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Water: it makes up the majority of our planet and our own bodies, filling everything from the earth and skies to our own cells. Yet what is actually known about this mysterious substance, so vital to life? It may surprise us to find that, despite its prevalence in our lives, scientists admit that there is still a great deal to learn about water. Does water have a "memory"? Are there really only three phases of water (liquid, solid and vapour) or is there a "fourth phase of water?" Does water create energy? When we speak to water, does it listen? Is there a structure to water?

All of these topics and more will be explored today on the SOTT Radio Network's Health and Wellness Show. Join us every Friday at 10am EST as we expose the lies and emphasize the truth about health in our modern world. With us, as always, will be resident animal health expert Zoya with her weekly Pet Health segment.

Running Time: 01:49:00

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Here's the transcript of the show:

Jonathan: Welcome everybody to the Health and Wellness Show. It is Friday, February 19, 2016. My name is Jonathan and I'll be your host for today. Joining me in our virtual studio from all over the planet we have almost full compliment today. Elliott is not with us today so we will miss him and hope that he is well. But we have Erica, Tiffany, Doug and Gaby. Hey guys.

All: Hello's.

Jonathan: So today our topic is water. It's obviously a vast topic. It's one of the most well known and most mysterious substances in our reality, that makes up the majority of our planet and our bodies yet we don't really actually know a whole lot about water despite what you may think. The basic scientific facts are known but scientists admit that there is still a great deal to learn about water. For instance, does it have a memory of some sort? Are there really only three phases of water; liquid, solid and vapour? Is there some sort of fourth phase which is not well understood? Does water actually create energy on its own? Does it retain intent? There are some of these seemingly esoteric aspects of water which are actually not that esoteric when you think about it. They're just not very well understood. Some of these things have been shown to have very concrete or physical effects on the structure of water and the things that it does so we'll dive into that today. So it should be a pretty interesting show.

Let's get right into it. We watched a couple of documentaries this week. We'll get into the second one later, but the first one was very interesting. It was Water Memory, which is on YouTube. It's about Luc Montagnier who is the scientist who discovered the HIV virus, not to be redundant because the "V" stands for virus, but he discovered HIV. And then he spent quite a bit of time researching water later on in his career and his really interesting experiments on water memory wherein they actually - if I can get this right - he got the electromagnetic signature of DNA, played that in an audio, vibratory way into this water. You guys correct me if I get this wrong. They diluted the DNA into the water so much so that they could safely assume that it was no longer actually in that water and then they ran audio through the water and recorded it, took that signal and then sent it digitally from France to a school in Italy wherein at the other university they took the digital recording that was sent to them, played it back into a sample of water and then read the electromagnetic frequency from that and there was a 99% match to the original DNA.

Doug: Yeah, and even to the point where they were able actually reconstruct the DNA by putting the component parts in an enzyme that is usually used to reconstruct DNA and that enzyme was able to read that electromagnetic signature and reconstruct the DNA.

Gaby: That was pretty amazing because the enzyme, the PTR, polymer chain reaction which is a test they use to make DNA analysis it seems that the enzyme can take the ghost imprint and make real DNA out of it. It's spooky.{Laughter}

Doug: Yeah.

Jonathan: Yeah, that's pretty wild.

Erica: It was also very sensitive to electromagnetics too, so when they were trying film the process they made everyone turn their cell phones off and even the camera equipment was enough of an electrical signature for it to affect the water.

Gaby: Oh yes. For me that was very surprising because they not only switched their phones off, they took the batteries out of the cell phones to create the least possible interference. It makes me think twice about cell phones.

Doug: Yeah, how much is it affecting you, especially if we're 70% water? It was interesting too as I was reading a little bit more about the experiment, apparently what they did - they didn't go into this in the documentary so much - but beforehand played an audio track of the frequency of the earth to the water to try and get as neutral a signature as possible in the water before they started the experiment. So it makes sense that they would say if the planet is always giving off this frequency it makes sense that water is always exposed to this frequency, so to get the baseline neutral state they played that frequency to the water to get that baseline. I thought that was interesting too.

Tiffany: Do you mean the Schumann resonance, the 7.8 Hz?

Doug: I believe that's the case, yeah. It's interesting too because I've heard of people using that frequency as a means of getting themselves to baseline, to ground themselves using different frequency generation, whether it's audio or using light pulsing as well at that frequency to get themselves back to a baseline after we're exposed to all these different frequencies over the course of the day, many of them harmful I'm sure.

Jonathan: If you look back at our show with Larry Bowers, we're just completely saturated with all sorts of frequencies all day long and many of them definitely harmful.

Doug: Yeah, for sure. It's interesting too that Luc Montagnier who was doing these experiments with the DNA and sending the electromagnetic signature through water, how much his work was dismissed by a lot of the scientific community were calling it quackery and that there had to be some kind of trick and all this other kind of stuff. It's so interesting that you get these kinds of reactions because it is a revolutionary type of idea, but how closed minded the scientific community is to this kind of thing. One person even referred to it as pathological science. It's the idea that somebody makes this great discovery and the first reaction of the majority it seems, of the scientific community, is to be completely dismissive and to call it quackery.

Erica: Yeah, the implications are huge.

Gaby: Yeah. I heard that he was very criticized in France to the point that he decided to do his research in China who was receptive and I think France pretty much shot themselves in the foot because it was great research. Luc Montagnier's mentor was Jacques Benveniste, who also did similar research, more along the lines of supporting homeopathy. There was a witch hunt against him in France.

Tiffany: They actually sent scientists and a magician to his lab to watch him recreate the experiment. He was upset with it because at one point the magician was doing tricks trying to distract the researchers as they were trying to do the experiment. Every time I've read about the memory of water or Jacques Benveniste, they always put the "alleged" memory of water or the "purported" memory of water, or water that "supposedly" has these qualities. They're just basically saying that it's crap without coming out and saying it out right.

Doug: Apparently to Jacques Benveniste they just kept making him do more and more stringent things to his experiments because they weren't satisfied with what he was doing; "Well you have to do it this way" and "You have to do it that way" until it failed essentially. So they kept pushing him to change the experiment until it failed and then they were like "See? It failed!" It's unbelievable! It's funny because Jacques Benveniste - I mean it's not funny at all - basically he was ridiculed so much that a lot of people actually say that that's what led to his death in 2004, that he was so maligned. I think he even got sued for trashing the name of the institute that he worked for. It's unbelievable the negative reception that these people get when they're trying to do this honest, scientific work.

Tiffany: It poisoned him. It's not like he was just some quack off the street. He was a very mainstream science guy before he decided to go on to this experiment and they just completely obliterated him.

Doug: Yeah. It just goes to show that there are these areas in science that are taboo, they're unacceptable. As long as you stay within what's already accepted, and just make little discoveries within that you're okay. But as soon as you branch into more radical areas you're completely maligned. People will not accept it.

Gaby: I have a great quote here by Jacques Benveniste. He said, "Sudden witch hunts or McCarthy-like persecutions will kill science. Science flourishes only in freedom. The only way definitely to salvage conflicting results is to reproduce them in the event that all of us are wrong in good faith. It is no crime but science as usual and only the future knows. " He was really persecuted in France. I know that he got his research funding cut and he was rejected by his peers and he was finally sacked from his job at France's government science medical research body which is called INSERM - Institute National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale. He was all that in Paris. He was a future Nobel Prize winner.

Erica: But he died before he could pursue that.

Doug: Well even Luc Montagnier is a Nobel Prize winner as well for his research on AIDS/HIV. For his discoveries there he won the Nobel Prize. I even saw one quote where a guy said that for his experiments on water and DNA he should be given the "ignoble" prize.

