Society's ChildS

Bizarro Earth

Swedish capital sees 79% spike in shootings last year

© TT News Agency/Johan Nilsson via REUTERSPolice forensics examine the crime scene where a 15-year-old was fatally hit and another severely wounded when attackers opened fire on a pizzeria before fleeing the scene on bicycles in Malmo, Sweden November 9, 2019.
Sweden recorded a surge in gun-related violence last year, according to new figures released by the government amid accusations that authorities have turned a blind eye to rising crime in the country.

Interior Minister Mikael Damberg disclosed on Monday that 47 people were killed and 117 injured in 366 shooting incidents in 2020, marking a 10 percent increase in gun violence when compared to statistics from 2019.

Damberg noted that in nearly half of the shootings registered last year, someone was injured or killed. "We will neither accept nor get used to such high levels of violence," he said.

Comment: And perhaps in response to the soaring crime, Sweden appears to be rethinking its disastrous mass migrations policies: Sweden denies entry to migrants from Greece's Moria camp, is a radical policy change on the cards?

See also: And check out SOTT radio's: The Truth Perspective: Weapons of Mass Migration: Interview with Michael Springmann on Europe's Migrant Crisis


California teacher says Bernie's mittens are symbol of 'white privilege,' in 'stupidest op-ed ever'

Bernie Sanders
© Reuters / Caroline BrehmanBernie Sanders attends the Presidential Inauguration of Joe Biden on the West Front of the US Capitol in Washington, DC, January 20, 2021
Progressive godfather Bernie Sanders has been cancelled and is now, according to a San Francisco journalist and teacher, the embodiment of "white privilege," all because he wears meme-able mittens, or something.

Few people would associate Bernie Sanders with "white supremacy." An elderly Jewish progressive whose ill-fated presidential campaign last year promised to build a left-wing "multi-generational, multi-racial coalition," the Vermont senator is about as far from the prototypical skinhead as it's possible to be.

Not so for Ingrid Seyer-Ochi, a high school teacher (that's right, she shapes the youth of America) and San Francisco Chronicle columnist. In an op-ed on Saturday, Seyer-Ochi argued that Sanders "manifests privilege, white privilege, male privilege and class privilege."

By turning up to Joe Biden's inauguration in a puffy jacket and mittens, her argument went, Sanders didn't show the appropriate respect to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Why Biden - who has worked with segregationists in the Senate, voted for the Iraq war, and authored a draconian crime bill that incarcerated masses of African-Americans - was given a pass is of course left unsaid.



De Croo's home vandalized with swastikas

Belgian Prime Minister Alexander de Croo
© BelgaBelgian Prime Minister Alexander de Croo
Multiple swastikas were found spray-painted onto the home of Belgian Prime Minister Alexander de Croo this morning.

There were seven in total, painted on both the letterbox and the outside of the house in Michelbeke.

There was a protest by the far-right political movement Vlaanderen Ons Land that took place nearby on Saturday, but no connection between the demonstration and the vandalism has been established at this time.

While dozens of local and federal police were on hand in preparation of that rally, only about 15 protestors participated.

Comment: Those darned white supremacist anti-lockdowners. Always making it easier for governments to make a false connection between those who are against lockdowns and racism, bigotry, etc.


Acronyms are 'symptoms of white supremacy', says San Francisco public schools' art dept, after dropping its abbreviation

School buses
© REUTERS/Stephen LamSchool buses are seen in San Francisco, California, U.S. April 7, 2020.
The San Francisco Unified School District Arts Department has decided to abandon its acronym, apparently in a bid to end racism - but many Twitter users have failed to appreciate this historic step forward for equality.

Formerly known as 'VAPA', short for 'Visual and Performing Arts', the department announced that going forward it would be referred to as the SFUSD Arts Department because "acronyms are a symptom of white supremacy culture," a local ABC affiliate reported.

The name change is a "simple step" that can be taken to ensure families from all backgrounds "better understand who we are," explained the department's director, Sam Bass. He said the move, which comes at a time when San Francisco schools remain shuttered due to Covid-19 restrictions, was part of a policy aimed at "prioritizing antiracist arts instruction in our work."

Elaborating on the new name, which also uses an acronym, Bass stressed that he didn't want to "alienate" those who may not speak English and therefore are unable to understand what 'VAPA' stands for. He did not explain how the same individuals could comprehend the meaning of 'SFUSD Arts Department'.

But the re-brand has apparently already sparked confusion. When San Francisco Mayor London Breed was pressed to comment on the name change by the media, she reportedly was initially unaware of the move and didn't understand the question.

Comment: LGBTQ. QED.


Redefining death and the big lie

The Big Lie
© EricPetersAuto

The biggest lies go down easiest - because most psychologically normal people have trouble believing
anyone could lie on a scale like that. This is why psychopaths get away with lying on an epic scale. It is literally unbelievable.

It is why people working 60 hours a week for $15 an hour believe in TV evangelists who live in multimillion dollar homes and travel in private jets.

And it is why people believe that "400,000" have died Because Corona. They hear the sermons - which like those of the TV evangelist are full of fire and brimstone, death - and promises of salvation. Now send in $100.

Or wear "your" mask.

Accept a life of perpetual diminishment, personal and economic. Subservience eternal - as the price of your salvation.

But maybe hold off on sending in that $100 and consider some simple division.

We're told that - as of the end of 2020 - about 315,00 people died Because Corona. The problem is, almost no one died of anything else.

The CDC said - in late December - that the total number of deaths from all causes in the U.S. over 2020 was about 2.9 million. If you subtract the number of asserted deaths Because Corona, you end up with fewer total deaths than in any years since 2014.

