© Randy Hanson Members of the Pierce and Jacobson families pose near the spot where some of them witnessed a meteor pass over the town of Hudson. Lisa Pierce, back left, contacted the Star-Observer about the sighting, resulting in comments on www.hudsonstarobserver.com from many other readers who saw the meteor. Pierce is with, front from left, her son Charlie, neighbor children Emma and Sam Jacobson, and son Michael, back right.
Hudson-area residents lucky enough to have been looking at the stars sometime before 8 p.m. Wednesday, March 3, were treated to what will no doubt be a once-in-a-lifetime sight.
Judging from reader comments on the
Star-Observer's Web site, a rare meteor fireball passed over the community at a low altitude.
Michelle Judge, who lives about five miles east of Hudson on the south side of I-94, was returning to her house from doing chores in the barn when she saw the fireball.
"I could see the actual fire in a ball. It was very good-sized -- and it was totally quiet," Judge said when contacted by the
Star-Observer, after reporting the sighting online.
Judge said the fireball traveled almost directly west at an altitude of what she thought wasn't more than a few hundred feet.
It disappeared over her field, Judge said, "and then the rumble came and the turkeys went crazy."
Comment: This is an update to an earlier story.