deep state graphic
"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:32)

This is a speculative account based on personal experience and broad reading. In no way is it a substitute for a proper legal discovery process - but it could be useful in guiding such a process.

The recent arbitrary deletion with no appeal by Twitter of two accounts - one belonging to my friend Alt-Right white male Roger Stone [1] and the other to an Alt-Left black female activist who goes by the name of "Charlie Peach" [2] and reminds me of my friend Cynthia McKinney, [3] should be the death rattle of #GoogleGestapo. If Roger Stone and "Charlie Peach" were to sue Twitter together, in combination with my own lawsuit against three apparatchiks and their many co-conspirators, [4] and the new potentially formidable case by Prager University against Google, YouTube, and DOES 1-25, [5] I believe these three cases and perhaps others might converge in a most constructive manner assuredly in the public interest. The above juxtaposition is important - the Deep State is seeking to censor and in some cases digitally assassinate both those on the right and those on the left who challenge official narratives. This is discrimination based on political affiliation or belief.

While I identify the Deep State as the ultimate antagonist, it is the Zionists who have refined the system that the Deep State now uses to control social media and digitally assassinate critics and those espousing conservative values or support for the US Constitution as well as opposition to the prevailing "Israel First" mantra at the federal, state, and local levels. [6] "Hate speech" and related filters are code for repressing those critical of the Zionist and Deep State narratives, known in the aggregate as "Alternative Media." [7]

I have found it helpful to distinguish early on between a few very powerful extremist Zionists who serve a foreign agenda that calls for the complete subversion of the United States of America (USA) and other countries, and millions of loyal decent Jews world-wide, nine million of whom reside in the USA. My focus is on a limited number of extremists who are certain they are above all laws; they do not represent decent Jews - or the established religion of Judaism - as a whole. My focus is also only on social media control, not on other methods used by the Zionists to subvert entire countries. [8]

In combination with false flag [9] events that perpetuate a climate of fear and astronomic levels of spending on a militarized domestic total surveillance and control system in which police forces abandon community-based policing and go straight to treating the public as the enemy, with a complicit Mainstream Media (MSM), #GoogleGestapo has emerged as the social control mechanism of the 21st Century, not only blocking over 400 websites [10] (I suspect the number is much higher) but censoring millions and digitally assassinating tens of thousands of individuals, many of them in the USA. The intent of the Deep State has recently been made clear by one of its fronts, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR): dissidents and those who question authority should be treated as "domestic terrorists." [11]

I do not address the related issue of #GoogleGestapo as a global surveillance [12] enterprise violating all rights to anonymity, identity, privacy, and security - my focus here and now is on discrimination. [13]

It bears noting in passing that Fourth Amendment protections against search and seizure do not apply to third party cloud holdings - this is yet another sucking chest wound in the GooglePlex waiting for the law to catch up.

The Prager University team includes Alan Dershowitz, who is both a celebrated scholar and defense lawyer and an Israel Firster [14] - a mixed blessing when one is suing a Zionist system that is relied upon by the Deep State. Having this enormous but conflicted talent on the team reminds me of the Warren Commission, where Allen Dulles, the mastermind of the John F. Kennedy (JFK) assassination, was put on the Commission by Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ), the man who signed JFK's death warrant, to ensure that the falsehoods being put forward by the government were adhered to. [15] The Plaintiffs may wish to consider adding someone like Judge Andrew Napolitano to their team, and be most wary of Dershowitz negotiating a pro forma settlement behind the scenes that results in a limited victory that forestalls the much larger Title 7 challenge to the entire #GoogleGestapo system administered for the Deep State by the Zionists. I predict You Tube will quickly restore the videos in question and apologize, so as to stop this case, potentially the Title 7 [16] case of the century, from going to discovery, trial, and logical expansion.

Here is a simple example of a discovery question that the Prager U team could ask, given that they have over fifty videos that have been banned from YouTube:
Provide a list of all banned videos in the past five years, the specific reasons why each video was banned; and the identity of and contact information for each of the related individuals or organizations for each of the banned videos.
This matters because no one, anywhere, has been able to compile a list of all banned videos. The legal discovery process is the only means by which we can compel the revelation of this vital information while assuring that the resulting information is of evidentiary quality.

