Fire in the SkyS


US: Boomerang-shaped UFO menaces young couple in Nevada desert

Fallon, Nevada - May 7, 2009 - Boomerang-shaped UFO menaces young couple in Nevada desert

A report of a boomerang-shaped UFO has captured the attention of the Mutual UFO Network (Mufon), and may be categorized as a "Level 3" event, which is one of the highest ranked UFO sightings and characterized as a close encounter with an object.

The first witness described the object as being a mere 100 yards away from their vantage point, and at an altitude of 200 feet. The boomerang-shaped object was estimated to be approximately 50 feet wide, and was a solid mass when viewed head-on, changing to translucent while retaining a faint outline when turning, or banking. There was a bright, intense light at the nose of the craft, with two occasionally flashing yellow lights on each side. There were no lights on the bottom. The event began when the witness, and his girlfriend, were returning from a drive in the desert. They observed what appeared to be three strange aircraft flying together erratically in a triangular formation. The objects stopped suddenly and one of the objects fell slowly to the ground as if it had crashed, and the other two separated and flew southwest.


US: Oklahoma - Fireball may have been a meteorite

Local law enforcement officials haven't closed the books on identifying the cause of a fireball in the skies of Cherokee County May 5, but they're no longer actively searching for its origin.

Tahlequah-Cherokee County Emergency Management Director Gary Dotson said Thursday that search efforts have been called off. Emergency services personnel searched Tuesday and Wednesday, without success.

Dotson had said a Woodall firefighter reported seeing the fireball as it plummeted to the ground.

Eric Wichman, a private researcher for Meteorites USA, a California organization, said the idea that the fireball may have been a plane or helicopter hasn't been completely ruled out. He said, however, that eyewitnesses he spoke to have said it didn't sound like an aircraft.

"It's possible it could have been a meteor fireball," Wichman said. "The witnesses said it was high in the sky and below the cloud cover. They said it was moving southwest to northeast."

Comment: Oh yes, nothing to worry about with falling meteorites. They only hurt if they fall on you.

We suggest you read any, or even better, all of the articles listed in the sidebar to the left under "Comets and Catastrophes". This is not to frighten anyone, but to get a better understanding of just what the PTB don't want you to know.

Remember, knowledge protects.


US: Carlsbad, California - Residents report loud boom

Officials say there is no known cause

Something went boom in the night Tuesday, but no one seems to know what it was.

The boom seemed especially powerful along the coast, where residents reported windows, doors and houses shaking at about 10 minutes before 8 p.m.

There was speculation that the sound and accompanying sensation came from a supersonic jet, officials with the Federal Aviation Administration and the U.S.Geological Survey said Wednesday.

Navy officials said they knew of no aircraft activity Tuesday night that might have caused the boom. Marine officials said they would research whether their aircraft might have been responsible.


Update: Search for meteor in Arizona

Sedona - Authorities in Arizona said there has been no sign that a large meteor reported in the skies near Sedona made impact with the ground.

A spokesman for the Pinewood Fire Department in Munds Hill, near Sedona, said a crew drove up and down Interstate 17 but could find no evidence of the fireball that witnesses said lit up the sky Saturday night, the Arizona Daily Sun, Flagstaff, Ariz., reported Monday.


US: Meteor strikes Flagstaff area?

There have been reports of a possible meteor crashing into Earth early Sunday morning near Flagstaff.

Multiple people called police saying they saw a car size ball of flame crashing to Earth.

Jeff Hall, who works for Lowell Observatory, was at home when he looked out his window and saw the object. "The fireball, heading northeast, was really bright, I do not know if whatever that was impacted, but it was exceptionally bright for a meteor," Hall told KTAR.

Halls' neighbors are members of a search and rescue crew. They said a chopper crew on duty reported being "blinded" by it.

According to Hall, there may have been more than one object.


April 7th 2009 Fireball Sighting Report in Florida, USA

Date: April 7th 2009 Fireball Sighting Reports

Time Of Sighting: 21:45

Report: My children and I just pulled into our drive way as I put my hand on the door of the car to open it I saw a light greenish blue color and thought someone had shot off fireworks it was small at first then it was getting a longer and longer shape and the color was changing to a yellow color and it was also getting wider. The tail was white and getting longer then the front turned white. Then it got red and really big exploded and disappered quickly.


US: Large meteor crashes near Flagstaff, Arizona

An official with the Coconino County National Forest Service has reported a "very large" meteor crashed overnight in the area of Schnebly Hill near Flagstaff.

The news alert, sent out by the sheriff's office, reported that when the meteor impacted the ground, authorities received multiple calls and reports of a "car-size ball of flame."

More details as they become available.


US: Scientist - Meteorite could have made 'boom'

A mysterious "boom" that resounded across Vancouver, Washington early Friday may have been an extraterrestrial wake-up call, theorizes a geophysicist with the U.S. Geological Survey in Vancouver.

"I can't think of any other explanation, other than a fairly substantial gravel quarry explosion," said Jeff Wynn, research geophysicist with the Cascades Volcano Observatory.

Local gravel quarries reported no activity, especially at 6 a.m.

Several online readers last week offered theories about the noise, which some reported rattling windows and spooking animals. But, in a story on Saturday, experts ruled out some of the obvious theories. It wasn't a thunderclap. It wasn't a volcanic eruption. As far as emergency managers know, nothing exploded on the ground.


US: Fireball streaks through Texas sky

Waco - Residents from Waco to Madison County reported seeing a flaming object streaking through the western Central Texas sky Monday morning, but there is no confirmation yet what the object may have been.

One resident reported to KBTX-TV she saw the object above the Kroger store in College Station.

Another reported seeing it while driving on Wellborn Road in College Station.

A resident also saw it in Madison County.


US: Meteor creates fiery spectacle over Wise County

A cosmic visitor created a brief spectacle over the pre-dawn Wise County skies Friday.

Most likely a meteor plummeting to earth in a blaze of glory, the fireball streaked down on an easterly arc roughly above U.S. Route 58 down toward what appeared to be a destination in the Tacoma area, at least from the perspective of White Oak Road atop the Tacoma Mountain Road ridgeline, looking south.

The fiery falling object was witnessed shortly before 6:30 a.m., or roughly a half-hour before sunrise. Daybreak motorists on U.S. 58 would have had a nice view of an unusual event during their morning commute, the fireball breaking apart into two pieces before flaming out in the same instant at what appeared to be just a few hundred feet above the terrain.