SafeBlood Donation, which currently has members in at least 16 countries, has the long-term goal of opening blood banks that provide its members with unvaccinated plasma, VICE reported. According to George Della Pietra, the demand for "pure blood" has skyrocketed globally.
The Gateway Pundit previously reported that a peer-reviewed study in Italy found that 94% of people who experienced side effects after receiving mRNA vaccines had abnormal blood and contained foreign matter one month after vaccination.
The surgeons believed that the vaccine makers should provide an explanation as to what is within the shots and why those components are present. They said:
"In our experience as clinicians, these mRNA injections are very unlike traditional 'vaccines' and their manufacturers need, in our opinions, to come clean about what is in the injections and why it is there."For this exact reason, a lot of people refuse blood transfusion if the donor had received a Covid vaccination.
Pietra told VICE World News.
"I get hundreds of emails asking me, 'Do you have blood [available], because I have surgery coming up in three weeks. We want to be a platform for people who want to have the free choice of blood donors. Whether they think there is a real conspiracy theory going on, that the New World Order [is happening], or if they simply say 'I just don't want it' for whatever reason."In his own studies of vaccinated blood, Della Pietra claimed to have found terrible "contamination" in the COVID vaccine.
"I've never seen blood like this. This was, to be honest, the main reason I started the whole thing, because when I saw this, I was so horrified. The whole vaccination thing is from my point of view, mainly to do with controlling people."Natural News reported:
Right now, SafeBlood Donation has members in at least 16 countries where the goal is to establish blood banks that provide unvaccinated plasma for their members. The plan is also to pressure more hospitals and health authorities into allowing "directed donations" of specifically unvaccinated blood at traditional blood donation centers.The Gateway Pundit previously reported that a doctor from Canada shared on her Twitter followers that she was surprised when one of her patients declined to receive a blood transfusion if the donor had been vaccinated against COVID-19.
"Medical authorities only allow directed donations in specific situations where it is medically necessary, such as to source a rare blood type, but refuse growing requests for 'unvaccinated' blood on ethical and medical grounds," one media outlet reported. The reason why SafeBlood Donation is running into some difficulties with this is because the "official" sources, including the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), all insist that there is no difference between vaccinated and unvaccinated blood.
The expectation is that the current system will not comply with what SafeBlood Donation and its members are trying to do, so the inevitable outcome of this will be the creation of an entirely new blood donation infrastructure where only clean blood is allowed.
"So- this was a first for me. A patient declined blood transfusion if the donor had received a covid vaccination."Another doctor replied and expressed the same sentiment, "Sadly, we've had a couple of patients here with the same beliefs."
In September, a mother told TGP that her one-month-old baby died from a blood clot caused by receiving "COVID-vaccinated blood" during a blood transfusion.
"He died after getting a blood transfusion of vaccinated blood. He got a blood clot instantly after receiving his transfusion. A blood clot that no blood thinner could resolve."Hertzler claimed that her son was given the blood by the doctor at Sacred Heart in Spokane, Washington, without her or her husband's permission.
"The doctor gave him a blood transfusion because his hemoglobin levels were a little low. We had not given permission for this and the doctor knew we did not want vaccinated blood because we were worried about blood clots. The next day after the transfusion, they discovered a blood clot."Jessa Merrill, the Red Cross director of biomedical communications said:
"According to American Red Cross, they don't.label blood products as containing vaccinated or unvaccinated blood as the COVID-19 vaccine does not enter the bloodstream & poses no safety risks to the recipient. While the antibodies that are produced by the stimulated immune system in response to vaccination are found throughout the bloodstream, the actual vaccine components are not."
About the Author:
Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016.
Comment: To become a victim of the exponentially expanding global annihilation system, vaccination is not required.