Jonathan: It makes you wonder what is so threatening about this? I can understand, even though I don't agree with other aspects of scientists being closed minded and skittish about things on the perceived fringe. But even if I stretch my imagination, this does not seem that fringe to me that it would scare people. I'm curious about what is so threatening about this kind of research.

Doug: Oh, it's a big stretch of the status quo.

Tiffany: I can't imagine that either. I was thinking about that. With individual scientists, they always poo-poo certain breakthroughs, but I wonder, do they know it's going to be revolutionary and that's why they do it or are they just so egotistical and just want to stay mainstream and get their funding and all that? Is that a part of it too?

Doug: I think it is a part of it.

Gaby: I think it opens the doors for non-materialistic science so that can be pretty scary for a lot of the mainstream people.

Erica: And that affects every aspect of life, every aspect.

Doug: Well the implications are pretty huge if you look at it from the system as it exists right now. If people are able to take electromagnetic signatures of a substance and dilute it in water and make it just as effective or maybe even more effective in some cases, which you can see with homeopathy, then think about the hold that big Pharma has and how easily that would be subverted. Even if you were just dealing with big Pharma drugs, if you just dilute the drug, once you have the electromagnetic signature you have an unlimited supply of that drug. You start with one pill and then from there you can treat an infinite number of people. It's a threat to the cash flow for one thing.

But I think that Gaby's totally right too. On an individual level you have this atheist, materialist attitude or ethos within science and anything that threatens that is dealt with very negatively. Anybody who has this kind of belief that everything must be material, all that exists is material reality and then anything that challenges that is a serious threat. What if there's more to life than just material reality? I think a lot of people don't actually want to look at those implications.

Tiffany: Well that would explain why the experiments didn't work when they kept trying to recreate it if you consider the observer bias. If you go into it with a very materialistic attitude and if you consider that water has memory and it reacts to both positive and negative emotions, these scientists go in there with such negativity against the water in the first place, then no wonder the experiment didn't work when they tried to recreate it.

Gaby: You have to treat water with love.

Doug: Yeah, exactly. When somebody goes into something with the attitude that they want to debunk it, then they will. They'll find something to debunk what they're doing. The whole point of science is to be as objective as possible, to not go in with any kind of bias, but a debunker, at the very fundamental level is not a scientist. They have an agenda to debunk. It's the whole thing of looking for black swans - maybe I shouldn't go into that because I forget exactly how it goes. If you believe that there are only white swans, any evidence of a black swan should immediately throw your theory out the window. But these people aren't looking for black swans and they're hell bent on only seeing white swans. I don't know if that was clear or not.

Erica: Well also realizing the importance of water too, all the signatures and how it can be affected at such micro levels takes away the responsibility of people to tend to the environment and care for it, industrial waste, agricultural waste. It makes it a responsibility for each individual to do what they can not to completely pollute their environment and their body as well.

Gaby: And I think this kind of research also will help to demonstrate how harmful environmental toxins and vaccines are in the body. They have the potential to do that. And I think some people might be aware of this because even in the documentary it was discussed, how this could open a new door for diagnostics and treatments that are cheap and widely available and I think also for a lot of corporations.

Doug: Well even in the vaccine industry too you see how this kind of information could be a threat. The whole model of vaccines is that you take a pathogen and you inject it so that theoretically the human will then form a natural immune response against that. But there are all kinds of problems with that model. But this is very similar to what homeopathy has been doing for a long time, where they're just taking the electromagnetic signature - if that is indeed what's going on, because it's been so diluted that that's all that's left, there's no actual substance - and introducing that orally so that it actually comes into contact with the immune system in the way that it normally does. You can see how this would be much more effective than the current vaccine model. And of course homeopathic remedies are sold for six or seven bucks versus vaccines. I can definitely see how this is a threat to what exists currently and you can see why homeopathy is so attacked by the mainstream as being quackery and whatever else.

Erica: Without all the side effects, right?

Doug: Exactly!

Jonathan: Yeah, that makes sense. It seem like maybe there's two sides or more, the regular pedantic scientific bias which says, "Well this is weird and this is strange and it's not normal to me so I'm going to be scared by it and fight against it". There's that very basic emotion. And then like you said, a more profit-motivated, actual strategic plan again some of this information coming out.

Doug: Well looking into the history of the AMA, the American Medical Association, there have been several books written about how homeopathy was actually quite prevalent in the 1800's. There were schools set up that were completely dedicated to homeopathy and the American Medical Association basically formed and came in and some people even say that their whole raison d'être, the reason that they came to be, was to push out homeopathy and they were quite successful in doing that. It was very common for doctors in the 19th century, even the early 1900's, to travel around and in their kit they would have homeopathic remedies. That was part of what they used to treat people. But once the AMA came in and standardized everything that was completely pushed out. So to find a medical doctor that actually uses homeopathy now is extremely rare. It exists, but it's pretty rare.

Erica: It's still being attacked, to this day.

Doug: Yeah, exactly.

Jonathan: Yeah.

Doug: And it's funny too, they say one of the common arguments against homeopathy is that there's no science showing it to be effective. But that actually is completely untrue. There have been lots of journal articles that have shown positive results from homeopathy. So yeah, it just kind of shows the arguers' ignorance to say something like that because it's just clear that they haven't bothered to look.

Jonathan: Let's talk a little bit about the imprinting of water, which I think is quite interesting. Like I said at the beginning, this is a vast topic. We may not be able to touch on everything during this show but we wanted to cover some of the main points and some of the stuff that you might not have heard about. I don't know how many of our listeners are familiar with Dr. Masaru Emoto. I remember coming across this a number of years ago, I'd say almost 10 years ago now but he did some very interesting experiments with water crystals holding different crystalline structures based on the intent that they were infused with. So some people would speak things like, "I love you", "I care for you" compassionate emotional phrases, to the water and the crystal structure of the water would then turn out to be very beautiful and symmetric whereas when they spoke or directed hateful intent or disgust or anything you might consider on the negative side, the crystals were then malformed, asymmetrical, aesthetically ugly. That was very interesting, just on the basis of that one result itself and that's not even delving into what the water might then do once it retains that kind of structure.

I had tried this for some time in the past when I first learned about this experiment with taped little messages on my water containers, like love, peace, perseverance, things like that. I didn't do it from a scientific perspective so I can't cite anything specific, but I do remember doing this to water that I used to water my garden with and I actually had quite a fruitful year the one year that I had tried that. So from my layman's perspective that's the best I've got. Have you guys ever tried imprinting your water before you drink it or use it for anything?

Gaby: Sure. I talk to my water now, every single day, every time I get a glass of water and I use distilled water and I tell the water that I love it and thank you and so forth. I don't know if it's the placebo effect. We were discussing previously after the show the placebo effect. It's a pretty amazing thing anyway. I think I have noticed a positive effects overall. So there you go.

Tiffany: I've been trying that recently too. I've heard about people taping messages onto their water a long time ago. I don't know if it's as much as 10 years ago, but when I first heard it I tried that. I can't remember exactly what I taped onto my water bottle, but something positive and I can't really say that I noticed any big difference. But recently I've been telling my water that I love it and singing to it and saying, "thank you for being so yummy". It's really good anyway. Water is pretty much all I drink but for an occasional tea or something. So I'm really grateful that water exists. So I guess that's something I can impart to my water every time I take a sip.

