Puppet MastersS


Western silence encourages Kiev's atrocities - Zakharova

Maria Zakharova
© Sputnik / Sergey GuneevFILE PHOTO: Russian Foreign Ministry’s spokeswoman Maria Zakharova.
International institutions that stay silent in the face of Ukrainian atrocities become Kiev's accomplices in these crimes, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova has said, highlighting the targeted attack on a Russian news crew near Gorlovka that killed a photographer and seriously injured two others.

On Thursday morning, an NTV crew reporting from Donbass came under Ukrainian fire near Gorlovka. Journalist Aleksey Ivliev, camera operator Valery Kozhin, and their Russian military escort were wounded. Kozhin later died of his injuries.

"Once again, representatives of the journalistic community and Russian media find themselves in the crosshairs of the Nazi regime in Kiev," Zakharova told reporters at the regular press briefing.

She pointed out that according to some sources, the crew was deliberately targeted by a Ukrainian drone, which dropped a mortar shell on their location.

According to Zakharova, international organizations from the UN on down have either remained silent or voiced "general concerns" about "this monstrous hunt for our correspondents," practically becoming Ukrainian accomplices and encouraging further atrocities on Kiev's part.

Comment: It's unlikely to hear anything but silence or the softest and broadest acknowledgement that something happened. Either way, Ukraine won't be condemned. But Zakharova already knew that.


NATO top-job favorite says dialogue needed with Russia

© Marco Tacca/Getty ImagesDutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte
Outgoing Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte has said the EU must accept that Russia is "not going away".

The EU will have to build some form of relationship with Russia when the Ukraine conflict ends, outgoing Dutch Prime Minister and the next likely NATO chief Mark Rutte has said.

Rutte visited Finland on Thursday for talks with President Alexander Stubb and Prime Minister Petteri Orpo on European security, including military assistance to Ukraine. Stubb later told reporters that Rutte is likely to become the US-led military bloc's next secretary general, Reuters reported.

Rutte, at a press conference following his meeting with Orpo, stated:
"At this moment, Russia of course is our main adversary, and we have to ensure that Ukraine wins. Russia will not go away and we have to find in the longer term a form of relationship with Russia. At this moment, it's very difficult to foresee how that will play out."


Musk wants Ukrainian NGO designated as terrorist group

© STR/NurPhoto/Getty ImagesElon Musk
The billionaire is one of 392 Americans accused of "echoing Russian propaganda" by the organization, which could now lose US funding.

A Ukrainian NGO has compiled a database of influential American citizens, who it claims hold positions that 'mirror' those of Moscow. One of the blacklisted individuals is billionaire Elon Musk, who has called for the organization to be designated as a terrorist group.

The NGO, Texty.org.ua, produced a lengthy report last week, which detailed a supposed "ecosystem" of citizens and organizations in the US, whose narratives "echo key messages of Russian propaganda" regarding the Ukraine conflict.

On Wednesday, Republican members of the House Appropriations Committee added a provision to the markup of the State Department's 2025 budget that bans Texty from receiving US funding.

No Entry

Russian troops never intended to capture Kiev - Putin

© Fadel Senna/AFPFortifications in the streets of Ukrainian capital, Kiev, in March 2022
Russian forces did not plan to storm Kiev when they advanced towards the Ukrainian capital in the first weeks of the conflict between the two countries, President Vladimir Putin has said.

During a meeting with his Russia's top diplomats on Friday, Putin noted continued "speculation" in Ukraine and the West about the intentions of Russian units when they reached the outskirts of Kiev in late February 2022.

Putin insisted:
"There was no political decision to storm the city of 3 million, no matter what anyone says due to their lack of thought. The Russian advance towards Kiev was nothing more than an operation to persuade the Ukrainian regime to [make] peace. The troops were there to motivate the Ukrainian side to engage in negotiations, to try to find an acceptable solution and this way end the war unleashed by Kiev against Donbass back in 2014."
The conflict between the Ukrainian government and the People's Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk, which erupted after the Western-backed coup in Kiev in February 2014, "posed a threat to the security of our country, to the security of Russia," Putin stressed.

