Secret HistoryS


SOTT Focus: Madrid Bombings Redux - What Really Happened

Mossad - All in a day's work

For its cold-blooded professionalism, the Madrid bombings of March 11th 2004 bore all the hallmarks of an Israeli Mossad false flag operation. Yet the most interesting aspects of this particular "Islamic terror" attack is that it was one of the rare instances when the plan went totally awry in terms of the hoped for outcome.


SOTT Focus: Creating Reality And The "War On Terror" - A 'How To' Guide

In 2004, former Wall Street Journal reporter and author Ron Suskind wrote in New York Times Magazine:
"In the summer of 2002, after I had written an article in Esquire that the White House didn't like about Bush's former communications director, Karen Hughes, I had a meeting with a senior adviser to Bush. He expressed the White House's displeasure, and then he told me something that at the time I didn't fully comprehend - but which I now believe gets to the very heart of the Bush presidency.

"The aide said that guys like me were 'in what we call the reality-based community,' which he defined as people who 'believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.' I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. 'That's not the way the world really works anymore,' he continued. 'We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality - judiciously, as you will - we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors ... and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.'"


SOTT Focus: Al Gore and the Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy

I've been sitting back observing the little rumbles of awakening that seem to be emerging here and there across the land. Little by little, one by one, there are voices being raised against the Fascist jack-boots that have been trampling our world into a bloody mess for the past six years. Of course, it is difficult for these voices to be heard widely enough because of the control of the media, nevertheless, some of them are managing lately to get a few words in on Prime Time. Al Gore is among the latest to check in with his book "The Assault on Reason".

It's an interesting show. It's like being at the County Fair and watching somebody trying to shoot little ducks that pop up and down as they move along a little conveyor. The Jimmy Carter duck pops up declaiming that Israel is an apartheid state and all the Zionists start shooting at him. Then, Rosie O'Donnel pops up and delights her listeners by saying that 911 was in inside job so her bosses and their bosses start shooting at her. There have been a number of others, and most of them have been taken out by the media ignoring them more than anything else. I've said it before and I'll say it again: the first order of business for any society suffering oppression that seeks to dig their way out of such a mess is to take back the media. The mass media should belong to the people and should answer only to the people. Does that sound Socialistic? Well, yeah. Fact is, Socialism seems to be a heck of a lot more democratic in many respects than the much vaunted American Capitalism which has led the U.S. into the State Corporatism trap of Soviet style Communism.


SOTT Focus: New Podcast! Interview With Richard Sauder: Underwater and Underground Bases

"This planet is controlled and locked down and has been for centuries if not millennia, and the question is, why, why must planet earth be locked down, dumbed down, so thoroughly controlled and for so long, why? Who and what is behind this?"

No Entry

SOTT Focus: Beware The Ides of April: Cho Seung-hui and the Mosaic Distinction

The Mosaic Distinction - Psychopathy in action.

The other day I made a comment on the SOTT blog to the effect that things were getting pretty warm for the administration over the past few weeks, what with the Prosecutor's purge and Bush's "Fascist Law Czar" - Gonzales - getting ready to be called on the carpet in a serious way and that now, with the Va. Tech. Massacre as the subject of the latest media feeding frenzy, Gonzales is basically off the hook.

Then, of course, there is the issue of the growing movement for impeachment that is supposed to reach a fever pitch at the California Democratic Convention in San Diego on April 28. That has taken a back seat as well.


SOTT Focus: Project Paperclip, MKULTRA, Dr. Greenbaum and Seung Hui Cho: Was the VA Tech Gunman Mind Programmed?

©James M. Thresher - Twp
Seung Hui Cho in the 1998 Stone Middle School yearbook.

Project Paperclip, MKULTRA and Dr. Greenbaum, three things you've never heard of which may have everything to do with what happened at Virginia Tech.

Virginia Tech

There are a few points on the general timing of events that I think need to be iterated for the sake of clarity before we look at possible explanations.

There were two shooting incidents, the first occurred at 7:15am and then the second series began approximately 2 hours later.
"A lot of our friends live in [West Ambler Johnston Hall] and we heard that a girl got shot and killed in the stairwell, and that it was, like, 7:15 [a.m.]. A lot of people go to class at 7:45 [a.m.], so everyone was just talking about how they couldn't believe that they let students out at 7:45 to go to their 8 a.m. classes, because someone had just gotten shot and killed 30 minutes before. ..." - Hunter Wilson
So evidently we have two separate incidents. The motives and shooter for the first still remain unknown. Thus far there's been no evidence to suggest it was Cho Seung-Hui. What is available are a few references to an Asian or Asiatic man being detained by police, and then released. There is some mention of him being involved in a romantic relationship, but again this info is sketchy. What you've got to remember is that the fact that accounts are so distorted and confusing is actually a fingerprint of intel agencies and their operations.

Red Flag

SOTT Focus: "Suicide Bombings" - The Cover Story For US Military Ops In Iraq

Al-sarafiya bridge which, until two days ago, spanned the Tigris in Baghdad, linking Shia and Sunni neighborhoods of the city.

"Suicide bombings" are a daily occurrence in Iraq, and are the major propaganda tool used by the US government and its mainstream media to convince the world that there is still some "freedom and Democracy" work to be done by US troops in Iraq. But what if they are a cover for something else?


SOTT Focus: The Body Snatchers

©Signs of the Times

"Look! You fools! You're in danger! Can't you see? They're after you! They're after all of us! Our wives...our children...they're here already! You're next!"

~Dr. Miles Bennell, The Invasion of the Body Snatchers
At the end of WW II, an American soldier stumbled into a bunker in Berlin where he found Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and a lawyer. He only had two bullets; which two of the three tyrants did he shoot?

Answer: None, he shot the lawyer twice.

Is it just a bad joke or does it tell us something important about our society?


SOTT Focus: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed: The Wally-World of Wickedness!

Is this the face of the man who brought the "greatest nation on earth" to its knees?

Not too long following the revelation that CNN and BBC broadcast videos indicated that both news sources had reported the collapse of WTC7 at least 20 minutes BEFORE it was "pulled," (which suggests government and media complicity in the 911 attacks), Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the man accused of masterminding the 9/11 attacks, has now appeared before a closed hearing at Guantanamo Bay where he is said to have confessed leading involvement in the September 11 attacks.

Not only! In addition, Sheikh Mohammed ALSO confessed to playing a leading role in THIRTY - yes, count them: 30 - additional terrorist plots! This a stunning range of terrorist activities he claims to have had a hand in including both the 1993 and 2001 assaults on the World Trade Center, as well as the beheading of the Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, attacks on Heathrow airport, Big Ben and Canary Wharf in UK, and still more!

Time Magazine remarks - with tongue in cheek, I suspect - that KSM "came across as an earnest, somewhat chatty mass murderer taking credit for plans to detonate the Panama Canal as well as New York City landmarks like the stock exchange. He also mentions assassination plots directed at former Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton as well as Pope John Paul II. Several of the conspiracies he cited, notably the one involving President Carter, have not previously been disclosed."

Yes indeedy! KSM is your veritable one-stop shopping Terrorist Super Store! The Wally-World of Wickedness!


SOTT Focus: Tales From The Crypt: The Mummy Returns to Bring Religious War

The Sunday Times, Sunday 31st March 1996

There has been a gathering storm of potentially explosive controversy between Christians and Jews that we have been observing with some interest. It may not be apparent to some that this issue has the potential to ignite global conflict, but if all factors are taken into consideration, including the fact that this very event was predicted years ago by Douglas Reed in his book Controversy of Zion, the arrangement of playing pieces on the board should give us some clue about what is in store.

Obviously, of course, it is only some Jews and some Christians, but the ramifications of the situation - especially considering the background and details - are startling. We hope that you will peruse this mini-series including some comments and understand that this is just another salvo in a long-term project and the when the storm finally breaks, things could get very ugly.

Let's begin our review with the basic claims.