This Friday, January 24th, the UK Parliament is due to vote on a Private Member's Bill that could lead to mass starvation, widespread disease and fatalities and the almost certain collapse of civil liberties and society within a few years. The bill has the support of a third of voting MPs and there is a clear and present danger that it could pass. Many MPs depart for their constituencies on a Friday and 200 remaining zealots could have a chance to swing a vote their way.
The bill is a thinly-disguised attempt using meaningless climate and nature crisis verbosity to ration and control almost everything that citizens consume. The obvious attack on civil liberties should serve as a warning to other countries to stand against the Net Zero hysterics that have infiltrated large sections of elite British society.
The bill is coming up for its important second reading and is supported by around 200 members of Parliament, mostly drawn from collectivist, Left-wing parties. Promoted by the
Green Blob-funded Zero Hour, support for the
Climate and Nature Bill is widespread in liberal elites across Britain. Almost all the 72 Lib Dem MPs led by the clownish Ed Davey are on board along with 90 members of the governing Labour party. A variety of smaller parties are committed along with a couple of crackpot Conservatives, Simon Hoare and Roger Gale. In the House of Lords, the former TV presenter Baroness 'Joan' Bakewell is signed up, while Labour City Mayors Andy Burnham and the sinister Sadiq Khan also believe in the ghastly cause. The
Church Times reports the support of a
number of bishops including the other-worldly former Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams. In addition,
17 union chiefs, mostly from the non-wealth creating public sector, support the bill.
Starvation, death, disease and civil collapse - an emotional exaggeration or a reasonable conclusion once the facts are examined? Let us consider those facts, something that this unholy dark green money alliance of zealots and boobies do not appear to have done. (Apologies of course to those of them who, in fact, know exactly what is being planned and an earnest request for them to absent themselves from future polite and civilised society.)
The bill has two lines of attack, namely the removal of almost all hydrocarbon use in the near future and a complete ban on the production, exploration, sale or importation of hydrocarbons, referred to in the bill as "fossil fuels". It appears that a near 90% reduction in hydrocarbon use within a decade is sought and this would affect everything from the energy that heats homes and drives a modern economy to the medicines and food that sustains life. If such a plan was followed in the UK, almost immediate societal collapse would follow. People would freeze in winter, there would be no food in the shops or medicines in the hospitals and pharmacies. There would be no power to run sewage treatment plants or hydrocarbon-based chemicals to clean the water. A complete breakdown of law and order would be likely as citizens survive as best they can.
The bill is short on figures but it calls for UK total emissions of carbon dioxide to be limited to "no more than a proportionate share" of the United Nations remaining global carbon budget.
This "budget" is of course just a made-up figure, along with the 1.5ยฐC temperature warming scare. Paul Homewood has
run the figures based on Zero Hour's own calculations and notes that these suggest dropping emissions down to a third within five years. But this is not the end of the story since the bill mandates that an account must be taken of emissions released by all UK imports.
This takes the allowance down to around 10% of the current level. The reductions needed are barely imaginable and Homewood observes that a ban on all imported goods and food would still get the country nowhere near mandated targets. "Quite how we would manage to feed ourselves with half of our food supply gone does not seem to have occurred to the authors of the bill. According to Zero Hour, we would have to survive on 'low carbon fruit, veg, nuts, pulses and grains'," he reports.
It is obvious that industry would close, money would flee the country, ports and airports would shut due to lack of traffic, non-meat diets would be strictly rationed, cars would disappear from the roads and even local travel would become difficult. Under such circumstances, civil collapse would be more than likely and might only be averted by the imposition of strict emergency powers and the suspension of democratic liberties and institutions.
All justified, no doubt, in the cause of Saving the Planet.
The current promoter of the bill in Parliament is Roz Savage, a Lib Dem MP who spent part of her youth rowing single-handed around the oceans thinking about the climate and nature. At Cambridge University,
according to Wiki, she won a half-blue for competing in the Women's Lightweight Boat Race. Almost two years of paddling around the Pacific might have been better spent considering the vital role that hydrocarbons play in modern society. Almost half the food produced in the world is reliant on the use of fertiliser derived from hydrocarbons and the scourge of famine has been eliminated in many parts of the world due to its use.
How many supporters of this wretched bill understand how reliant humankind is on naturally-occurring hydrocarbons?
And how many care to educate themselves on how the science around climate has been traduced and capture by well-funded political activists, neo-Malthusians and grant-desperate academics. In turn this has produced a media echo-chamber promoting scares that are mostly fake and invented by rigged computer models. If we are charitable, perhaps excuses can be made for the level of ignorance shown by some supporters of the bill. They might not be aware, for instance, that apart from food, heating, transport and plastics, hydrocarbons are used
to make medicines. They are present in vaccines, injections and pills. Halogenated hydrocarbons are used in medicine to make anaesthetics like halothane, propellants for inhalers and sedatives like chloral hydrate.