Comment: The Bucha tragedy was pre-paged in the Biden-Zelensky playbook, timely carried out, falsely attributed. They couldn't let Russia 'go home' without a war to fight. Russia would be too honorable.


Ukrainian spies involved in Moscow terror attack - FSB chief

© SputnikFederal Security Service (FSB) Chief Alexander Bortnikov
Ukrainian intelligence services were involved in the deadly terrorist attack at the Crocus City Hall concert venue outside Moscow in March, the director of Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) has said.

Aleksandr Bortnikov made the statement during a virtual meeting of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee (NAC) on Tuesday:
"The Ukrainian and Western intelligence services are expanding the circle of possible perpetrators, recruited to commit high-profile crimes inside Russia. Kiev and its foreign backers are also assisting 'international terrorist organizations', which train and provide equipment to those people.

"A vivid example [of such activities] is the involvement of Ukrainian military intelligence in the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall near Moscow that was established by us."
The main targets of recruitment by Ukrainian and Western agencies are younger people including migrant workers, he said.

The attack on the concert venue on March 22 claimed 145 lives and left over 550 injured. Four gunmen stormed the building ahead of a rock concert, shooting everyone in sight before setting it on fire.

Comment: See also:

Quenelle - Golden

Lebanon's Hezbollah warns of 'decisive' response amidst Israel's threats to escalate and expand war

Hezbollah Deputy Secretary-General Sheikh Naim Qassem
© al-ManarHezbollah Deputy Secretary-General Sheikh Naim Qassem speaks at a ceremony in the capital Beirut on June 14, 2024.
A senior official of Lebanon's Hezbollah resistance movement has warned the Israeli regime of a "decisive" response in case of expanding the scope of its war on Lebanese soil.

Sheikh Naim Qassem, deputy secretary-general of Hezbollah, issued the warning in a ceremony in the capital Beirut on Friday as fire exchanges between the Lebanese resistance movement and Israeli troops intensified over the week following the targeted killing of a senior Hezbollah commander in the country's south.

Sami Abdallah, better known by the nom the guerre Abu Taleb, was killed along with three other people in the Israeli strikes that targeted a residential building in the southern Lebanese town of Jwaya on Tuesday.

Comment: Israeli officials have stated their intention to expand their aggression, and it does appear to be losing its advantage on various fronts, which may compel its pathocrats to take ever greater risks. And, just today, Gilad Atzmon commented that Israel's media does appear to be making the case for a looming escalation.

It's perhaps no coincidence that this is also occurring alongside the myriad of other developments on the world stage that presage some kind of uptick:

Bad Guys

DOJ 'declines' to prosecute AG Garland for contempt for refusal to turn over audio from Biden, Hur interview

merrick garland
© AP/Jacquelyn MartinAttorney General Merrick Garland testifies during a House Judiciary Committee hearing on the Department of Justice June 4, 2024, on Capitol Hill in Washington.
The House voted to hold Garland in contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over audio of President Biden's interview with Robert Hur

The Justice Department will not prosecute U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland for contempt, according to a letter sent from the agency to House Speaker Mike Johnson Friday.

The House voted Wednesday to hold Garland in contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over audio of President Biden's interview with special counsel Robert Hur.

"Consistent with this longstanding position and uniform practice, the Department has determined that the responses by Attorney General Garland to the subpoenas issued by the Committees did not constitute a crime, and accordingly the Department will not bring the congressional contempt citation before a grand jury or take any other action to prosecute the Attorney General," Assistant Attorney General Carlos Felipe Uriarte told Johnson in a letter.