Properly done, a larger challenge would also document through a legal discovery process - and then hold accountable - organizations such as Kaspersky, Rolling Stone, Slate, Mother Jones, and others that have been lazy and allowed Zionist trolls to "game" their reporting systems and digitally assassinate individuals critical of Zionist Israel (or skeptical of the Deep State narrative) by submitting false reports of bullying, spamming, hating, and even - the latest - "X-Rated Content" such that entire web sites are blocked from being accessed. As Congress has recently determined, the social media endeavors - which should be but are not regulated as public utilities [17] - have been cutting corners on screening content, and been severely remiss in both technical and human quality control. [18] As most cases against the #GoogleGestapo monolith should show if legal discovery is pursued, there is both a failure to be serious in terms of properly screening content, and a double standard - those that agree with the Deep State - or serve the needs of the Deep State - are allowed to threaten assassination, spew hateful language, and crowd-stalk at will. Those that do not agree with the Deep State are at the capricious mercy of an unregulated system that excels at censorship and crowd-stalking with impunity. [19]

#GoogleGestapo Overview

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and In-Q-Tel, both early sponsors of Google and other social media innovations, clearly understood the value of these enterprises to create a desired "total surveillance" architecture. [20] It was the Zionists, however, who appear to have perfected a pervasive blend of people, organizations, and technologies to achieve persistent and pervasive censorship and crowd-stalking that is now in the service of the Deep State, both in the USA and around the world.

Below are the key elements of #GoogleGestapo based on my broad reading and direct personal experience. Pending proper legal discovery, I speculate that all levels are connected - this is a system.

- Deep State - banking families including Vatican, City of London, Wall Street [21]
- Zionist Government of Israel/Benjamin Netanyahu/Mossad [22]
- American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), Anti-Defamation League (ADL) [23]
- Eric Schmidt, Arnon Milchan, George Soros, Media Matters and many more
- Complicit Internet services companies including Facebook, MeetUp, Twitter
- Paid sub-contractors that do live-streaming defamation on command
- Paid trolls -- Israeli reservists, ADL, Media Matters and others
- Volunteer trolls too stupid to know they are being lied to -- sayonim
- Dumb algorithms and lack of investment in ethics, human oversight, etc. by design
- "Shadow banning" (demonetization), subscription list neutralization, service cancellation [24]
- Lack of government regulation, not holding social media to anti-discrimination standards

Not included in my own experience with #GoogleGestapo, but highly pertinent to YouTube's lack of professionalism in both algorithms and human quality control and respect for customers given the ease with which false reports can destroy entire channels, is the entire matter of grand-fathered changed terms of service, moronic keyword and meta data restrictions, and malicious copyright strikes (to include the destruction of negative reviews of a product) and copyright extortion. [25]

My Personal Experience

Live-Streamed Defamation

On 13 June I did a live-streamed interview with George Webb, whom I respect very much. He was being "handled" at the time by one Jason Goodman with Patricia Negron as his partner. In the course of that interview, [26] I raised the prospect of Goodman himself being handled - perhaps unwittingly - by the Mossad. I speculate now that legal discovery will reveal both monthly payments to Goodman on the order of $3,000 a month, and a pattern of email and cellular contacts suggestive that Goodman has been taking direction, first toward undermining George Webb (who was getting too close to the truth about the Awan brothers being patsies for a Mossad operation via Debbie Wasserman Schultz, spying on and blackmailing Members of Congress) and then #UNRIG, Earth Intelligence Network, and me. [27]

From that day forward, Goodman began a campaign of defamation, video slander, crowd-stalking libelous commentary, and tortuous interference that I have carefully documented. I will not litigate this case in public. Goodman and his many co-conspirators will have their day in court - but I note with interest that YouTube, a surrogate of Google, has not - despite my repeated complaints - deleted any of the many slanderous videos by Goodman, Negon, and "Queen Tut" now known to be Susan Lutzky. Based on my personal experience, I speculate that #GoogleGestapo - the full list of elements yet to be defined through legal discovery - is a co-conspirator with those who seek to manipulate public perception with aggressive character assassination and discrimination, the "Alt Right" and pro-Trumpers being top targets at this time. [28]

YouTube appears to be the most prominent element within which slander and libel occur daily - those with pro-Zionist opinions who parrot the government party line are protected - they slander and libel with impunity - while those who challenge Zionist atrocities and improprieties and the government party line find themselves de-monetized ("shadow-banned") or digitally assassinated - in many cases an entire life's work destroyed - with no recourse.

Below is a table of specific slanderous videos posted to YouTube (in red), and specific libelous crowd-stalking endeavors against third party videos (in black) in which I am interviewed, correlated with the collapse of our non-profit educational crowd-funding campaign at IndieGoGo (in green). [29]
third party attacks
Troll Armies - from Israel to Media Matters to the Sayonim

In my speculative view based on my direct experience, the Zionists have perfected the use of human trolls and automated bots; one overtly active Mossad collaborator can inspire a crowd-stalking campaign that mobilizes over 400 distinctly identifiable trolls and bots (my best guess is one third human, two thirds artificial). While I have no direct knowledge, my understanding from secondary sources is that there is a clear division of labor between Israeli Army reservists based in Israel, the primary Zionist agents in the USA, not only the ADL but also its parent organization AIPAC, and specific sympathetic organizations such as Media Matters, whose "troll army" has been widely publicized.

Then there are the sayonim. These are volunteers who buy the Zionist "party line" and dedicate themselves to destroying anyone they see as an "enemy" of the Zionists. I have dealt personally with many such individuals who have emailed me, and it is with great sadness that I report my impression that these people, while well-intentioned, are out of touch with reality and often poorly educated.

Below is a partial listing of specific trolls for whom I have in hand copies of defamatory statements suitable for submission to a Court, for YouTube only. I have another list and copies of defamatory statements for Facebook. Every single one of these individuals is discoverable in true name via legal discovery, and can be held to account as a crowd-stalker and co-conspirator.
crowd strike co-conspirators
In my direct personal experience, these troll armies are very capable at persistent pervasive crowd-stalking. Every YouTube channel I have appeared on has been attacked (not just current, but past), to the point that most of my hosts have been forced to disable all comments, depriving the honest viewers of the interaction that I take pains to provide when not being crowd-stalked. Many hosts have not invited me to return, perhaps influenced by the demonetization ("shadow-banning") of any interview with me rather than the substance of my work that led to my being recommended for the Nobel Peace Prize in January 2017. [30]

These crowd-stalkers have also, on occasion, succeeded in getting videos deleted by marshalling multiple reports of "bullying" which is patently absurd in my case, but effective when YouTube is lazy (or complicit). Here is one case of a perfectly reasonable interview deleted by YouTube - there are others.
Steele, Robert, with Kenneth Ameduri, "Another False Flag? What Evidence Shows Us About The Las Vegas Shooting," Crush the Street(Audio, 30:57), October 17, 2017.
In my direct personal experience, these crowd-stalkers are skilled at destroying fund-raising campaigns, to include pursuing all 1,500 Facebook shares (in the case of the #UNRIG IndieGoGo-Generosity campaign) such that a campaign raising $29,237.44 the month prior to the crowd-stalking, can quickly be brought down to $8,054.14, then $4,733.41, then $1,200 or so in two subsequent earnings. The most recent was $542.51.

In my direct personal experience, these crowd-stalkers engage in campaigns of defamation intended to make their target destitute. Apart from alienating all possible donors, funding channels such as IndieGoGo and PayPal appear to receive hundreds of emails claiming that a particular individual, organization, or campaign is a scam or a fraud. To their great credit, both IndieGoGo and PayPal have proven to be steady level-headed organizations able to discern such obvious defamation endeavors in my specific case, but I am troubled by some instances where they have closed accounts on the basis of what appear to me to both illegal and often capricious discriminatory actions.

In my direct personal experience, these crowd-stalkers do not read. They worship at the altar of video and social media blurbs. They are so myopic that they are incapable of visiting my personal website where my life's work is free online, including two books with Forewords by US Senators, and my recent recommendation for the Nobel Peace Prize. [31]

Media "Hit Jobs" On Demand

I appeared on Alex Jones' InfoWars on 29 June 2017, speaking for two hours on the subject of pedophilia. [32] Few people know that I am both a Commissioner for the International Tribunal for International Justice (INTJ) [33] and its project on elite pedophilia led by Chief Justice Sir John Walsh of Brannaugh, and I am also nurturing a book by West Point graduate Joachim Hagopian, Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy, and the Deep State. [34] My remarks clearly scared at least one major pedophile in the media world. On the very same day, Ben Collins at The Daily Beast published a story intended to discredit me, "NASA Denies That It's Running a Child Slave Colony on Mars," that was quickly repeated by Peter Holley of The Washington Post and then a number of other international outlets. [35] This stuff does not happen by accident. This was a hit job.

During a two-hour interview with Alex Jones, I spoke in depth about pedophilia and the fatal exploitation of children (on Earth), including their murder and the harvesting of their blood, body parts, and bone marrow. Only at the very end, in answer to a caller who in retrospect may have been setting me up, did I address children sent into space on "20 year and out missions" to leverage growth while in transit; and an existing colony on Mars, established fifteen years ago, with 10,000 people there now. [36]

The Daily Beast conflated these three completely separate factual concepts to discredit me. I believe that legal discovery will determine that Ben Collins was "fed" the conflated false story and lacked the integrity to refuse the lead. Who, exactly, put Ben Collins on to this story and authorized the follow on by The Washington Post is discoverable by due legal process. If I had to guess, I would look to Media Matters, which is led by an individual with some serious issues, and "ruthlessly targets conservatives." [37]

This aspect of #GoogleGestapo represents the total complicity between the MSM and the new social media control network - the larger "system" is comprehensive and includes - in addition to the ability to marshal public communications including Hollywood movies - the ability to interfere with commercial contracts.

Meet-Up Pro Account Termination

In early July 2017, when Cynthia McKinney agreed to join me in leading #UNRIG, [38] a non-violent fact-based alternative to #RESIST, I committed to a $77,300 per year paid professional MeetUp network of 435 fully-integrated MeetUps (one for each Congressional District). At the same time I published the below concept graphic for billboards and bumper stickers.
America Israel first bumper sticker
Almost immediately (with notification to me on 14 July via email), the CEO of MeetUp, Scott Heiferman, appears to have personally ordered the cancellation of our 435 MeetUps, giving up $77,300 in revenue. This is the same CEO who is collaborating with the ADL to sponsor 1,087 #RESIST MeetUps for whom the fees have been waived - hence MeetUp appears to be providing an illegal, undeclared, in-kind donation to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) of over $195,000 dollars. The ADL is the co-sponsor of all 1,087 #RESIST MeetUps. I speculate - subject to legal discovery at the appropriate time and place - that the ADL directed Scott Heiferman to cancel our #UNRIG professional network. [39] This action was so outrageous it inspired the below cartoon by Robert Ocegueda.
#unrig cartoon
I would not be at all surprised to learn that the ADL (or its higher master, AIPAC), provided $77,300 to Meet-Up as a covert substitute payment, and perhaps also paid the $195,000 in "waived" fees. All of this is discoverable by due process of law.

Denial of Service Attacks

When all else fails, do denial of service attacks. We have been shut down for as long as a week. Fortunately these brute force attacks - while demanding time and money to defeat - are moderately moronic. I have much more admiration for the manner in which the Zionists subvert otherwise well-intentioned institutions (including in my own experience, the various newspapers in the United Kingdom (UK) that very stupidly censor commentators reported by the Zionists to be spammers and haters, without bothering to actually read the content in question).

It has been amusing for me to trace some of these denial of service attacks to rogue elements of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) as well as Delphi in Ashburn, Virginia. If and when a full legal discovery process can take place, specific chains of command can be identified.

X-Ratings Across Microsoft via Kaspersky

I don't make this stuff up. A fan - we have millions of them - sent me the below graphic.
Kaspersky security denial
Kaspersky is not stupid - they are just lazy, as are all others who rely on automated processes to filter out individuals and sites on the basis of what are largely false reports from Zionist trolls.

What the above really means is that the Zionists have successfully fooled Kaspersky - and perhaps Norton and others - into X-rating a non-profit educational website that sets the gold standard for truth in public service. This means that citizens in libraries, universities, and government agencies as well as corporations who have legitimate needs for access to truthful information are being blocked by Zionists who have mastered the art of censoring information critical of Zionist Israel or the larger Deep State.

As someone who has managed a false flag operation for the CIA, and who is a top published author on the topics of deep state, false flag operations, pedophilia, and fake news (and rarely but sometimes about the holocaust and Zionist subversion), I speculate that my non-profit educational website is triggering just about every flagword on the Deep State / Zionist watchlist - a watchlist that is "Top Secret" and not subject to any form of Congressional or judicial oversight. The First Amendment consequences are staggering, completely apart from a global conspiracy to commit tortuous interference against hundreds of thousands if not millions of individuals and organizations.