Doug: One cool thing about the Dr. Emoto experiments was when he just took water from various places around the planet and would freeze it and then look at the crystals or lack of crystals it formed and all these places like fresh springs and waterfalls and all that kind of stuff, would form these beautiful crystals and then tap water from all kinds of different places all over the planet basically didn't form crystals or like you were saying Jonathan, would be completely malformed. It just makes you realize that we don't know for sure that there's a negative effect from drinking water that doesn't have this kind of beautiful structure to it but we can assume that it does. So if you think that most people around the planet are drinking tap water, if it does in fact have a negative effect that really says something.

Erica: I found it interesting in an interview that talked about how he got started in this work. He learned that no two snowflakes are identical and if snow has crystals then water should too and that's what started him on this whole adventure. Like you said Doug, he started studying water from waterfalls. It took some trial and error for them actually to get the images the way that he ended up photographing them later on. But I just thought that was fascinating, when you think about snow and each droplet of water having its own signature. The implications of that alone are huge!

Gaby: It was also impressive to see in one of the documentaries how agricultural fields that were watered with structured water yielded more and better quality products. They were bigger, they were more nutritious and there was a striking different to the ones that were watered with tap water. The difference was frightening. So that alone is food for thought.

Tiffany: An interesting part of his experiments was that he would play classical music to some of these crystals and they would grow and become even more beautiful and then other times he would play heavy metal music and it was just ugly. It made me wonder because I like some heavy metal, but some of it is more melodic than others. Some heavy metal is pretty jarring and ugly so I wonder what type of heavy metal he played to those water crystals.

Doug: Yeah, I started wondering about that too. If you can assume that because we are mostly water, then listening to certain types of music are going to have more of an effect than others. I would really like to see more experimentation with different types of music and what it is about the music that actually changes the structure of the water because I do wonder about that too Tiff. I get into some kinds of heavier music sometimes too or electronic music or something like that and I honestly wonder what it is about the music that is causing these changes that you see. Is it just that it's kind of chaotic or maybe it's the intent behind the music? Like if the intent of the heavy metal music is to express rage or some sort of negative emotion and that's what you're going to see in the water? I'd really be interested in seeing more experimentation on this.

Gaby: An album of photographs with each song.

Doug: Yeah, exactly!

Jonathan: I've seen some experiments with that in the past; not specifically with water but it implies the effect on water, which was with plants. Basically playing beautiful, melodic music to plants and having them grow fully and in a robust way and then playing thrash metal or death metal on the same token and having them wither and be yellow and small. You could infer from that, that the vibrations or the intent of the music is having an effect on the water within the cells of the plant itself.

Doug: I often wonder about that kind of thing because classical music is the pass, "Oh, that's the more pure music and will have a positive effect" whereas anything outside of the classical genre is considered to be negative in some way. But if you think about the intent behind a lot of that classical music when it was written, it was the music of the elite. The elite would pay for these genius musicians to make music. I don't know, maybe I'm off in left field here, but I just wonder if a guy making electronic music in his bedroom at home, but has a pure intent, would have the same or maybe even better effect than those kinds of classical music. That's my own bias showing through there because I'm not a big classical music listener.

Gaby: Okay. To reassure you, it's not only classical music that had beautiful structured water. It was also some melodic songs like, Amazing Grace.

Doug: Okay, there is hope. {Laughter}

Jonathan: That's a really great point.

Erica: Music really affects my water.

Jonathan: Doug I think of what you said about classical music, like Wagner who wrote some ostensibly really beautiful music but was a Nazi, Aryan supremacist. The intent behind what he was thinking, was he picturing and imagining the master race while he was writing this music and is that intent infused into it even though it sounds very beautiful? You said is the intent actually more powerful than the music itself? I used to play in a number of bands and played in a punk band in the past and that kind of thing, and I've known people who played trash metal - I guess you would generally call it thrash metal - who were very nice, very compassionate and very loving people. They just liked that style of music. So is there a chance that their intent could come through that music even though it sounds very jarring? It's probably more complicated than that. I would imagine it's the music itself plus the intent of the composer or the player, the musician plus the intent or the state of mind of the person who is present with the music. It's probably this cumulative effect of everything in the environment wherever that's happening.

Doug: Well that opens up a really interesting discussion too. Is it the intent or is it the means of communicating that intent? Is there a difference between writing something on your water in one language versus another language? Is one language more efficient at conveying that intent? Is one piece of music more able to communicate intent in some way? Is it just the intention or is the means by which it's communicated? That's a good question. There's clearly a lot more research that needs to be done on this.

Tiffany: Or is it the vibratory signature of however you choose to communicate to your water? Like the oscillations or the frequencies? Who knows?

Doug: Yeah. Is there a difference between just writing something on it or does it just need to be spoken?

Tiffany: Or can it just be thought?

Doug: Yeah, all very interesting questions.

Jonathan: Along those lines let me play a clip here from this other documentary that we watched this week. It's called; Water, the Great Mystery. Here is Water, the Great Mystery. We have a couple of clips from this one and the first one is Konstantin Korotkov talking about how human emotion affects water. This is just a short clip. We have a few of these so let me play this one and then we'll discuss it.
Korotkov: We have carried out many experiments on the effect that quite diverse factors have on samples of water, magnetic fields, electrical fields, various objects and also including a human presence and human emotions and it became clear that positive and negative human emotions are the strongest element of influence.

Narrator: Professor Korotkov's laboratory has conducted numerous experiments on the effect of human emotions on water. A group of people were asked to project onto a flask of water in front of them very positive emotions like love, tenderness and concern. Then the flask was replaced with another one and the people were asked to project emotions of a different type - fear, aggression, hatred. After this measurements were taken on the samples. The water exhibited changes that were clearly in one direction or another.

Korotkov: So love increases water's energy levels and stabilizes the water while aggressive emotions reduce the energy and make radical changes in the water.
So that was just intent, kind of like what we were talking about. That was not necessarily even spoken. It was directed thought energy, so I thought that was kind of interesting.

Doug: Very interesting.

Jonathan: It makes me think if you take this from a bird's eye perspective - so follow me for a second here - so you can say that the world has always been a kind of negative place, as far as recorded human history, whether we go back five or ten thousand years, there's been war, psychopathy, death and all of these negative things. That's not to say that there's not been any positivity, but it's always been a harsh place. However now in our modern era we have so much more electromagnetic radiation based on the technology that's been developed and we have these signals being carried through the air everywhere; through the cell networks, through the radio signals.

So all this music is being played over the radio and that's being broadcast everywhere. Everybody's intent that's in their phone calls or their text messages or their emails or that's on the internet - this is where it gets a little bit esoteric - but say hypothetically, that intent is impregnated somehow in the electromagnetic signals that we're so saturated with, that they're getting into the water everywhere. So it's getting harder and harder to escape. Could this be magnifying the effects of human emotion on a more global scale on the water that we're surrounded by and the water in our bodies? That's what it kind of makes me wonder about.

Gaby: That's a really good point.

Doug: Good question, yeah.

Gaby: But I think if I understood correctly in the documentary, they did several experiments and research concluding that human emotions have the strongest effect, even more than other signals. That's what I understood. But still, like you said, what if the human emotions are completely influenced by this other stuff? So you really have to, so to speak, set aside some time or intent to specifically meditate and talk to your water in a specific way.

Doug: Yeah, it makes me wonder if you started off with something that wasn't the best water, like tap water or something like that, and you imprint intent on that water, if you could actually change it; if you could actually this water that is less than ideal and make it better.

Tiffany: Well there are a couple of stories they told in that documentary, Water the Great Mystery. There was a ship's captain and some survivors of a shipwreck and they were on this little boat or dingy trying to make it back to shore and they were really, really thirsty so they started imaging that the water surrounding their boat was pure water and not salt water and their captain dipped his hand in there and drank it and it was pure water! They changed the water around the boat just with their intent.

