bloodthirsty dictator or a dangerous regime posing a threat to the USA or its allies, the UNO is bullied into naming NATO as the world policeman, skulduggery and blackmail then replace diplomacy, after which NATO bombs the crap out of a country, murdering men, women and children alike, using DU, using cluster munitions, and breaching every rule in the book. Then in swing the kangaroo courts to clear up the mess and lo and behold, a country's sovereign funds have been literally stolen, its infra-structures destroyed with NATO military hardware, rebuilding contracts are handed out to bolster the economies of the invading forces and a nice puppet regime is installed.
Comment: The author is confused as to how Blair could do something that is so transparently treasonous. Tony Blair is a psychopath, so it's all just words to him. He has no emotional attachment to the words coming out of his mouth. The appearance of emotions he produces is just him acting out, which psychopaths learn to do from an early age. He can't actually feel those emotions, of course. So whether he's advising that government, this government or his own government makes no difference to him. All provides golden opportunities to con people out of their money, energy and, ultimately, their lives. It's perfectly fitting that Blair is making money from a dictator who really does 'torture his own people'.