kid feet dog feet
Niki Boon began photography while working as a physiotherapist in Scotland. Her interest waned as life got in the way and her traveling took her far away from her beloved darkroom. It was not until she returned home and settled down to start a family that her passion for pictures reignited.

Boon developed a photo series called "Childhood in the Raw", in which she documented her four children as they went about their technology-free life from the family's acres of property in rural New Zealand. The children do not have a TV or modern electronic devices, nor are they schooled.

She decided soon after enrolling her children in a school that disallowed computers and TV in early education that this philosophy would govern the entirety of their lives; rather than forcing traditional education, the children are encouraged to read and research as they discover new information.

This boundless freedom from technology has allowed her children to "make their own fun. They are uninfluenced by TV programs," she said.

Perhaps this approach to education and way of life in a technology-driven world will prove successful enough that future generations will be inspired to put down their phones and tablets, and instead explore the world around them.

Below are some examples of Boon's work.

boy in a box mask
kids with ice cream bars
kids playing outside
kids on a path
kids playing