guantanomo prison protest
"For now we see through a mirror, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known." - 1 Corinthians 13:12, The Epistles of Paul, the Holy Bible
The 'Smart City' will be reintroduced as the better option, in the present age of artificial supply-line disasters, manufactured 'cyber-terrorism', closing off access to banking, and critical infrastructure.

What have the technocrats learned from the twenty year studies of the lives of prisoners and prison guards who live-on-facility, from places like Abu Ghraib and Gitmo?

What has their study of pain, captivity, and punishment revealed?

How have the use of psychotropics, and studies into neo-Buddhist nihilism, been integrated into the elite's dream of a prison grid society, as specified in Klaus Schwab's "Covid19: The Great Reset" and "The Fourth Industrial Revolution"?

What if life in a prison city was 'better' in most respects than life outside the city? Would one feel imprisoned, or privileged? Would they dare venture beyond the city, even if they could? What if 'field-trips' into the wastelands were occasionally allowed?

Would they voluntarily be interned? Would they even experience it as imprisonment?

In what ways is this scenario different from the system of city-dwelling modernity already developing since the 1950's?

We will discuss the psychology of the prison grid society, and some of its basis, as these will characterize the new normal in the smart cities of today and tomorrow. In this way, we are building upon our work in Smart Cities & the End of the Era of Man.

Middle-class sensibilities about control, security, surveillance, economics, scarcity, finance, production, profit-motives are all irrelevant sensibilities in understanding the plans of the elite.

But there is a way to understand what a big part of this is really about. Since 9-11, citizens have been subjected to 'voluntary' unwarranted search and seizure just for the privilege to travel by air. The studies show terrorists aren't hindered by the TSA screenings. But innocent civilians are harassed, fondled, humiliated, their intimate belongings fingered, their possessions trashed in front of them, and onerous pre-boarding processes have discouraged travel. In light of the 'Green' agenda to Build-Back-Better, which includes reserving air travel for the very well-off, we can say in retrospect, this has been the goal.

How are torturers created? Dr. Mika Haritou-Fatourou found, summarized below, in the study of the ESA, the Greek Military Police Forces, under the old dictatorship:
"Young [...] healthy Greeks were recruited from the army ranks. They [...] had no criminal record. They couldn't be suffering from mental illnesses [...] because they would have been excluded from enlisting in the Greek Army. [...] they were sent to "torture training centers", where they were systematically shouted at, kicked, beaten, offended, terrorized and ridiculed.

Finally, a complex blood-oath ritual would make them part of the elite team.[...]

After training, they were described as sadistic monsters, who tortured, amputated and even killed suspects on a daily basis, for years, in order to extract information.
What can people be led, compelled, encouraged, and coerced to do once their spirit is broken?

We want to bring the reader face to face with this evil, to understand the macabre, to show that despite the framings of rationality, progress, technology, and reason, the real motor force is as timeless as it is sinister.

We observed at Abu Ghraib and at Gitmo, the torture procedures and the lives of inmates were only a part of the study in the creation of terrorists, as the other part of the study were the lives of the torturers and prison guards, who also lived as 'voluntary' prisoners at the same facility. Separated only in degree; degrees of movement, degrees of privilege, degrees of pain (the pain of delivering senseless pain, the pain of receiving senseless pain).

Just as the never-sent letters of the internee were examined in search of some truth, facticity, guilt, or clue, so too the movements, words, thoughts through the conversations and emails of the interners were examined in search of the same.
guantanamo bay prison yard interior
© Fort RussU.S Torture prison at Guantanamo Bay – guards and prisoners carry out near-identical patterns. PiP – a surveilled mess-hall for both guards and prisoners, alternated by time of day
Of course neither searching (nor finding) was ever really the aim, only the pretext which justifies the very system of stratification, subordination, humiliation, the system of different kinds of coercion, the techniques of supervision and control, which are simply ends unto their own.