And I think there was another story about some heretic or something who was put in a dungeon and they just gave him a crust of stale bread and a dipper of polluted water to drink every day and they thought that he'd crash health-wise, but he just seemed to get stronger and he confessed that he prayed over the water and the water became pure and drinkable.

Gaby: Wow. And with time he was looking younger and healthier by his captors.

Doug: It makes me also think about the Ganges in India, how it's one of the most polluted water sources in the world yet people bathe in it and drink it and they don't seem to be negatively affected by it. It's also considered a very spiritual, holy place. So I wonder if it's the intent or the perception of the individuals who are bathing in it has an effect on it.

Erica: And also the draw there on the Ganges is where Varanasi is where people pilgrimage to die, so if they die in this sacred place they'll bypass so many incarnations or whatnot. So not only are people bathing and drinking this water but they're also sending burning bodies down the river. It's the significance of everyone's beliefs that this is wholly healing water.

Jonathan: I see a new product in the works here, that the Bodhi Sattva water purifier. {Laughter}

Doug: Well those kinds of products have come out. I've seen there are bottled waters that have been prayed over by Tibetan monks or something like that. It sells for ridiculous amounts of money and a lot of people perceive it as just being the biggest scam because it's basically water that they're selling at this premium price but the idea being that because this intent has been infused into the water it will be medicinal in some way or have some kind of positive effect on people.

Erica: Again, back to that idea that water has memory and that it receives and makes imprints of the outside influence and it remembers everything in the space around it. So again that idea of intent, if it's positive or if it's negative. So, maybe as you were talking about the Ganges Doug, there's such an intense belief system behind the healing properties of that water that people are healed by it. There are many places that are like that. Another one is Lourdes in the south of France, St. Bernadette and the healing waters.

Gaby: Maybe there is a scientific explanation after all.

Tiffany: There's this article on SOTT called; What is the Fourth Phase of Water? . Gerald Pollack is a researcher/scientist. I think he's in Oregon and I think they tested some samples from the Ganges and Lourdes in France and the water showed spikes in the 270 nanometre region of infrared light and that suggests that the holy water from these regions have high amounts of EZ water so maybe we can get into some of what the fourth phase of water actually is and if this could explain why this water is healing.

So if we get into a little bit of Pollack's work, he says that water doesn't just have three states, liquid, solid and vapour. There's actually a fourth phase of water in between where water goes from being a liquid to freezing and he called it EZ water which means exclusion zone water. It turns out that this type of water is not H2O. It's H3O2 and it has a negative charge and a gel-like consistency. So that water holds a charge and maybe that is where the memory is contained in water?

Gaby: Yeah, I found that fascinating because he also gives examples to illustrate his point. For example the ligaments of the knee joints, the bones by gravity should really be crushing each other despite the liquid in the joints. But because there is EZ water or gel-like substance in the cells it actually expands and it makes the joints work perfectly fine. It could explain a lot of biological properties.

Tiffany: Yeah, the collagen in your joints is EZ water and it's gel-like. That's what makes it not squeak when you walk. {Laughter}

Erica: Also the muscles are 66% water by volume and all the molecules that form in the muscles are almost 99% water!

Doug: Apparently nobody knew about this EZ water before either.

Erica: When you're in water you're buoyant, you float as opposed to sinking.

Gaby: It could also explain why when you have arthritis or arthrosis why far infrared saunas are so healing because the far infrared spectrum creates EZ water of any water in your body.

Tiffany: And that could probably explain why people who have arthritis and they move down to a sunny region and spend some time in the sun, that probably makes them feel better because the infrared light coming from the sun charges the water inside of you and turns it into more EZ water.

Gaby: Yeah. It could also explain why cryogenic therapy...

Tiffany: It's good for circulation.

Gaby: ...yeah. And I was thinking, along those lines it could also explain why cryotherapy or cold adaptation could be so healing because apparently the fourth phase is in between the water state and the freezing state. That's how I understand it.

Jonathan: It does make sense.

Tiffany: Ah! Well maybe that's why it's so good to drink water and then do some cold therapy and then go outside and sun bathe for a while and charge up your internal battery.

Doug: Yeah. It's kind of interesting because the common thought on that whole reason that arthritic individuals seem to get better in the sunnier environment, people always attribute it to vitamin D. That might actually be part of the process but they might actually be missing this larger piece of the puzzle.

Tiffany: Because a big problem with arthritis is that it doesn't get that good of circulation in those joints that are affected and Gerald Pollack said that when you get that certain 270 nanometre sunlight or infrared light on you, that actually moves the water in your cells and it creates this flow and that would improve circulation.

Erica: It's similar in plants too. If you put a tarp over a tree it will die.

Doug: Gerald Pollack's work is really interesting. What he discovered with the whole exclusion zone idea was that as you get closer to a surface, the water that's in contact with that surface, thousands of molecules away from that surface, it creates this exclusion zone and that water that's close to the surface actually forms a structure. So when people refer to structured water, that's what they're talking about and that these water molecules form into a structure. And that doesn't mean that they necessarily become solid or anything like that but that the molecules group together in these structures and the molecules within those structures are constantly changing. If not that one set of molecules forms the structures and then stays there, it's just that they'll constantly be replaced. So it stays in that liquid state but it forms this structure. And what he says is that because the cells of our bodies are so packed with stuff, all the different organelles and all the different proteins and things that are in our cells, around all those surfaces you have this EZ water and because of that the cells are actually filled with EZ water. It isn't regular water that's in the cells. It's actually this EZ water.

Jonathan: It makes me think too of anybody who lives near a giant body of water where it gets cold. I live on the coast of Lake Superior and every time when we get into the winter you'll notice that as the lake is freezing there's a certain period of time before the surface turns to ice where it's not floating ice and it's not super liquid water, it actually looks kind of gel-like. It moves very slowly, the waves don't break the same way. So that makes me wonder is that the exclusion zone water transitional phase between liquid and crystalline.

Tiffany: It sounds like it. It has a higher viscosity than regular water is what Gerald Pollack says.

Doug: Yeah. And it also seems like that might be an explanation for the whole memory of water phenomenon, maybe it's the structured water, because the water molecules are forming in these structures, they become these little containers that are actually capable of holding something. I don't think anybody knows the exact mechanism behind it, but it looks like that's the direction that things are going, that maybe these structures are capable of holding a frequency. So despite the fact that there are no particles left in the water when you're doing these kinds of experiments with DNA or when you're using homeopathy, what's actually held there in that structure is the frequency.

Jonathan: Yeah. Let's go to another couple of clips from this documentary. We were talking a little bit about the idea of the holy water or blessed water and there's a short clip here about religious incantations and water and the effects that that has there.

Narrator: Traditional eastern medicine has been based for many centuries on the vibrations and resonance of the body's water content. The pulse indicates if the resonance tone is right. It is believed that the pulse may be strong, weak, cold or hot. On the basis of this an experienced physician carries out a kind of energy scan of the body, makes a diagnosis and prescribes treatment.

Healer: We do not heal with water because a person, the human body is water. The person simply reads the mantras or prayers in order to correct the bad water he has inside.

Narrator: How this hidden effect works is not known. In all of the world's religions, Christianity, Islam and Judaism, it is the practice to recite a prayer before taking food or to consecrate the food during major religious holidays. How often do we stop and think "What for?" And how did the certainty arise in such dissimilar religions that this is the right thing to do? Why did something that science is only now trying to understand seem obvious to our ancestors?

