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Eye 2

New Zealand's PM calls internet freedom & free speech a 'weapon of war' in UN speech

New Zealand   Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern
New Zealand communist Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern labeled internet freedom a "weapon of war" in her most recent UN speech before the General Assembly this week.

Leftist Ardern, who ruled her country like a 20th Century despot during the COVID pandemic, called out for a new type of internet with "rules and transparency."

In the next breath, she says she "values free speech so highly." She is the typical leftist elitist leader in the world today. And she insists on giving Communist Justin Trudeau a run for his money.

Comment: She's allied with neither left nor right, she's merely a willing pawn using political parties to implement the establishment's nefarious agenda.

Comment: This is the same Ardern who, during the 'pandemic', actually said: "unless you hear it from us, it is not the truth"; that the vaccinated and unvaccinated were 'different classes'; that the vaccinated wouldn't 'die' of covid; who smiled whilst talking about the deaths of despair caused by the lockdowns; and this is the same New Zealand that enforced some of the harshest and longest lockdowns - then said that orgies were fine - and yet which, despite a shockingly compliant population, failed miserably to ever achieve its declared zero covid objective:

Bad Guys

Moscow warns US against 'using Zelensky regime' as proxy

© SputnikPeople wait at a bus stop, with a damaged residential building in the background, in the port city of Mariupol, Donetsk People's Republic, September 26, 2022.
Washington risks becoming a direct party to the war with continued arms shipments, Moscow's envoy warned.

Russia will act to defend all of its territory and people, as well as residents of regions in eastern Ukraine that voted to join the Russian Federation this week, Moscow's ambassador to the United States has said, accusing both Washington and NATO of stoking further violence with military aid to Kiev.

Asked about recent comments from US Secretary of State Antony Blinken - who said the White House has no problem with Kiev using Western arms to attack territories that voted to join Russia - Ambassador Anatoly Antonov warned that the weapons shipments only risk "further escalation of the conflict."

Comment: See also:


America Is Successfully Pursuing ESG = Extreme Shortages Guaranteed

Extreme Shortages Guaranteed
Everything that needs electricity is made with the oil derivatives manufactured from crude oil. In an all-electric world, there will be nothing to power without oil.

Energy growth, electricity AND the products made from oil derivatives manufactured from crude oil and the fuels to power ships, planes, militaries, and space programs, are directly linked to prosperity and well-being across the globe.

Today, most of the energy the world consumes is from hydrocarbons, with crude oil being the dominant source of transportation fuels. Today, crude oil is the ONLY source for the oil derivatives manufactured from crude oil that makes more than 6,000 products for society.

President Biden's U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) projections are that world energy consumption of crude oil, coal, natural gas, electricity from renewables, and nuclear will grow by 56 percent between 2010 and 2040. Without any replacements or clones to what fossil fuels can provide the EIA forecasts that fossil fuels will continue to supply nearly 80 percent of world energy use through 2040

President Biden and Sacramento leaders, from Governor's Brown, Schwarzenegger, and now Newsom, have supported reductions of in-state oil production. And all remain supportive of Biden's pledge that "we are going to get rid of fossil fuels".

Comment: See also: 'Green' energy is a Scam. It isn't MEANT to work.

Light Sabers

Scott Ritter interview: A New War

Map ukraine
© FacebookFour territories where referendums to join Russia were held.
How Donbass Joining Russia Just Turned the Tables on Ukraine

For eight years, Ukrainian nationalists have been brutally hammering home a clear message to the people of Donbass: "Go home to Russia! We don't want you here!" Every bomb dropped on Donetsk and Lugansk screamed, "Go to Russia or die!" The rape of every woman, the bones and flesh of every person blown apart in the markets of Donetsk, every splintered hospital, smashed church, every pile of rubble hollered, "Go back to Russia, filthy Moskal!"

Now, after eight long years of persecution by Ukrainian neo-Nazis, the people of Donbass have at last agreed to return to Russia. And they are taking their land with them.

After all, many of these families have lived in the Donbass region longer than Ukraine has been a country. For generations they have plowed the fields and mined coal, long before Ukraine became an independent nation in 1991, when the USSR breathed its last, gasping breaths.

After five days of voting, the final numbers are in for the referendums, which were held within four expansive territories in what was once Eastern Ukraine. The question posed to voters was simple.


Crimea: 'Donbass republics joining Russia marks a 'point of no return'

© UnknownCrimean Celebration 2019
Well, it seems the results are now in: The leaders of the Lugansk and Kherson regions have officially petitioned President Vladimir Putin to be accepted into the Russian Federation. This move follows successful referendums on joining Russia, with the overwhelming majority in favor of the historic move.

In a video address published on Wednesday, LPR head Leonid Pasechnik said his republic's citizens have not received any support from other countries, even though they have been continuously bombarded by the NATO-backed regime in Kiev for over eight years.

Vladimir Saldo, leader of the Kherson region, wrote to Putin asking that his territory to be accepted into the Russian Federation, stating that the people of Kherson have expressed their desire to "reunite with Russia," a nation which has "always lived in their hearts."

