Evil woman.
There's always been something special about the United States of America. President Abraham Lincoln called us the "last, best hope of earth." President Ronald Reagan said we are a "shining city on a hill." And Robert Kennedy called us a great, unselfish, compassionate country.

I couldn't agree more.

Comment: Newsflash, Killary. Lincoln and Kennedy were talking about a different country. Certainly not the America that exists today. Kennedy was the Obi Wan Kenobi of Lincoln's "best hope". America today is the Empire. The same Empire that killed him and his brother. The same Empire you represent.

If there's one core belief that has guided and inspired me every step of my career in public service, it's this: the U.S. is an exceptional nation. And when you add up all our advantages, it's clear we're indispensable too—a nation all others look to for leadership.

Comment: Exceptional in its capacity for plunder and murder. Indispensable for an oligarchic class that will hold on to power at all costs. No, countries do not look on the U.S. for leadership. Leadership is either imposed in the form of coercive control, or utter destruction. And that isn't leadership at all.

America is indispensable in part because we have the greatest military in history, with the best troops, training and technology. And it's essential we do everything we can to support our men and women in uniform, and our veterans.

Comment: You have that right. Might makes right for the American Empire. The best way to enforce it is to be exceptionally militaristic and exceptionally brutal.

America is also indispensable because of our network of alliances, built up with decades of diplomacy. Russia and China can't begin to compare. Our allies amplify our power, aid our defense and stand with us in good times and bad, like when NATO declared 9/11 to be an attack against all its members. Walking away from our alliances now would be a dangerous mistake.

Comment: Diplomacy. We do not think that word means what you think it means. Russia and China vastly outclass you there - they actually negotiate. Your alliances aren't equal partnerships - they are vassal-subject power dynamics.

America is indispensable because we have the largest, most dynamic economy in the world. Our workers can out­innovate and out­compete anyone in the world. And our entrepreneurs start exciting new businesses every day.

Comment: And you only have the most money because you steal it from poor nations. You are a parasite.

Most of all, America is ­indispensable—and exceptional—because of our values. As Secretary of State, I was proud to represent our country's commitment to freedom, equality and opportunity. The world looks to us to stand up for human rights, LGBT rights, religious and ethnic minorities, women, people with disabilities and people everywhere who yearn for peace. We challenge ourselves and other nations to do better. It's why so many people from around the world want to become Americans too.

Comment: Your values are exceptionally psychopathic and hypocritical. You allege to stand up for human/LGBT/religious/woman rights, and yet you bomb hundreds of thousands of these people to death all over the world. And you support regimes who are some of the worst violators of these rights in the world.

But with all of these advantages comes ­responsibility—we need to continue leading the world. Because when America fails to lead, we leave a vacuum that lets extremism take root, emboldens our adversaries and discourages our friends.

Comment: You are a delusional fanatic, sorry to say. Extremism won't take root when your Empire crumbles. There's already a better alternative, one you are trying your best to destroy: Russian Actions in Syria Part of Radical Remaking of Global Order: A New World Awaits

Of course, this doesn't mean that people from other places don't also feel deep national pride—and other countries also have a responsibility to step up and help solve global problems. But America has an unparalleled ability to be a force for peace, progress and prosperity around the world. And when we do, we make our own country safer and stronger.

Comment: Peace, progress and prosperity? This woman has completely lost it.

So let's never stop doing good and being great. Let's keep America exceptional.

Comment: "No, thank you." --Signed, the rest of the world.