It turns out that the frequency of vibrations in the prayers of any religion, uttered in any language is 8 Hz which corresponds to the frequency of the oscillations of the earth's magnetic field. Therefore a prayer, pronounced with love, creates a harmonic structure in water which is an ingredient of absolutely all food.

Scientist: We now have some idea about how this happens - through the structurization of water cluster, water molecules. Therefore we can take some purely practical advice from this, to sit down at the table in a very good mood and under no circumstances to dine with cruel or aggressive-minded people because this will have a direct, destructive effect on our health.

So that was pretty interesting. There are a few things in there that I was kind of skeptical about just seeing the documentary itself, like all religious incantations come out at 8 Hz. I guess I'm not 100% convinced. But the idea of the incantation or prayer or whatever you do, having an effect on the water either in your body or in the food you're eating, I guess that makes sense to me, especially based on the Emoto studies and the other studies that have been done.

Tiffany: That made me think that originally when people started praying over their food or blessing their food, many eons ago, it seems like it's just a ritual now that really has no meaning but maybe in the beginning there was a pure scientific basis behind them doing that and it just got watered down over the centuries?

Jonathan: Yeah.

Erica: No pun intended.

Jonathan: While we're on that track real quick, I have one more clip about holy water so let me just play that while we're on that same topic.
Narrator: All of mankind's sacred books contain stories about people who were able to create miracles because of their profound spiritual knowledge. Legend tells us that the sea parted before Moses because of his unflinching faith that the lord would not abandon his people.

Healer: We have totally indisputable evidence that prayer influences sick people to get better and it has caused absolutely fantastical recoveries such as the spread of gangrene suddenly stopping in a person who already had it. With holy water, when it is poured over sick animals or a dying plant, they revive. Those are the facts and no physical chemist currently is able to understand it. They simply can't.

Narrator: January 18th. It is the eve of the orthodox feast of the epiphany. Two flasks are filled with ordinary tap water. Early in the morning one of them is set inside the church near the vessel over which the sacrament of sanctification is to be performed. Every year on January 19th the faithful and even non-believers hurry into churches to pick up some of the baptismal water. It is believed to possess extraordinary properties.

In order to confirm or refute this, the two flasks were taken to the laboratory for study immediately after the service. Here the water was frozen in a cryogenic chamber and photographed under the microscope. The crystals of the tap water looked like a chaotic, diffused spot while the water that had been in the church had the rectilinear symmetrical form of a six-pointed star. It is well known that holy water has a very powerful and stable structure. This water can pass its properties. Take only 10 grams of it and dilute it in 60 liters of common water and the whole amount will have the properties of the holy water.

Priest: Perhaps scientists will tell us some time what prayer is. Perhaps scientists will tell us some time what happens with human nature under the influence of divine grace.
Jonathan: Sorry, a little bit of an awkward end to that clip there. Speaking again to what we were talking about, the intent is infused in the water makes me think - I don't know if any of our listeners are catholic or not. I don't want to offend anyone but I also don't want to tiptoe. Basically the idea being anyone can make holy water if your intent is correct and you have the water in your presence and you have the clear-minded intent of what you're trying to infuse it with, you can do that yourself. You don't have to be a Sattva or a priest or somebody who's of this high religious order. Basically it's not this super-secret practice. It may just be a very basic psychological/physical phenomenon that we can all do with the water that we have. I think that that's very interesting.

Doug: I think Emoto's experiences show that. The people who were imbuing their intent on the water weren't monks or highly religious individuals necessarily. In a lot of cases I think they were just scientists. So I think that speaks to that, for sure. You don't necessarily need this kind of special training to be able to meditate for 20 hours a day. It is a more mundane phenomenon than that.

Jonathan: And interesting that Emoto froze his water and so did these guys that we're talking about, examining the holy water and with the idea of the exclusion zone, the transitionary phase between liquid and frozen, I guess I don't have a clear idea in mind but it seems to make sense that if that transitionary phase is what makes it more impregnable with intent, that as it passes into the frozen state and then the crystals are formed, then you have this structure representing the intent that was put into the water becoming evident.

Doug: I don't know that the freezing component is entirely necessary. It's kind of like that makes an easy way to visualize, to actually see the crystalline structure. In lots of situations the freezing component is not actually necessary. Luc Montagnier's study didn't require freezing water. Homeopathy doesn't include any kind of freezing in the process. But there are other ways of creating this exclusion zone or the structured water. Gerald Pollack is talking about how creating a vortex within the water will cause that structure to happen. And interestingly, in that documentary - I don't know if this is one of the clips that you were going to play Jonathan - but they were talking about how in nature water follows this meandering, curving path that naturally creates these vortices causing this structured water to be created versus when you see the way we use water. We have all these pipes with right angles and there isn't a natural flow to things. It's all very jarring and hard turns and that actually makes it so that it's what they dead water at that point. It loses that structural capacity.

Jonathan: I didn't have that specific clip but that was a very interesting part.

Erica: In that section that Doug is talking about, how we pollute water spiritually, how water adapts to stress and it makes it dead by going through all these artificial means to get to your home or to get to the crops, how it's channelled and it takes all the life out of it, essentially. And then we drink that with the implications on the body.

Doug: Not to mention how many chemicals we dump in it to clean it or fluoridate it or whatever else.

Gaby: To clean it.

Tiffany: So if water holds the memory, if you think of the municipal water supplies that have all these medications in it and peoples' urine and all kinds of bodily fluids and then they treat it and put all these chemicals in it and then on top of it they channel it through all these pipes, no wonder the water is dead and lifeless!

Jonathan: Yeah, I guess that could be seen as a little bit more of an esoteric side to this but it makes concrete sense to me personally. If you've ever drunk water out of a stream, there's something about it. It's hard for me to describe but it really is a much different experience. And speaking to structured water too it's interesting, Doug like you mentioned, the idea of it going through these right-angle pipes or through filters and all these kinds of things as opposed to coming to us in the natural way through the flowing curves that are present in nature. You were talking about vortexing water, making it spin and follow that pattern so that it's able to restructure itself. There's a lot of stuff on YouTube about structured water. You can get lost in it if you're not careful. There are tonnes and tonnes of videos. There's one very interesting content author that I've watched quite a few times. His name is Jason Verbelli. I don't know if you're familiar with him at all.

Doug: No.

Jonathan: If you go to YouTube and look up Jason Verbelli Structured Water, he's done a bunch of his own personal experiments on it and actually built a structurizer. There are other ones that you can get as well, but he built one that's kind of like a cylinder that attaches to the end of your hose and inside the cylinder are acrylic spheres so that when the water flows through the spheres it goes in this natural sine wave pattern and it curves around the spheres before it comes out the end so that it restructures it in that natural curving flow.

Doug: Cool!

Jonathan: He has done experiments on his lawn where it was totally parched and dry and yellow, watered parts of it with straight tap water out of the hose and the other parts of it with structured water and the structured watered grass was super thick and dense and dark green and really lush and the stuff that was watered with tap water was not. So I thought that that was very interesting and that you can find that on YouTube.
There are a lot of really interesting videos. He goes through how to build the unit, how to set it up in your house. He's got this whole kind of Rube Goldberg contraction with fish tanks where it's running in and out of different structurizers and he's running a number of tests on it. So it's something that I've wanted to get into but I've never had the gumption to actually build anything like that.

But the structurizer I think is very interesting. Either from the perspective of water that you're going to drink or if you have a garden, and you're watering your garden or your lawn. Check out the structurizer and give it a shot.

Tiffany: Is that the guy who built this little contraption out of PVC pipes and it has the little acrylic spheres in it and you just pour the water so it flows through that little pipe?

Jonathan: Yeah.

Tiffany: Okay. I think I've seen that one.

Jonathan: There are a number of those actually. He's not the only one but his videos personally I find the most compelling because he's very well spoken and goes through a lot of different aspects of the experiment. But there are other people who actually build and sell those units that you can just buy. Some of them have spheres that have hexagonal dimples on them. Other ones have the sphere structurizer and then a vortex at the end of the unit so that it spins as it's coming out. There are a whole bunch of different things that you can do there. I don't know which one is best or which one is right necessarily. But I think doing something like that to your water; the results are there that it works, that it becomes more energized, more vital and it has a more healing effect on whatever it comes in contact with.

Gaby: Fascinating.

Doug: Yeah.

Erica: They were talking in that movie too about how animals always choose water from a spring as opposed to tap water too, so it's similar to natural energy.

Gaby: Smart animals.

Jonathan: We do have a little clip from the documentary about structured water so let me play that here and then we can talk about it a little more.
Narrator: With modern technology it is possible to structurize water artificially. When seeds were grown under laboratory conditions using this kind of water the soy sprouts had six times greater photon radiation than when ordinary water was used. Using structurized water makes vegetables ripen faster and increases the amount of useful microelements and vegetable proteins several fold.
Scientist: If we look at the shoots, the treated ones were long, even and strong while the untreated ones were short, thin and weak. If we look at the plants today those from the selected seeds have all ripened but the ones from non-selected seeds have not. We have to say that using structurized water really does affect the growth of vegetables and fruits.

Narrator: For the purposes of irrigation, 20% less of this type of water is needed than when using ordinary water. No fertilizer was added to the soil or the water. The chemical composition remained the same, H2O. The only thing that had changed was its structure. At the present time scientists can answer the question of how this happens but science does not yet have an answer to the question of why.
So that's interesting. If our listeners watch that documentary, that's Water-The Great Mystery, in that section where they talk about structured water they show one of these units in a garden that looks like a cylindrical attachment to a hose where the water's coming out the end. I guess based on our discussion, it seems to me that it has something to do with restoring the curving, organic nature of the flow of the water as opposed to its having gone through all of these right angles and sitting and stagnating in certain reservoirs and then coming back out or being treated and then having all these things done to it, so that one way to make it more beneficial is to restore that natural flow. But it seems pretty interesting to me. I might have to get out the blender after the show and vortex my water.

Doug: It's really hopeful, this idea that you can correct what's been done to the water, that it is malleable enough that even if it has gone through these treatments and hit these right-angled pipes, that you can still do something at the end of the line and restore it. I find that very hopeful.

Gaby: Yeah, me too.

Tiffany: I've seen a contraption where they take empty two litre bottles and they fill the top one with water and they turn it upside down and they let it run into the two litre bottle underneath and that creates a vortex as well. I might have to try that as an experiment.

Gaby: Yeah, it's really very basics that it takes to restore the natural flow of water.

Tiffany: That's a really good thing to have and it does makes me feel hopeful too because not everybody has access to spring water which is supposed to be the best because it's under pressure and it gets that structure to it and it has that natural flow and also glacial melt water. People who live downstream from glacial melt supposedly have really good health because when it starts to melt it turns into this EZ water and the more EZ that's contained in your water; the better it is for your health.

Doug: It's interesting also, just talking about plants and how the water in plants is this EZ water. Gerald Pollack in his book talks about how that explains some things that was previously unknown about plants. For instance how the plants are actually able to make the water go up these tiny channels within to get to the top of the plant. If you look at something like a redwood tree, you're talking about serious distance that this water is able to travel and without taking into account the idea of structured water, it seems like it would actually be impossible given the pressure, that the water would actually be able to travel up all the way to the top. So previous to this idea of EZ water, structured water, nobody could really explain how this happened but it got glossed over. Nobody really talked about it or looked into it too much but the idea of the structured water actually explains how this is even possible.

Gaby: Yeah. And nobody thinks about the fact that plants can break through asphalt when they grow if they grow in the streets, for example.

Doug: Yeah, unbelievable strength there.

Jonathan: There was something in that documentary about how when a seed germinates and begins to grow it achieves 400 atmospheres of pressure which is why they can bust through concrete.

Doug: Wow! There's a lot of things that this structured water actually can explain that previously was unknown. Pollack gives a couple of different examples. One of the ones that really struck me as interesting was the idea of sand and how when you have dry sand you sink into it. Your weight just pushes right through it versus when you have wet sand and you're able to stay on top of that and its like, "Well how does that happen?" Why does the addition of water make this sand suddenly stronger and able to withstand more pressure? From a conventional point of view it doesn't really make much sense yet this is something that science has never really explained before.

There was another one that he talked about - gelatin. When you have gelatin - the amount of water compared to protein in a gelatin structure - it shouldn't be able to hold unless you look at the structured water component. You should actually have your jello leaking water all over the place but you don't. It manages to hold in this structure when you have gelatin added. I can't remember the figures that he uses specifically but it holds way more water than it should from conventional perspective. So it's all these mundane things that we're confronted with on a daily basis that we've never been able to explain before.

Jonathan: It is very fascinating. The cool part about this effect is you don't have to have access to high technology. You don't have to have a bunch of money resources to do these experiments. I would encourage our listeners to not think of this as something that's just in the realm of science and the laboratory. You can try it out yourself. Try spinning your water. Try speaking to it, infusing it with your intent, either building a structurizer or if you have the money, pick one up and see if you notice the effects from it.

There was somebody on our forum who had mentioned that they noticed that after meditating positive intent onto the water and tasted it afterwards it actually tasted kind of sweet. They then shared that with a friend of theirs who also said, "This is weird. Did you put sugar in here or something? It tastes a little bit sweeter." I thought that was kind of interesting.

Tiffany: Well another thing that I thought of...

Jonathan: I was just going to say it may be some kind of a placebo effect but even if it is, the idea of placebos is pretty fascinating itself. What's going on there? What is actually making that change?

Tiffany: Another thing I thought of trying if I can't make vortex or get some glacial water, is putting ice in the water so when the ice starts to melt, that phase between solid and liquid is the EZ phase so maybe you can add a little more EZ to your water just by putting ice cubes in your water. And another thing I thought of trying is to just put your glass of water in the sunlight and see if that...

Gaby: I also thought of that, exposing your water to the sun, charging it from the sun.

Tiffany: I've seen YouTube videos where people expose their water to magnets, like the north pole of a magnet to try to give it more energy.

Jonathan: Yeah, that's also in Jason Verbelli's experiments. He does that with magnetized water as well. I would just say, if you're going to put your water in the sunlight, be careful what container it's in. Ideally you want glass. But if it's a plastic jug, make sure that it's not leaching - what is that number 2 plastic? You want the food grade stuff that's not going to leach into the water.

Tiffany: That makes me think of the structure of your water containers. I think somebody on our forum mentioned that too. A lot of water containers from antiquity are rounded or have some kind of roundness to it and maybe that offers some structure versus a square container that you hold your water in.

Doug: In the movie they showed an ancient teapot and unfortunately I can't remember what culture it came from, but it was a very strange shape. It had a very long spout that almost went directly up at one point before curving around. That made me think that just that structure in and of itself is forcing the water through something that would make a vortex happen within the water. So there's something to this idea that maybe the ancients knew something that we didn't know.

Gaby: It reminds me about holy water. In certain religions they shake the water as if it was contained in a pendulum. It goes back and forth, back and forth.