Red Flag

China rights activist missing after being stopped at Shanghai airport, state media omits Jack Ma from list of business leaders

Guo Feixiong
© APIn this December 2014, file photo, Yang Maodong, better known by his penname Guo Feixiong, sits in a detention center in Guangzhou in southern China's Guangdong province.
Authorities have given no word on the status of Chinese legal rights activist Guo Feixiong after he was blocked from leaving the country last week to join his family in the United States, his sister said Tuesday.

Yang Maoping said they had no word from Guo or information from police since he was reportedly detained at Shanghai's Pudong airport Thursday while attempting to board a flight to the U.S.

Guo had messaged friends that he would go on hunger strike unless allowed to leave the country to be with his wife who is undergoing treatment for cancer.

"I have been informed that I cannot leave the country because I am under suspicion of endangering state security and other such charges. I will now go on indefinite hunger strike and call on the people of China and governments and people around the world to offer assistance," Guo said in a text sent to friends and passed on to journalists.

As a lawyer, Guo represented government critics and had been imprisoned for more than 10 years under China's loosely defined state security laws. The ruling Communist Party frequently uses travel bans to punish those who challenge it, often as a prelude to prosecution and lengthy prison terms.

Comment: Research the "709 crackdown" for more on how Chinese authorities treat lawyers who defend human rights cases on mainland China: RSDL ("residential surveillance at a designated location" - i.e. arbitrary arrest followed by solitary confinement in a secret prison for an undesignated period of time), forced and scripted TV confessions, threatening family members, etc.

Even being pro-Beijing isn't always a safeguard:

And in other news, Jack Ma was left off a list of Chinese entrepreneurial leaders by the Shanghai Securities News today. The memory hole is working nicely, it seems. For background, see this.

Snakes in Suits

Treasury Sec. Yellen received $800G from hedge fund in Gamestop controversy; WH doesn't commit to recusal

© REUTERS/Brendan McDermid/Illustration
Newly-confirmed Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen received around $810,000 in speaking fees from the hedge fund that bailed out one of the primary losers in the recent Gamestop frenzy.

Yellen's financial disclosure shows her making $337,500 for multiple days in Oct. of 2020 from Citadel. She similarly banked $292,500 in October of 2019 and $180,000 in December of that year.

The Senate confirmed Yellen on Monday, making her the first female secretary of the department. She previously chaired the Federal Reserve after an appointment by former President Obama.

Both Citadel and Point72 infused almost $3 billion into Melvin Capital, which saw massive losses after betting against the video game retailer Gamestop. The White House said on Wednesday that Yellen was monitoring the situation.

Comment: In Texas, the attorney general and the SEC have announced they will be investigating the Gamestop trading restrictions. From the AG himself:
"Wall Street corporations cannot limit public access to the free market, nor should they censor discussion surrounding it, particularly for their own benefit," said Paxton. "This apparent coordination between hedge funds, trading platforms, and web servers to shut down threats to their market dominance is shockingly unprecedented and wrong. It stinks of corruption."
Steve Cohen, the billionaire and owner of the New York Mets, deleted his Twitter after his hedge fund company bailed out a number of fellow financiers hit hard by the Reddit investors. One of those hedge funds, Melvin Capital, lost more than $8 billion in January. All due to grassroots work by real people. Karma comes back in a big way!

As the battle rages on between Wall Street and Gamestop investors, the WallStreetBets coin has been placed at the top of the rankings on the CoinMarketCap price-tracking website, above bitcoin.

Media outlets digging into the Robinhood founders' political contributions revealed that Robinhood CEO Vlad Tenev and co-founder Baiju Bhatt contributed $2,800 each to the campaigns of Maxine Waters (D-CA), the chairwoman of the House Committee on Financial Services, and the top Republican on the committee, Patrick McHenry (R-NC), last October.


MSNBC did not ask Lincoln Project founders about John Weaver allegations despite booking them 17 times after the story first broke

rick wilson MSNBC
MSNBC hosts did not ask Lincoln Project co-founders about sexual harassment allegations against their colleague despite booking them 17 times over three weeks.

The Lincoln Project, a pro-Democrat group, was forced to disavow co-founder John Weaver on Jan. 31 following a New York Times report that he sexually propositioned men and boys on social media.

The Lincoln Project claimed in a statement that it was "betrayed and deceived by John Weaver."

Comment: See also:


Three dead in Pennsylvania snow shovelling dispute

Three dead in Pennsylvania snow
© Getty Images/iStockphoto)Three dead in Pennsylvania snow shovelling dispute
Couple shot in argument with neighbour

Three people died in a Pennsylvania shooting that stemmed from a dispute over snow clearance.

A husband and wife were found gunned down in the street following a violent argument with their neighbour, who was then found dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound at his nearby home.

Police say that the violence unfolded in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, during Monday's heavy snowstorm and that neighbours reported hearing a dozen shots shortly after 9am.

District attorney Stefanie Salavantis said there had been existing friction between the neighbours but that "this morning, the dispute was exacerbated by a disagreement over snow disposal."


Antifa activists occupy hotel in Washington state Capitol, demanding shelter for homeless

Red Lion Hotel on Capitol Way
An activist group calling itself Oly Housing Now has occupied 17 rooms of a Red Lion Hotel on Capitol Way in downtown Olympia, WA, according to a news release issued by the group.
Update 9pm: At least 12 people have been arrested so far.

Update 8:30 PM: EMTs were seen entering the building. City of Olympia releases a statement on the events on the evening.

Update 8:20 PM: Sympathizers of the hotel occupiers are harassing journalists and citizen journalists documenting the event, trying to get them to stop filming.

Comment: From Jason Ratz:

And Andy Ngo:

See also: