It was only a few days ago in our blog post,
"Rejoice! The War on Terror is Over!", that we made note that some of the criminals and sociopaths inside of the US Government, like Janet Napolitano and former U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, started changing their overall theme.
With the announced but completely unverified death of Osama bin Laden they immediately went to work to find a new threat. Napolitano stated that now the threat is "U.S. residents willing to carry out attacks with little or no warning" and Gonzales stated the "next terrorist attack is going to be conducted by someone who looks like you or me, speaks perfect English, is probably a citizen of the United States or has the capacity to move freely in the United States".
© The Dollar VigilanteAccording to Alberto Gonzales this may be what the next terrorist looks like.
So, according to Alberto, the next terrorist will either look like him or like one of 300 million+ other citizens of the United States. It could be Lil' John or Lindsay Lohan or Al Pacino! We must be ever vigilant!
Oh wait, Lil' John doesn't speak perfect English... or anything that even sounds like a decipherable language. So it's probably not him.
Note, as well, how Alberto threw in that the next terrorist will likely have the "capacity to move freely in the United States". Well, we'll just have to make sure that is not something anyone can do then, right, Alberto?
Comment: True, not all representing Democrats have fallen to Pathocratic influences, the same goes for Republicans too. The two party system is however a sham-puppet-show; a reliable method of keeping the vast majority of peoples in the dark, believing that social and political 'change' is possible, simply by voting. Real positive change surely can never happen without a deeper awareness of reality, and the dangers of a belief in the 'two party system'.