Doug: That makes me think about homeopathy. Within homeopathy when you're creating the remedy, part of the process is to succuss it, so you hit it. It's funny that Hahnemann, the creator of homeopathy always insisted on hitting it against a bible. I was speaking to a homeopath about it and I was asking why is this part of the process, why succuss it? What he was saying was that it makes the frequency diffuse throughout the entire solution. So every time you're hitting it, it transfers that frequency to the next particle over. They're succussing it a great deal, a thousand times, hundreds of thousands of times and it diffuses that frequency more and more throughout the entire solution.

So I'm wondering, like you're saying Gaby about the pendulum, was the same kind of idea, that this succussion process that makes that frequency that you're trying to create, diffuse more throughout the solution.

Jonathan: I've got a few more clips here that I would like to play since we were on this topic a little bit ago. There's a clip here about how water affects blood cells and then another one that's a little bit more about water retaining information, like how it can exchange information. So let me play these two and then we'll discuss.

Let's imagine that here we have a human being and here we have water. This water contains many different types of information. If we introduce this water into the human body then that human body will assimilate this information which may change the person's characteristics.
Narrator: Let us see how this type of water affects human blood. The doctor is drawing blood from a patient's finger. Using a special microscope we shall be able to see the condition of her body from this drop.

: These are red blood cells and they've lost their electrical charge so they're all stuck together in a formation called rouleaux. Here's a huge symblast. Symblasts are associated with heart disease and arthritis and lung disease and many other conditions that could be coming in the future.

Narrator: The doctor asks the patient to drink a small amount of structured water. After 12 minutes the doctor again draws blood from the patient and studies it.

Doctor: So you can see that the cells then become buoyant, they become slippery and they have their electrical charge so they repel each other. That allows them to carry oxygen and it means that we're changing the pH of the blood back to an aerobic environment rather than an anaerobic environment. I think that's utterly amazing, that just drinking water could do that.

Scientist: We studied water during solar eclipses and when Comet Shoemaker-Levy was passing in those periods of time and it turned out that a tissue culture in water, when a solar eclipse is in the offing, a week ahead of time before the eclipse, when everything is still far ahead, it already begins to fade. The water showed a direct connection to the event.

Narrator: The system of the universe exists as a single perfect organism. All of its parts, including us and our earth, are inseparably bound together by huge streams of information and on our planet; water plays the key role in how the information is exchanged. In effect, it is the medium through which all nature is governed.
So just thought that was an interesting tie-in, talking about information exchange and how water appears to not only retain but actually transmit information on a base level. In one of our recent shows when we were talking to Harrison about psi phenomenon and talking about information theory, I'm sure water has a big role to play in that on our planet because it's such an integral part of everything. It's an interesting thought to me that it is perhaps the basic mode of information transfer.

Doug: That's pretty interesting when he was talking about the eclipses and the idea that we're receiving information constantly from the cosmos, so the idea that water is aware of that even a week beforehand and will change is pretty fascinating.

Gaby: It is.

Tiffany: That made me think of ice ages and why the earth needs periodic ice ages. Maybe when a large portion of the earth is covered with ice for a period and then the water melts, is that a way of cleansing the water and cleansing out all the negativity that's held in that water? Because usually when ice ages occur there's maybe some kind of catastrophe that happened beforehand and maybe that's just a way of starting with a clean slate? The bad memories and the negativity becomes super dilute in that water and then things can start all over again.

Gaby: Yeah, cleansing the environment, like you said, reset.

Doug: Yeah, planetary reset.

Jonathan: It is pretty fascinating too when you think about the idea of the great flood or the submersion of Atlantis. Throughout history we have these examples of water erasing and resetting the current situation.

Gaby: And in the documentary it was not only the eclipse. It was also comet Shoemaker-Levy.

Erica: In the documentary they talked about how Lao Tzu over 2,500 years ago had an interesting quote about, "nothing in the world being softer or more yielding than water, that it wears down the hard and strong and then can overcome it. So anyone who wants to conquer that which is yielding conquers the strong and soft overcomes that which is hard. Everyone knows this but no one dares to live by it".

Jonathan: Well we can certainly take a lot of inferences from these studies and I think if nothing else, at the very least, if it can allow you to have a little more situational awareness throughout your day, think more about your body and about the things that are around you and the things that you take into your body. Everything contains water. So it's not just the water that we're drinking. It's the food that we're eating. It's the water that we're bathing in and it has this all-encompassing effect on our lives so I think it's important to think about.

I hope that our listeners will be able to retain the important aspects of this, but what I was going to say is at the very least, even if you don't just allow it to let you think more deeply about life and about your surroundings. It lends an interesting overlay to your daily experience when you think about the idea that everything within and around us is transmitting information at all times. So it has an effect as to what your attitude is, what your outlook is. This is not to say that you can just make everything better by thinking its better, but it is to say that our intent has an effect on our bodies and on the environment around us.

So keep that in mind and try some experiments. Try singing to your water or labelling it with a compassionate or positive word or phrase or try the structurizing experiment and just play around with this and see what you can notice that has any effects.

Tiffany: Yeah, and it's not just the water that we drink. You can do experiments on yourself because we're made of so much water, like over 60% of water, depending on how old you are. So, maybe positive intent with yourself; what kind of information, or music you expose yourself to? Maybe even spinning could have an effect on the water inside of your cells. Who knows? And this opens up a whole field of experiments that we all can try.

Jonathan: Cool. We are nearing the end here so let's go to Zoya's pet health segment. She's also going to be talking about water today and we will be back after this.

Zoya: Hello and welcome to the pet health segment of the Health and Wellness Show. My name is Zoya and today I would like to talk to you about the importance of water for pets.

First let's talk about how much should your dog or cat drink. Most dogs need about an ounce or 13 millilitres of fluids per pound or roughly half a kilo of body weight per day. So a 10 pound or 5 kilo dog needs a bit over a cup of clean water daily. Really active or lactating dogs may need more and puppies generally drink more than adult dogs. If your dog drinks a lot more than that, it may signal a health problem. It all depends on his activity level, size, age and weather, but in general an average dog needs to drink between 8.5 to 17 ounces of water per 10 pounds. It's 55 to 110 millilitres per kilogram per day. So you need to know what's normal for your pet.

It's important to know what is common for your dog or cat so that you can tell if they are not feeling well. Pay attention to how much he's drinking. You can even measure it out occasionally to have an accurate read. Then if he seems to be slowing down or increasing his intake, you will know something is up. If it's dramatically different, see a vet. If it's mild, look for other symptoms like diarrhoea, coughing, lethargy, lack of appetite. If there is a combination of any symptoms also get your pet to a vet for tests.

What about cats? As for cats, the amount of water drunk by an individual cat depends on a variety of factors including the cat's size and activity, the season and whether the cat's diet includes wet food or dry cat food only. Factors such as high heat, exercise or location can double or triple the amount your cat drinks. And of course diseases such as hyperthyroidism, kidney disease and diabetes will also greatly increase the cat's daily water requirements.

So how much should a cat drink? A normal cat's daily water requirement ranges from 5-10 fluid ounces per day or an average of 60 millilitres per kilogram per day. Cats eating canned food will receive much of their daily water needs from their food since canned food is about 70-80 percent water. In contrast, dry food is only 7-10% water and normal cats eating canned food may need to drink less than one ounce or 30 millilitres of additional water per day whereas a cat consuming only a dry diet may need to drink over 7 ounces or over 200 millilitres per day to stay hydrated.
This high amount of water can be very difficult to achieve because cats are not prone by nature to drink large amounts of water. In nature they get all the fluids they need by eating their prey whole. Now you may understand why nowadays kidney disease is seen to be an epidemic among cats. Cats are simply not designed to eat dry food.

