© RIA Novosti
Contractors from private security companies are supposed to do what NATO cannot do openly, they train terrorists who destabilize situation in Ukraine, Michel Chossudovsky, Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization told RIA Novosti Tuesday.
"Those organizations (private security companies) will do what NATO cannot do openly. They can train people to be terrorists," Chossudovsky said, adding that in Syria private contractors were training al-Qaeda.
"We are talking about the continuation of US policy of military intervention in Ukraine and a preparatory stage for a massacre in southeastern Ukraine," Igor Korotchenko, editor-in-chief of the National Defense monthly Russian-language magazine said, adding that the deployment of mercenaries from a private company Greystone Ltd. may be financed by Ukrainian oligarchs and organized in coordination with the US State Department.
Michel Chossudovsky told RIA Novosti that mercenaries are normally hired by governments, but options are numerous as they operate covertly and do not identify themselves.
"Private contractors could be hired by NATO, or by Ukrainian government or by an intermediary. Anyone can hire Greystone, they operate covertly, they don't identify themselves, and make money," Chossudovsky said.
"Considering that Ukraine's security services show their obvious incompetence, foreign mercenaries are supposed to suppress the protests in the southeastern part of the country," Korotchenko said.
Michel Chossudovsky expects Graystone to recruit Ukrainians for the operation and reminded that the company recruits different nationalities, who are trained by professional military personnel.
"Within the Ukrainian National Guard there are western military advisors, they have senior military people. They are supposed to train protective services, but in fact they train terrorists," Chossudovsky said.
"NATO and the US won't acknowledge the presence of these special forces.
What is happening is an influx of special forces in Ukraine which are there with the purpose to sustain the current government, but also to sustain the state of destabilization," Chossudovsky said stressing that mercenaries would infiltrate with grassroots movements to trigger violence across Ukraine.
Canadian expert also said that NATO advisors are already present in Ukraine and have been brought by Kiev authorities.
We have reports that there were mercenaries in Eastern Ukraine in early March. Some of these mercenaries are used for sophisticated sniper operations which characterize Euro Maidan," Chossudovsky said, adding that the similar operations have been seen in other countries.
Greystone Ltd. is a private company registered in Barbados that "provides the skilled professionals and program management services necessary to deliver rotary wing, protective security and training solutions."
It used to be a subsidiary of Blackwater private security services provider, and now operates as a separate entity but still has links to it.
The Russian Foreign Ministry has earlier voiced concerns over the buildup of Ukrainian forces in the southeastern part of the country involving some 150 American mercenaries from a private company Greystone Ltd., dressed in the uniform of the Ukrainian special task police unit Sokol. Moscow called this move violation of Ukraine's legislation.
Reader Comments
Maybe the people should stop paying taxes & pool that money to hire their own mercenaries for protection & to uphold their constitution. But, then the mercenaries they potentially hire would probably turn out to be double agents & the whole thing would backfire on them anyways. Too bad Russia couldn't secretly send the people support for protection against CIA-Blackwater-Greystone Ltd.-Terrorist killers for hire.
Operation Gladio was a series of NATO/US/UK operations in Europe post WW2 that began with supposed "good intentions" & was subverted by the maniacal "CIA anti-communist" policies, propogated by the CIA head of Europe- Reinhard Gehlen (ex Mjr General for NAZI Intelligence) who also set up the . Operation Gladio went from a stay behind army - in case of Soviet aggression, which never came, to "State Sponsored Terror Campaigns" to scare the public into supporting military build up & incursions around the world. This became known as "The Strategy of Tension" by the use "False Flag Operations" (FF=one country instigating an operation/attack & blaming it on another country/group).
[False Flags have been used by governments for centuries to "Justify going to war": US-Spanish war-the Maine; The Reichstag fire & Gleiwitz Incident-NAZI Germany/Poland; Pearl Harbor {variant; US foreknowledge of the attack-but allowed the Attack to happen}; Gulf of Tonkin {variant; there was no attack at all} US/Vietnam War; 9/11 {it has been proven beyond any doubt that 9/11 was instigated by the highest levels in the US Govt; very complex multi-faceted false flag} initiated the War of/on Terror.]
Operation Northwoods is a disturbing CIA/US Military blueprint for "Terror Campaigns" within the US on US citizens & military written in 1962, JFK sacked the head of the CIA over it & threatened to "Crush the CIA into a thousand pieces & cast it to the wind." JFK's assassination was definitely a CIA controlled operation for multiple reasons, the main one being JFK's revelation that the US Govt had been subverted by psychopaths & was headed on a path of military expansionism for US & EU Corporate & Banking interests. (JFK was planning to end the Federal Reserve; pull out of Nam, Reduce the Military, End high end Oil subsidies & gear the US economy towards World Peace; Nothing the psychopaths wanted).
Do some research on youtube, learn whats going on. Well researched documentaries:
NSA & the One Trillion Dollar Scam; WAR PROMISES; How They Fake Terrorism-Manufactured Fear 1-3; Counter Intelligence I-IV; Real Reason Flt 370 Disappeared; Smoking Gun Proof-Malaysia Flt370; Dirty Wars 2013; So this is what Winning Looks Like;**September 11-The New Pearl Harbour 1-3: Hard 9/11 Truth-Conspiracy of Money; 9/11: Explosives Evidence; 9/11: False- Flag Terrorism; 9/11 Painful Deceptions; 9/11 Suspects- Explosive Connections (Updated); 911-Conspiracy Solved; Loose Change 1-3; 9/11 The Birth of Treason; 9/11: Blueprint for Truth; 9 11 Documentaries-9/11/2001-7/7/2005; 9-11 WTC biggest Gold Heist in History; 9/11 Key CIA Connections; The CIA Controls Al Qaeda; Secrets of the CIA; Iron Mountain-Blueprint to Tyranny; NATO’s Secret Armies(2009); *Operation Paperclip:-CIA & the NAZI’s; CIA Covert Operations & US Interventions; CIA Agents Exposes Al Qaeda Doesn’t Exist:**The Oil Factor; Depleted Uranium-Creeping Genocide; Wake Up Call; *War By Other Means; All Wars are Bankers Wars; Truth about Halliburton; The Business of War: SOFEX; Conspiracy Theory No More; Bilderberg 7/7, 9/11, New World order…;” Enlightenment of the Truth in the World; Also Look Up: John Stockwell-13year CIA section Chief: CIA Secret Wars, CIA Disinformation, America’s 3rd World War & More*; John Pilger: *The War on Democracy; Heroes; Nicaragua; The New Rulers of the World; Breaking the Silence; CIA/US Military: Operation Gladio, Op Ajax & Op Northwoods. Post 9/11 Legislation: Patriot Act/Military Commissions act/ NDAA/National Security-Presidential Directive-51;-“Continuity of Government;”
Major General S Butler USMC (2x Congressional Medals of Honor): “the US Military are used as Gangsters & Thugs for US (Corporate) Capitalists;” “Injustice Anywhere is a Threat to Justice Everywhere.” M.L.King. “Man Must Put An End To War, Or War Will Put An End To Man.” JFK.