The alternative community is fascinated by this topic, giving us all kinds of explanations and information about "the topic of all topics". But anyone who has looked into the UFO phenomenon a bit deeper knows that there is more to it than what meets the eye. There are certain issues that are overlooked or even ignored by some prominent advocates of disclosure and exopolitics.
One of the most misunderstood aspects of the UFO subject is the hyperdimensional and paraphysical nature of the phenomenon, as well as the idea that humanity may not be as "special" and untouchable as we believe ourselves to be.
Be it history, politics, religion, psychology, science, education or health, we're being lied to in virtually all areas of our lives and our attention is being vectored away from the truth. As a matter of fact, those who get too close to the truth are often attacked and ridiculed. Truth is no good for business in a ponerized society with psychopaths in power, steering the ship where pathological traits have become the accepted norm in our official culture.
However, wishful thinking and denial about the state of the world creates even more self-deception with people dreaming to wake up, yet still asleep. The topic of UFOs and disclosure is certainly not exempt from being used as a way to misinform and distract the masses from the truth, yet behind the smoke screen and disinformation it may hold major clues in regards to what is happening to us and the world, present and past. The task, as always, is to separate truth from lies, within and without.
This following video series explores the secrecy surrounding the greatest cover-up of all time, presenting an overview of the UFO phenomenon, aliens, abductions, disclosure, and hyperdimensional realities. It's easy to come to hasty conclusions and assumptions about this topic, so make sure to watch all 8 parts and look up the the resources mentioned in the video for more information.
Full length version:
In 8 parts:
- part 1
- part 2
- part 3
- part 4
- part 5
- part 6
- part 7
- part 8
Kudos to Bernhard Guenther & Humberto Braga for making this film freely available. As "The High Strangeness of Dimensions, Densities and the Process of Alien Abduction" is the foremost light in the literary world of the UFO phenomena, so too is the "UFOs, Aliens, and the Question of Contact" film the foremost light in the world of documentary films on the UFO question of questions. As with High Strangeness, John Keels and Karla Turners work, it raises the question, "Are we really perceiving reality as is, or is our conscious percpetion being "managed" and conditioned with projected, perceptual screens?"