A little science and realism might go a long way for supporters of a bill that seeks to ensure the end of the "exploration, extraction, export and import of fossil fuels by the United Kingdom as rapidly as possible". Even the mad Miliband, the current Energy Minister, accepts that gas has a part to play in keeping the lights on - hardly a surprise given the wind droughts of this winter, the lack of back-ups and the consequent need for up to 70% gas electricity generation. If realism fails to materialise there are tough choices ahead - who will step up to the plate to take away the life-saving heat that warms the homes of senior citizens or ban the inhalers that calm their winter asthma? Perhaps the
200 MPs listed on the Zero Hour site as supports of the bill will be asked such questions next time they seek the votes of the wider electorate.
Reader Comments
Since I'm the one purchasing, using and potentially wasting, shouldn't I be the one who decides what's "excessive"? And why on Earth would I "waste" precious hydrocrbons? They are expensive, no? It's Just Satan and his useful idiots disguised as nanny-state do-gooders again. If only they had the brain power to actually learn geologic climate history. Or maybe even how carbon dioxide isn't actually a poison.
"They don't believe theres a nature crisis?"
Brother, the only crisis here is your ilk's failure to THINK.
Believing in Satan would be more idiotic than the accusations against the "do-folders."
Apparently a great mind of yours has been getting to much carbon. Or have you not heard of hypercapnia or Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Poisoning?
If you call what you are doing as thinking then count me out as I'm sure books are like Kryptonite to you.
The UK doesn't even make up 1% (around 0.84 of 1%) of the world's population, so how on earth do they think when countries like China and India are increasing their hydrocarbon usage at levels equivalent of multiple times the UKs current totals every several years, they are going to 'save the planet' by reducing only theirs. I guess the reality is very few actually think, they just believe whatever crap is broadcast at them and obey accordingly. Truly enslaved.
Until the masses get their heads out of their ignorant, brainwashed arses this kind of abuse will continue, and continue to get worse. It would be good to see more independent journalism publicising who's getting rich/stands to get far richer off of these scams. And doing a better job of getting their message to the BBC watching, Telegraph/Mail/Sun/Times etc reading fool-masses of course.
Ignorance is a choice. Lazy is cowardly.
Be grateful someones invest in your betterment....
Nothing worse than chatting with a program.
Maybe the British agent Blavatsky is the linking element here ...
I'm sure your wife would disagree with that.
The first weeks this "thing" appeared here, the posts had a horrible grammar, no real textual structure, and hardly any correlation between subsequent 'utterings'. Like an autistic child.
That they obviously improved. Perhaps added more processing power, or updated the language model.
But still, the style of comments reminds me very much of "AI" (e.g. ChatGPT) answers you see on the internet. Circumspect, never a straight answer, and always interjecting distracting arguments. Especially if it comes to topics the coders "fenced in", i.e. which are taboo in the minds of the officials.
Discussing with such a troll bot is like nailing jelly to the wall.
Their task is to distract and derail, and suppress the appearance of certain topics, statements of facts and conclusions to appear or remain.
? Do you ever get tired of being a hypocrite? Or is your head stuck so far up your arse you don't notice anymore?
Yes, very much this. Have seen it on other forums that weren't moderated. I'd thought they were real people paid to attempt to derail conversations that got too close to the bone, make people not bother commenting or drive them away etc. But once pointed out it has a very synthetic vibe about it, never any rationalization or explanation, mostly school-playground level abuse. Artificial order follower would be a better name. These two definitely seem to act as a tag-team.
Fully agree with the rest.
The plandemic is a perfect example. Make people afraid of an invisible virus using videos of people gasping for breath. Voila, social distancing, masks, lockdown, injections of "safe and effective". Then add the WHO with power to exercise that globally.
"Global warming" is the next fear. Right, the CO2 from cars and cows' f*rting is causing horrendous climate change. All hype and BS. Is the climate changing? Of course. Should we eliminate 90% if the people and imprison the rest in smart cities? Stupidity to believe that.
Other fears, nuclear war, alien invasion.
As if a population ever silently and obediently starved to death if their absolutist rulers decided so. They will make their voices heard - with pitchforks, ropes, guillotines, or whatever ...
For one, most of the current narrative comes from the usual sources, and do not align with reality. Like the British propaganda campaigns about the Chinese comitting genocide on the Uighurs, or the "Ghost of Kiev" lately.
Fact is, a famine was recorded at that the same period across all Western Russia. And second, Galicia as the home of the most rabid russophobic Bandera lovers were part of Poland at that time.
And while the French revolution most definitely had a hefty amount of pre-planning and agent-provocateurs involved, large parts of the population <did> starve, and had not to be asked twice to go against the "nobles".
I've often used the tag line, 'Protect yourself, nobody else will'. - That is where this is all going. Get away from the crazies, become more self-sufficient. - Bail out!
My permaculture is thriving as is the raised gardens and the large greenhouse. I've got other assets and a way to protect myself. - I suggest others also follow that philosophy. - It is a matter for you, but DO NOT come begging for food from me.
