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In the '70s, there was
The Hustle. We've got a new dance here in the Homeland. It's called
The Holocaust Shuffle. The steps are easy to learn. Just stand here, legs apart - and arms up. Say nothing - and do exactly as you are told. Now, freeze in place. There! You are almost ready... .
What are they normalizing? We all know, deep down - it's just that most of us don't want to face up to it. We can't bear to. It is inconceivable. Unimaginable. Impossible. It would upend the conditioning of a lifetime - our entire view of the world. Of our country and culture - of the people all around us.
Such things can't happen
again. And certainly not
Ah, but they can. Right here, too.
They already are. And the process began long before the events of
nineleven - the new High Holy Day here in the land of the formerly somewhat free. It has been a work in progress since at least the 1980s - when the notion of
randomly stopping people - the first frontal assault upon the Fourth Amendment - was introduced and
accepted by the courts and then the public. Got to get those
dangerous drunks off the road, you see.
Fast forward 20 years and now people are randomly
groped as a matter of routine. Got to get those
dangerous terrorists now, you see. Personal space itself is no longer inviolate. They can literally spread your cheeks and jam a thumb up your anus now. Just to be "safe." Over a
traffic stop. No, seriously. Don't believe it?
Believe it. They can throw you over the hood of a squad car and draw your blood. They can kick in the door of your home. They can shoot your dog if they feel it threatens "officer safety." And they can shoot you, too. That's
Comment: "Important progress"?? Is the IMF having a laugh?