Good Optics Ok, so how does a "demonic ritual" ensure that people like it on air and buy it in stores.I don't know, but now I feel a lot better about only illegally downloading my music!
...Not so fast.
One example of what they do. When a new single is recorded the Master tape (old school, digital copy these days) is sent for mastering. a process of equalizing, compression and limiting to enhance the sound and to make sure you don't blow up peoples hi-fi systems. ...
In the wild "field" this beast lives in the Extremely Low Freq. range, though in that posted quartet I think he does mention piecing it together from higher/different bands. In the track being 'mastered' there's more freedom to place it where the machine wills it.Not sure if you are aware of this, but infrasound is long known to have a significant impact on humans. Not coincidentally in the spectral range identical to the brain waves measured via EEG. Usually, they evoke the effect associated with the specific brain wave band. Most militaries and police forces non-lethal have sound weapons, and there are rumors the Nazis worked on such a device (... as always).
The things found on 'mastered' recordings, though, that match up with the music almost surely point to it being imbedded intentionally, it just becomes a question of whether you're convinced that there is artifical speech there in places it shouldn't be. To help it be heard it's recommended to use good headphones or an actual high end type stereo (L-R) set-up with woofer vs. just a mono-, "tweeter" output from a laptop, desktop, or mobile device.
"The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side."
I was shown how you can even EMBED images into music, google "easter eggs" and you will even be shown how using differentiation in sampling rates can leave complete images (even programmes and games) in the frequency ranges not percieved by the human ear.Might be true for audio formats that store data as a compressed spectrum, like MP3. The same would apply to image formats with "lossy compression", like JPEG.
It is true. People download a free audio editor (audacity etc) and you can throw raw data into the spectrogram, images and even hidden speech or songs.
It seems like if these frequencies are the same that organism's nervous system's operate on there's the likelihood for interference or manipulation if it's not being monitored.Exactly. And this applies to basically all forms of energy that humans are exposed to, including EM fields. ELF/ULF transmitters, as had been used for submarine communication (in submerged state), are known to cause similiar troubles.
"It's like rayeeeaaaain on your wedding daaaaay"