Another important thing that we need to keep in mind is that the water we give to our pets should be clean. We all know that public water systems can contain certain levels of bacteria but we know that that's why we are drinking the safe water. Still, many continue to fill their pet bowls with tap water. Animals like humans need water to survive. We all know it. And like humans, animals are about 80% water. Some of the animal experts will agree that pets should be given the same amount of quality water as humans, bottled or filtered. The problem is that municipal and well water can contain many harmful things, even parasites and they don't discriminate between pets and people.

Some people feed their pet's bottled water and can cause more problems than they think. Bottled water is extremely expense for one thing and some bottled water is just bottled tap water. This means pets can still be harmed by the contaminants in the unfiltered water. Tap water can especially cause risks if it's high in iron, magnesium or nitrates. These contaminants can cause health issues for your family as well as your pets. One of these parasites is giardia, a single-celled organism that ends up living in the mucous lining of the intestines. Giardia is transmitted by discharges, fecal waste into water, food soil and other surfaces.

This parasite can cause diarrhoea in animals as well as humans. If it's a puppy or kitten, if the puppy or kitten is suffering from malnutrition, the effects of giardia can be worse. Treatment in the form of anti-protozoan drugs can be administered to affected animals.

There are also things in water that can cause cancer or brain damage, just like in humans; fluoride for example. Giving your pet filtered water will remove a potentially sickness-causing organism or metal from being ingested. On a side note, cats are very finicky about their water. They like it fresh. The longer the water sits out, the more oxygen it loses.

Fish that live in the water can be greatly affected by water with high levels of chlorine or ammonia, a chemical used in some treatment plants. And certain pH values needed in tank water for fish to have a proper living environment. Also poor quality water can be more prone to bad algae. Check with your aquarium retailer for specifics.

Some amphibians and more wet pets they do not drink water but absorb it. Frogs, salamanders and others in this category need water to absorb through their skin and the higher the quality the longer they will live.

One more note of interest. It doesn't really matter what type of water is used in a pet's bowl if the bowl is not cleaned frequently. Bacteria can grow from mould in the air in your pet's bowl so clean the bowl often and keep it filled with fresh, preferably filtered water. Additionally, as was already mentioned, drinking more water can also reduce urinary tract disorders and kidney disease in cats and dogs.

So how do you know if your dog or cat is dehydrated? The pet's gums are the best indicator of dehydration. Lift your pet's lips to expose the gums. Place your index finger on the gum and press your finger flat into the gum. This temporarily squeezes blood out of the spot so when you release your finger, the blood should return in less than two seconds. The response will be delayed if your pet is dehydrated. Gum moisture is also a sign of dehydration. When you pull your finger away the gum should feel very wet. If your finger sticks to the gum it is a sign of dehydration. When water ratios fall 5% below normal, pets will start to show signs of dehydration.

Other signs of dehydration include sunken eyes, dry mouth, poor skin elasticity, lethargy, increased heart rate and constipation. Monitoring and encouraging your pet's water levels can help you prevent dehydration. With water being a crucial part of the pet's health it is no wonder that many pet supplies manufacturers offer water fountains, water filters, special bowls, special dispensers and much more. When it comes down to it though, a normal stainless steel or glass bowl filled with clean water can work just as well for most.

Obviously you can use a water fountain for cats for example, who like to drink from running water because it offers them some fun and because they are generally know to have a low thirst drive.

Well this is it for this week. I hope you found the information useful. Have a nice weekend and good-bye.

Jonathan: Well those are some well-hydrated goats. We don't have a recipe for today. We had intended to have the idea of the water experiments be the recipe for today, the interactive part, the thing that you can try. But we do have a caller so we're going to go to Clay before we end the show. Clay, how's it going?

Clay: Pretty well. How are you guys?

Doug: Good.

Jonathan: What's on your mind?

Clay: I just wanted to talk briefly about the chemical component of water, something that I found to be pretty unique in the world of chemistry every since even back in high school and then some of the chemistry classes I took in college, something that just always piqued my interest. I'll try to be brief on this but it is a little bit of a complex thing. Like I said it's very unique to water and I think it has a lot to do with some of the properties that you guys have been discussing with water so I think it's important.

So in chemistry you learn about three different major bonds between elements, the first being an ionic bond which is kind of a give and take where the negative element will actually give off an electron. An electron is a negatively charged particle. It will then revolve around the positively charged element and then they create this electronic bond. It's actually a really strong bond. It's very hard to break up. There's also the covalent bond in which both elements share the electron. So it revolves around both of them simultaneously.

Well therein comes into water. It is a polar covalent bond between one hydrogen element and two oxygen elements. Anyway so what happens with water is the electron from the hydrogen starts revolving around these two oxygen's and the hydrogen simultaneously. Well since oxygen is such a bigger element than hydrogen, the electron spends more time around the oxygen's so it creates this false positive charge on the hydrogen end of the molecule and a false negative charge on the oxygen ends. So water, as the molecules line up, they line up in this neat little array where you've got the two negative charges of the oxygen elements that are going to attract the positive portion of the next molecule. So you've got these oxygen's lining up right next to the hydrogen's of the next molecule.

Well they all kind of move in this fluid pattern so you can imagine if just one of the molecules has some kind of a positive reaction, say to a blessing or something like that, that all of the other molecules are going to follow suit which I find interesting too also because there is a hydrogen bond that holds the DNA molecule together. So it's very, very important to life. It's important to all life as we know it here on this planet. So as the DNA strand unzips it's actually breaking those hydrogen bonds and just very key to human existence, to life as we know it. I just wanted to bring that up just because of the discussion we've been having. That's really all I wanted to add.

Jonathan: Yeah, that makes the chemical evidence for this sort of energetic connection; I guess the connection between what we might consider the etheric or more information based and the physical chemical bonds that are taking place and how they might work together.

Doug: It also makes you realize how unique water is on this planet.

Clay: Yeah.

Doug: This isn't something you see in other forms of matter. It really makes you realize how important but also how unique water is.
Clay: Yeah, it really is. And there's also something else that's really unique about water. It's the only substance that takes up more space but has less mass in its solid state compared to anything else on the planet that we know of.

Doug: Wow.

Clay: Anyway, thanks for having the show guys. Take care.

Jonathan: Thanks for calling Clay.

Clay: You're welcome.

Jonathan: We appreciate that.

Gaby: That is certainly food for thought.

Jonathan: Totally. Very cool, alright, well that should give everybody something to think about and that is the end of ours how for today. So Clay thanks a lot for calling in and thanks to our chat participants. If you have the chat open still be sure to check through there for the links to some of the documentaries that we talked about. Just to reiterate that, there is the Water Memory documentary about Luc Montagnier and then; Water, the Great Mystery as well a documentary about; Dr. Masaru Emoto, Water Crystals. Those are all on YouTube and they're really fascinating. So if you get a chance and you're looking for something to spark your brain, check those out.

Also go down the structured water rabbit hole if you have some time and search YouTube for structurized water. There are a lot of really interesting things there. So again thanks everybody and be sure to check out the other two shows on the SOTT Radio Network, The Truth Perspective tomorrow at 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time and Behind the Headlines which is on Sunday at noon eastern US time. Those are always really great shows and you should check them out. We will be back next Friday at 10:00 a.m. eastern with an interview with Lynne Farrow, the author of The Iodine Crisis. So if any of our listeners have been learning about iodine recently or perhaps trying the iodine protocol, we will have some good information about that next week so be sure to tune in for that.

So thanks again everybody. Have a great weekend and we'll see you in a week.

All: Good-byes.