While Ukrainian comedian and President Volodymyr Zelensky insists the votes will change nothing, history and demographics are not on his side.

As Crimea can attest to, there is little that either Kiev or its backers in the West can do now to stop these regions becoming 'former Ukrainian territories.' The wheels of history are turning as we speak...


Russia issues emergency call to UN Security Council

© Liao Pan/China News Service/Getty ImagesUN Security Council • UN Headquarters in New York City
Moscow wishes to call an emergency UN Security Council session over the "provocations" at the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Wednesday in a Telegram post. Both pipelines were severely damaged earlier this week in what many suspect was a deliberate attack.

Danish authorities confirmed gas leaks from the pipelines not far from the island of Bornholm in the Baltic Sea on Monday after the operator reported a loss of pressure in both Nord Stream 1 and 2. Swedish and Danish authorities later confirmed a series of undersea explosions had been detected before the leaks were confirmed.

Russian, American, and Swedish officials all said that the damage might have been the result of a targeted attack on pipeline infrastructure. No suspects behind the incident have officially been named, although in a tweet former Polish foreign minister Radoslaw Sikorski "thanked" Washington for destroying the pipeline. Moscow, which called the incident a "terrorist attack," also named the US as a potential suspect.

Comment: See also:

Arrow Up

Putin's words must be taken seriously - Merkel

© Unkel/ullstein bild/Getty ImagesVladimir Putin and Angela Merkel
Western countries should take Russian President Vladimir Putin and his statements seriously, former German chancellor Angela Merkel said on Tuesday. Her remarks came after the Russian leader issued a warning to the West last week, noting that those who use nuclear blackmail against Moscow "should know that the wind rose can turn around."

In a rare public appearance at the opening of the Chancellor Helmut Kohl Foundation in Berlin on Tuesday, Merkel noted that Vladimir Putin's words should not be ignored.
"Not dismissing them as a bluff, but taking them seriously is by no means a sign of weakness. On the contrary, this is a sign of political wisdom, which helps to preserve room to maneuver or, no less important, even to develop a new one."
She was apparently referring to Putin's statement last week, in which he signaled that Moscow would use "all means to defend Russia and our people" if its territorial integrity is threatened.

Comment: The march to insanity continues...there are no second chances.


Denmark's Queen Margrethe strips four grandchildren of royal title, princes 'shocked'

Denmark's Queen Margrethe
Denmark's Queen Margrethe strips four grandchildren of royal titles. Official reason to allow children 'to shape their own existence' while mother of two princes losing titles 'shocked' by decision.
Denmark's Queen Margrethe, Europe's only reigning queen and the continent's longest serving monarch, has stripped four of her eight grandchildren of their titles, the palace announced.

The official reason was to allow the four children of her youngest son, Prince Joachim, to live more normal lives, and follows similar moves by other royal families in Europe to slim down their monarchies, the palace said.

"As of January 1 2023, the descendants of His Royal Highness Prince Joachim will only be able to use their titles of Count and Countess of Monpezat, their previous titles of Prince and Princess of Denmark ceasing to exist," a statement from the royal palace said on Wednesday.

Comment: And so we can see that they won't live 'normal' lives at all.


Best of the Web: Poland attacks Germany and blames Russia: The Bornholm blow up repeats the Bornholm Bash

nord stream attack
The military operation on Monday night which fired munitions to blow holes in the Nord Stream I and Nord Stream II pipelines on the Baltic Sea floor, near Bornholm Island, was executed by the Polish Navy and special forces.

It was aided by the Danish and Swedish military; planned and coordinated with US intelligence and technical support; and approved by the Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki.

The operation is a repeat of the Bornholm Bash operation of April 2021, which attempted to sabotage Russian vessels laying the gas pipes, but ended in ignominious retreat by the Polish forces. That was a direct attack on Russia. This time the attack is targeting the Germans, especially the business and union lobby and the East German voters, with a scheme to blame Moscow for the troubles they already have — and their troubles to come with winter.

Comment: See also: And check out SOTT radio's: NewsReal: Putin's New Move in Ukraine: Russian Referenda

Snakes in Suits

Ukraine can use Western weapons against 'territories seized by Russia' - US

ukrainian soldiers
© AP Photo/Evgeniy MaloletkaUkrainian soldiers target Russian positions from a US-supplied M777 howitzer in Kharkov Region, July 14, 2022.
US Secretary of State Blinken says Washington won't recognize "annexed" regions as Russian.

Washington has no objections to Kiev using Western-supplied weapons to target territories that may decide to join Russia, as the US considers the votes to do so illegitimate, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Tuesday.

The US and its allies have supplied Ukraine with a variety of weapons, including tube and rocket artillery. At a joint press conference with his Indian counterpart Dr. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar in Washington, Blinken was asked if the US had any objections to Ukraine using those weapons to attack targets in Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporozhye and Kherson, which just wrapped up a vote on joining Russia.

Comment: See also: