Without self knowledge, without understanding the working and functions of his machine, man cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and he will always remain a slave.
And here's something interesting. More details on the US ultimatum for Ukraine, quoted from Izvestia: "Media learns details of Ukraine's decision...
Again, a color slide. Kennedy didn't just say "Ich bin ein Berliner". He said that he saw thousands of proud Nazis here! After that statement, the...
Ziemkiewicz to płatny pisowski propagandysta, ale na ten temat całkiem rozsądnie się wypowiedział: [Link]
How can you dismantle terrorist mercenaries? Money, cut off the money supply. None of these people fight for ideals or humanity. Quote: " the...
Trust "the plan?" Whose plan? For what purpose? I stopped uncritically "trusting the plan" at about age 12, when I figured out that everyone is...
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Reader Comments
Too many obvious signs to miss it.
We vote em in, they appoint their cronies to the bureaucracy, they get their secret societies people in and were off to the races, watching the mayhem they create and peg on us.
The plain and simple fact, that people are catching on, means they have to silence, censor and take away our rights, before enough people wake up and start to hunt these people and their families down.