The facilities such as Gitmo did produce usable intelligence, as exposed in the CIA's own Reports on Interrogation Methods. Rather, it is that these facilities come to exist and exist with public knowledge, which is the first point. Truly, the point is that this cancer now exists openly and identifiably, a mark upon consciousness that comes to be accepted, and then can grow, metastasize, all the while doing so under the rationalistic rationale of the marriage of an invisible and insidious threat with the technology to do so (need + ability).

The relationship between these 'centers for the study of pain' deal deeply in the questions raised by Nietzsche and later Foucault, whose thinking has both critically examined but also, as a byproduct, informed the technologies where psychoanalysis and punitive measures intersect.

These technologies are even openly celebrated, ritualized, and spun in ways where aspects of the process of extraordinary rendition, can be spoken of in analogies and metaphors to art - in fact overtly.
Marina Abramović art installation guantanamo gitmo prison cell
Scene from “Marina Abramović: The Rothschild Foundation Lecture”, attended by Jacob Rothschild – PiP – an actual cell at Gitmo
Through a public figure of the elite's sadism cult, Marina Abramovic at her Rothschild Foundation Lecture, an aspect of the technology learned from the study of pain and extraordinary rendition at the Guantanamo Bay torture facility is discussed with Jacob Rothschild through the medium of art and without overt reference to the facility or to torture by that name. Yet still:
"It was interesting how I could purify space [...] and people could stay there for very long periods of time. 12 days, no food, large quantity of water, no talking [...], no writing, no reading, sleep 7 hours; standing - unlimited; sitting - unlimited; lying - unlimited; shower - three times a day"
While Rothschild and Abramovic no doubt can remain veiled with the spectre of plausible deniability, because of 'art lectures' like this there will never be a leaked report that Rothschild was briefed on the new experiments on pain and consciousness carried out at these torture centers. One of the big takeaways from these is also that the prison guards were a part of the experiment, similar to the studies of Asch or the Milgram Obedience Study.

The works of Heidegger and Marcuse's wunderkind Hannah Arendt, as well as the 1961 interviews with Nazi war criminal Adolph Eichmann also provided a foundation for understanding how masses interact with institutional evil as a form of unquestioning obedience, and the normalcy (banality) of it all.

Abramovic's experiments also build upon the themes developed in MK-Ultra, where subjects to torture and brainwashing are not only voluntary but clamor for it - it is a privilege and something reserved for the elites. It brings to mind the history of potato eating in France.

This part of it is critical as we will see, in terms of the prison grid society of the smart city. Of course all prisons have guards, and we learn the best kind of guards are the unpaid kind. How can we turn the prisoners into guards?

The All-Volunteer Police Force: Casualties of Modernity

A new police, or rather prison guard, was created out of the refuse of humanity of the 3rd Industrial Revolution. Towards the defunding of the police, it was drawn from those poisoned by toxins, by a culture of anger seeking revenge, casualties of the war upon consciousness, performative hypersexuality at the expense of sexuality and love, a Molochian religion with Bacchanalian theatrics and divas, hormone blockers and pseudo estrogens in the food and water. The gender non-binary zombie army of cancel-culture marches onward, empowered by Zuckerberg and Dorsey, like an alcoholic beat cop, who is given authority by the state to act out his own trauma and neurosis upon the state-approved victim.

Then came a new breed of enforces to the gendarmerie, those controlled by fears of a politically defined 'pandemic', where the plague came to be defined by 'cases' and not by deaths, where cases came to be defined by a broken test and not by symptoms, where symptoms could be anything but also meant nothing, where the fiction of asymptomatic illness was re-introduced - bringing to the fore the spectre of mass hysteria - an air-born HIV, for which there is no cure but total submission and surrender to secular, worldly, forces.

The cancel-culture gender dysphorics, along with the voluntary enforcers of lockdown, vaccine, mask (those of the new apocalyptic religion, the Branch Covidians), their policing is done for free, relieving the state budget, creating a psychological crowd, in the sense of Le Bon, and composed of civilization's discontented in the sense of Freud, a mass of witch-hunters who are not paid by the church but instead go on dutifully paying their tithing.