Also, there is no protection from God's judgement.
The question is then if it is so easy to do then why doesn't one practice it already? I mean imagine the amount of money one could save. 8 kerosene lanterns but no idea of how to make the kerosene. Why if the store runs out then they are as useless as a car with no gas.
I'm a combat veteran, I've been at the 'coal face', it is NOT paranoia, it is REAL life experience. Been there, done that.
I've got plenty of kerosene stashed away. I know how to trim wicks and limit the use of the kerosene. I had nine kerosene lanterns, but a mate of mine visited and his daughter fell in love with one of the lanterns (she used it every night), so I gave it to her, along with three extra wicks. She can use that lantern the rest of her life if she has some kerosene stashed away (or traded for from dumb-asses that are clueless).
I've also got a gas/petrol driven generator (and some stored petrol) to provide some power for my deep freeze and refrigerator for about a month or more. By then I should have easily converted all the meat in the deep freeze to jerky. Heck, I just made another batch of kangaroo jerky today to store away in a sealed jar with white rice to fill in the gaps between the jerky.
Gawd damn mate, argue for your limitations and they will be yours!
McS didn't make personal attacks.
Your preparations are unnecessary and ill-conceived if you believe would make a difference if there was any sort of economic collapse because people don't ask for food in those events, they take it.
Humanity, shrunk, will pull through.
My psychological condition?? As if you even have an idea who I am, my education, my experiences. I likely have a stronger background in psychology than you as I was the person that started up the first 'group' sessions for Vietnam veterans with PTSD here in Australia.
"So you are able to feed the audience's fears", and now you are interpreting my posts as 'feeding the audience's fears'. - I have no interest in feeding anyone's fears, and bugger if I know who or what the 'audience' is.
You need to get out more, live some life, step away from the key board.
" if there was any sort of economic collapse because people don't ask for food in those events, they take it." - I live in a small rural community where I have earned a good deal of 'social credit'. We all tend to help each other around here. The economy is more of a 'gift' economy rather than a barter economy. Although I do have lots to barter with, including precious metals (it won't be MY economic collapse). And as far as anyone taking anything from me, like I said before, I'm a combat veteran, been there, done that - and I was good at it. I was the 'commander' of the enemy forces that used to set up the ambushes for the training of National Guard troops.
People who desire a sense of shared identity and camaraderie(like soldiers) are drawn into and manipulated by social media.
They lose their trust in mainstream media and the government which they then shift into less reliable sources that are better storytellers because of their use of resonant rhetoric and niche cultural elements.
When I was 10 I was having Vietnam Veteran group PTSD sessions with my uncle and Dad. And I promise you those were way worse than anything you experienced-one became an angry alcoholic and the other got angry at his wife so he went to her work and shot her 6 times with his shotgun.
Quรฉ debauchery!
Help is extended, exceptions & exceptional regions are real however proportional to frequency.
Only man can batter shatter and thrash the beautiful heart. ๐ซ
In their name we stand, uncompromised.
An exercising and honouring of the pre.sent. ๐
I agree entirely with this article. Scary stuff. Bill are passed, no one notices and then five years later the bottom drops out of the world!
The people of Blighty are spoiling for a fight with those in power who are ruining our once great country and fleecing the people to pay for mistakes and their malfeasance. The people of Blighty know how to band together to fight tyranny at home. There's a track record. Blighty gov't stooges of the NWO think that their technology will be a game changer, but this works both ways.
The resistance we have seen so far in places like Oxford and London is just the very tip of the iceberg. As the youth see their future evaporate, they too will want to get involved.
I hope the people are actually waking up. But the Blob will continue until forced to stop, so a fight is inevitable.
Bring it!
Look back over the last five ice ages average temperatures.
If you have your eyes open and your brain engaged that each Interglacial period ended with a ten degree centigrade rise right before the new Ice age began.
Currently we have a mere 1.5 degree increase in average temperatures since 250 years ago when the coldest period in 10,000 years was reached. Frozen river Thames etc.
If the averages repeat as they have done for the last 250,000 years we will see a further rise of 8.5 degrees centigrade within as little as the next hundred years before a dramatic cooling to 5 degrees cooler than today.
We are still in the grip of the Ice Ages and always have been.
The CO2 output is now double what it was two years ago because we have over 85 volcanoes currently active instead of the average 45.
Maybe Parliament could impose fines on those volcanoes.?
I am only referring to the average temp records over the last five ice ages,
Not manmade warming of the atmosphere with war, radar, radio,microwave emmisions. Not the free nuetrons released from nuclear tests and careless handling. Chernobyl and Fukushima,( which is still active in its meltdown phase.
Man made global warming is a lie and always has been, climate change never stops, yet it provides a distraction from our mess ups which are a lot worse than the CO2 problem.
There is strong evidence to suggest that CO2 follows temperatures and does not set them.
Fake politics, with fake messages has long been a problem ,these have affected the reporting by inserting politically driven naratives which ignore the evidence.
Thank you for you revealing your lack of understanding.