My Personal Conclusions

All Paths Lead to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL)

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) appears to be the Zionist social media spy service and enforcer. [40] In the early years of social media, the ADL and the Zionist Information Operations (IO) units - generally reservists is Israel - appear to have perfected the art of digital assassination. Anyone critical of Israel and Zionist atrocities (such as the genociding of the Palestinians) or calling for the boycott of Israel in social media was immediately "reported" by no fewer than twelve Zionist trolls as being a spammer, a hater, or - as has been used to successfully cause the deletion of three interviews of me at YouTube [41] - a "bully." They seem to have perfected the art of gaming the system - from Kaspersky to Rolling Stone to Slate to Mother Jones and all other sites, the "system" is on automatic pilot and anytime twelve or more "reports" come in, they are assumed to be authentic and the person being reported is automatically assassinated - banned, blocked, deleted or in the case of Kaspersky, "X-Rated." I experienced this personally and found that none of the organizations where this process works to the Zionists' complete satisfaction are competent at detecting and neutralizing digital assassination - nor do they care - they are part of the system, with malice aforethought.

#GoogleGestapo: A Work in Progress

Eric Schmidt was hired by Larry Page and Sergei Brin to build Google after they stole Yahoo's search engine, [42] received funding from Dr. Rick Steinheiser in CIA's Office of Research and Development (ORD), [43] and picked up the best and the brightest from Alta Vista that was suffering under Hewlett Packard (HP) dysfunctionality. [44] It was probably Schmidt that master-minded the illegal, undeclared in-kind contributions from Google to the Hillary Clinton campaign, manipulating search results so that "Hillary + Crime" become just Hillary, and "Trump" became Trump plus Hitler. [45] Schmidt went on to create a virtual Censorship Board that included Facebook and Twitter and others, and began actively manipulating, across all social media, not just searches, but polls and trending. Most recently Twitter has admitted that in the weeks leading up to Election Day it repressed substantial numbers of tweets critical of Hillary Clinton or referring to alleged pedophile John Podesta's emails. [46] Today I see the Censorship Board actively demonetizing, [47] censoring, and assassinating - digitally assassinating - anyone who they judge to be a source of "fake news" which is to say, any source that disputes the MSM and USG narratives that are so obviously false themselves.

I have learned recently that Eric Schmidt is so proud of his Censorship Board [48] and his ability to control, censor, and manipulate social media, that he has offered this system to the People's Republic of China (PRC) - Communist China. Imagine the irony. Made in the USA by Zionists, totally satisfactory to Communist China. [49]

I must also observe that Google appears to have become an alternative to the CIA, a full-fledged covert operations organization where Zionist Jared Cohen is totally enamored of regime change operations and the digital assassination of dissidents [50] in every dictatorship the USA loves (which is to say, all of them less North Korea and Cuba), [51] and the active manipulation of information to serve his Deep State masters including the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) - the same organization that has recommended that US citizen dissidents be treated as "domestic terrorists." [52]

The Zionist Double-Standard

What is quite clear to me is that no one is holding the Zionists (or other elements of the Deep State) accountable. For all of the misplaced focus on Russian efforts to "hack" the election - a pack of lies that I and others have compellingly challenged [53] - no one has raised the obvious point that the pernicious influence of Israel is everywhere and the Zionist attacks on all of us are carried out with impunity.

A double-standard appears to exist. It is "okay" for Zionists to call for the assassination of Barack Obama, or Donald Trump, or Roger Stone on Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube, but it is not "okay" for Prager University, [54] to take the most important case of our time, to espouse conservative values consistent with the US Constitution and all that it represents; nor is it "okay" for me to question the official narrative despite my unique qualifications for doing so as a former spy who has managed a false flag and covert media influence operations, and is in passing the top Amazon reviewer for non-fiction who has also been recommended for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Snap-Shot of the Zionist Attack Machine: Six Ways, Ninety Days

Using #UNRIG and myself as a case study, I speculate - subject to legal discovery - that I have seen #GoogleGestapo apply against #UNRIG, Earth Intelligence Network and me a total of six methods in ninety days (there may be more).