Earthquake east of Grímsey Island

Earthquake with the magnitude of ML3.5 (estimate) did take place at 19:48 UTC. This is normal tectonic activity for this area. But this area of Iceland has the most earthquake activity most of the year.
© Iceland Meteorological Office Earthquake activity in TFZ.

Þeistareykjabunga volcano

It was noticed by a reader of this blog that Þeistareykjabunga volcano was having few earthquakes. Þeistareykjabunga volcano last erupted in the year 900 BC (+- 100 years). This earthquake swarm was small. Mostly earthquakes with the magnitude of ML0.5 to ML1.0. The focal depth of this earthquake swarm was around 5 km. So this in all, is most likely an tectonic earthquake swarm. Rather then volcanic. Þeistareykjabunga volcano is an active volcano. But at current time I do not think anything has changed in that volcano at present time.

© Iceland Meteorological Office Þeistareykjabunga volcano is located north of Krafla volcano.
I do not expect anything more to happen in Þeistareykjarbunga volcano. But if there are changes, they won't go unnoticed.

Thanks to Mafl for the tip on Þeistareykjabunga volcano.