The horrors of history are not the simple trajectory of bad men with their bad ideas per se, (which gives false hope that good men with good ideas can save us) but of increasingly totalized and totalizing mechanical forces beyond the control of individual men, so complex that they are possessed by the consciousness of netherworld daemons, where the dreamed-of utopias of humanist-idealists are inverted to dystopic, of the banality of bureaucratic 'decision' making, (justified often in part by lofty phrases and slogans, which invariably appeal to the middling classes of the day and age). This all comes together towards a grid of causality where naiveté and hubris act as agents of evil.

But how far back does the construction of a prison-grid society go? What was the thinking behind it, and how was it rationalized as 'good' in its time?

Bentham: Father of the Prison-Grid Society - 'Smart City'

Jeremy Bentham believed erroneously in the rationality of men, and the rationality of systems, that good itself could be rationalized in utilitarian fashion, as a hubristic projection in the rationality of himself who, perhaps in a way like Klaus Schwab, believed they could tame the inertia of historical, judicial, legal processes such to produce a corrective disciplinary system that would please the ruling class and also pacify the masses.

It is Bentham who at first childishly develops the system of the panopticon, where prison guards may be once unveiled face-to-face, then concealed behind a mirror, darkly. And through not knowing whether or not the guards are there watching or listening behind this mirrored glass, the prisoners themselves become their own prison guards. In the panopticon, rather than be idle prisoners, Bentham introduced a system of prison labor, and so naturally he proposed that this same efficient and utilitarian system also be used in schools and factories.
panopticon first industrial revolution Jeremy Bentham
Jeremy Bentham's Panopticon prison or labor factory – as illustrated in 1791
These were all the trappings of the 1st Industrial Revolution, in an age of transition, where the Enlightenment project itself tried, but ultimately failed, to rationalize the good. Utilitarianism is the example of this folly, leading to the idea of slave labor camps, whether for the purpose of prison, or for industrial labor, no real distinction can be made between ethical and efficient in the techno-rationalistic enterprise of early modernity, where one simply seeks pleasure and avoids pain.

Bentham took for granted what we would later call the Dickensian conditions of factory life which Adam Smith deplored in the study of the pin factory in his Wealth of Nations. And so the prison as an institution might 'reform' the interned by providing more stable, sanitary, safer conditions than the factory conditions of the late 18th century.

It takes this noble idea that people are born good, or at the very least a tabula rasa, and that institutions can form (or reform) them into efficient and productive citizens, but truly deforms it as the institutions themselves, as the definition of a 'productive citizen' is hardly distinguishable from a prison inmate.

Compared to the post-war boom of the 20th century, the rise of the industrial worker into the middle-class, prison life with 'meaningful labor' stood several orders of magnitude below this Dickensian standard of living, which 'clean, structured, safe institutions' might appear - from thirty-thousand feet - as a better option.

Yet the city-prison, the 'Smart City', will be reintroduced as the better option, in the present age of artificial supply-line disasters, manufactured 'cyber-terrorism', closing off access to banking, and critical infrastructure; and in short, all the features of the Great Reset both from pandemic and from 'eco-friendly' legislation.

For the world outside the prison grid city-state will not be rolling green hills and pristine forests with running waters that you can see.

Rather, an inverse Potemkin village will be constructed along the field-trip courses that self-driving cars take the curious inmate-citizens. As far as the eye can see, which is not very far in the scheme of things, there will only be a staged 'desolate wasteland' produced by 'climate change', while the real blooming nature may exist in planetary-sized Gardens of Eden which are the playgrounds of the 0.1%.

In our next installment on the matter, we will further develop our research and publish our startling conclusions in showing how elements of this already exist openly in the stated plans of the elites for the 'peaceful' nihilist city-scape on the horizon.
Joaquin Flores is Editor-in-Chief of Fort Russ News, as well as the Director of the Belgrade based think-tank, the Center for Syncretic Studies. Educated at California State University, Los Angeles, in the field of International Relations, he previously served as Chief Negotiator and Internal Organizer in several jurisdictions for the SEIU labor union in California.