Yemen dismantles large US, Israeli espionage network operating within its gov't, 'spread diseases' to attack health system

Yemen’s Supreme Security Committee
Yemen’s Supreme Security Committee convened a meeting on June 10, 2024 to examine the uncovering of a large espionage network working for the US and Israel.
Yemen's security authorities say they have dismantled a large espionage network that was working for the United States and Israel amid the Arab country's military campaign to support the people of Gaza in their struggle against the Israeli aggression.

Head of Yemen's Security and Intelligence Service Major General Abdul Hakim Hashem Al-Khaiwani said on Monday that the spying ring had been active within various government departments in the country for the past eight years.

"The exposed network collected important information in various fields and carried out direct espionage technical operations on behalf of the enemy's intelligence services to obtain confidential, sovereign information," said Khaiwani in a televised statement.

Comment: A number of nations are slowly but surely routing the malignant cells of the 'rules based world order'. At the very least, this likely speaks to its waning influence in the world, and it will perhaps serve as an example of what can be now be achieved: See also: Yemeni officials allied with West-UAE-Saudi coalition ditch 'UN recognised gov't' to join the defenders of Gaza


German MPs snub Zelensky

Seats of the AfD parliametnary group are mostly emply during a speech by Ukraine's Vladimir Zelensky in the German Bundestag, in Berlin, Germany, on June 11, 2024.
© Global Look Press / dpa / Christoph SoederSeats of the AfD parliametnary group are mostly emply during a speech by Ukraine's Vladimir Zelensky in the German Bundestag, in Berlin, Germany, on June 11, 2024.
Lawmakers from two German opposition parties, the right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) and the new left-wing populist Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance (BSW), refused to attend a speech by Ukraine's Vladimir Zelensky in the Bundestag on Tuesday. Both parties have expressed opposition to Kiev's policies, warning they will only lead to further bloodshed.

Zelensky's speech was the second he has delivered to the German parliament since the start of the conflict with Russia, although it was the first address he has made in person, rather than via video link. The Ukrainian leader thanked Berlin for its support and called on the country to ensure Russian President Vladimir Putin "loses this war." The outcome of the conflict should leave no doubt about "who had won," he insisted.

The event, however, was boycotted by all BSW MPs and most AfD lawmakers. Four members of the right-wing party, which placed second with 16% of the vote in last week's EU parliamentary elections, did attend Zelensky's speech, calling it "basic courtesy," though party leaders sharply criticized the Ukrainian leader ahead of the session.

Comment: The level of "disobedience" shown by most of the AfD and all of the BSW lawmakers is unthinkable in most other European parliaments who in few cases do not have even a single elected member that dare to deviate from the much touted support for the western war efforts in Ukraine. The two German parties gained 22.1 % (15.9 % and 6.2 % respectively) of the votes at the recent European elections and had their best results in area of the former East Germany. For Germany as a whole this leaves Zelensky with the backing of more than 75 %, so for now he has little to worry about when it comes to milking more aid money out of Germany.

See also

Bacon n Eggs

Russia and the Middle East: A partnership made in heaven?

SPIEF 2024
© Sputnik/Kristina KormilitsynaSPIEF-2024. Oman Stand at the ExpoForum Congress and Exhibition Centre.
The 27th annual St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) took place in Russia last week. As usual, representatives from Middle Eastern countries took active part in the event.

SPIEF is one of Russia's key platforms for discussing global economic issues, attracting investments, and establishing business connections. Informally, this forum is often called the "Russian Davos." Throughout its history, it has firmly established itself as a significant event for business leaders, politicians, and experts from around the world.

The forum was founded in 1997 and it has been held annually in St. Petersburg ever since. Initially, it was conceived as a regional platform for discussing the economic issues of the CIS countries, but over time, it has significantly expanded its horizons and become an international event. Since 2006, SPIEF has been held under the patronage and with the participation of the president of the Russian Federation, and in 2007, it gained international status, allowing it to attract even more participants from various parts of the world.