© Markus Schreiber AP Photo
US President Donald Trump spoke at the World Economic Forum in Davos via teleconference on Thursday, just days after taking office. He used his speech to promise a "revolution of common sense," telling the audience of business leaders, policymakers, academics and innovators that he was acting "with unprecedented speed" to reverse the policies of the his predecessor, Joe Biden.
Here are some key takeaways from his speech.
Stopping inflationTrump began by promising to confront the "economic chaos" caused by Biden's "failed policies."
"Over the past four years, our government racked up $8 trillion in wasteful deficit spending and inflicted nation-wrecking energy restrictions, crippling regulations and hidden taxes like never before," Trump said. He stated that he has directed his cabinet to "marshal all powers at their disposal" to defeat inflation and reduce the cost of living. He also promised to pass "the largest tax cut in American history," including "massive" reliefs for workers and families, as well as domestic producers and manufacturers.
Ending the Ukraine conflict, meeting PutinEfforts to secure a peace agreement between Russia and Ukraine are underway, Trump said, claiming that Kiev is "ready to make a deal." He called the Ukraine conflict "an absolute killing field," declaring it's "time to end it."
Trump also reiterated that he is willing to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin "soon" to discuss the situation.The US president pointed to China as being able to help end the conflict. "They have a great deal of power over that situation," Trump told the forum, saying he envisioned a good relationship with Beijing.He also urged Saudi Arabia and OPEC to bring down global oil prices. "If the price came down, the Russia-Ukraine war would end immediately," he said.
Nuclear reduction talksTrump said he would also hold talks with China and Russia on reducing nuclear stockpiles.
"We want to see if we can denuclearize, and I think that's very possible," he said, adding that it would be "an unbelievable thing for the planet."Trump claimed that he spoke with Putin about reducing nuclear stockpiles during his first term and China "would have come along."
Low taxes or high tariffsTrump issued a warning to businesses around the world; either make your product in the US or face tariffs.
"My message to every business in the world is very simple. Come make your product in America, and we will give you among the lowest taxes of any nation on Earth," he said. He vowed that taxes for businesses will be brought even lower than during his first term as president.If businesses choose not to manufacture their products in America, "then very simply you will have to pay a tariff," Trump said. Tariffs on such products will "direct hundreds of billions of dollars and even trillions of dollars into our treasury to strengthen our economy and pay down debt," he added.
Energy emergencyTrump said his declaration of a "national energy emergency" would help "unlock the liquid gold" of oil under Americans' feet.
He pointed to his termination of the "ridiculous and incredibly wasteful" Green New Deal, the US withdrawal from the "one-sided" Paris Climate Accord, as well as the end of the electric vehicle mandate, as necessary steps to achieve his goals.Border securityTrump hailed his executive order declaring a "national border emergency" aimed at pushing back against illegal immigration.
Active duty US military and National Guard troops have already been deployed to the border and are "repelling the invasion," he noted.
"We will not allow our territory to be violated," he declared.
Two genders and no censorship"No longer will our government label the speech of our own citizens as misinformation or disinformation," Trump said, declaring that his executive order on censorship "saved free speech in America."At the same time, Trump praised his order to "abolish all discriminatory diversity, equity and inclusion nonsense." He reiterated comments from his inauguration speech that it is official US policy that "there are only two genders, male and female.""We will have no men participating in women's sports, and transgender operations, which became the rage, will occur very rarely," he said.
Reader Comments
Not quite...
Although, and with surpassingly rare exceptions, there are only two sexes, male and female there is some fair range in the ways people identify spiritually. That range can be considered to be a double bell curve or a bimodal distribution, where the shading of the example in the [Link] is well chosen.
But since being caught in the 11th and 12th centuries for the same criminal brutal perverted practices and thrown out and cast out of all Europe. You deserved! In the 16th century murdering the king of England to buy yourself English sovereignty and souls, slaves, and the land to produce the city of London! A parasite and cancer on the backs of all English people! But then like now, their is nothing the police force can do to remedy matters!
This idea that, if you don't have some sort of stereotypic experience of male or female, you should start chopping off healthy body parts and pretending to be something you are physically not, rather than finding ways (of which there are always many) to experience who you uniquely and subjectively are, is simply insane. It's expressing self-hatred to an extent that is truly horrifying and sad. The idea that the world will not accept you as you are is only true to the extent that you project that self-hatred onto it. If so, it can be guaranteed that the world will mirror that self-hatred back to you.
What about people who have been born physically with the reproductive parts of both genders? Which gender is the world to accept you as? The one you choose because of how you feel on the inside or the one they choose based on outside characteristics that can be masculine and feminine depending on the amount of experience the observer has had with each characteristic? And if they are allowed to choose by how they feel on the inside then why can't anyone else do that since society is about equality?
As far as intersex is concerned, it just indicates that the sexed continuum finds physical, as well as psychological, expression in a miniscule part of the population. This doesn't change the issue, just potentially makes it more complex. These people can have greater challenges with finding ways to become and express themselves. However, it still remains THEIR issue. We must strive to accept people for who they are and what they are capable of without prejudice, supporting one another's development as individuals and members of society, without being either enablers of victim consciousness, or becoming predators of people who are suffering from severe problems with their self-image.
Also colors in other languages have different correspondence. In Cyrillic the same word for lavender is the same word used for blue. Or how the color Orange is a recent invention. Oranges were called oranges but not in reference to their color but the color got its name because of the orange. So you don't have to demand the world stop referring to red and blue objects because those terms have a different understanding in different parts of the world. Like the tribe who called the ocean and sky green because their language used the same word for green and blue. So tell me again how you would know the difference if you couldnt see it for yourself?
Discussions about the very seldom occurring physical sex/gender identity misalignment problem almost always come to someone with zero lived experience with the conundrum telling someone else who also has zero lived experience with the conundrum to get lost because the first person's intellectualization of the matter is the only obviously correct one and WTF is wrong with you that you can't see that my mere viewpoint is correct.
Having a lifetime of lived experience with the conundrum, = I = unlike you, do in fact know exactly what I'm talking about and both of you do not understand for the simple reason that without lived experience there is no possible way you can actually know the situation, which, if it's the real deal, starts at a very early age and well before one knows that there's anything actually amiss.
A response that maximizes the emotional devastation of the experience, implying an obligation to enable whatever the hell the person decides to do in the way of a response (no matter how obviously destructive and insane), and tries to convince me to feel guilty if I don't retreat into a posture of enabling does not impress me. That's the behavior of a narcissist/sociopath.
There are a lot of very difficult situations human beings go through in the space of a lifetime. Why should the person who is confused and distraught about his or her sexuality get a special pass to be a whiny, childish asshole who expects the world to become their enablers rather than give them honest feedback that they should get some mental help to become responsible adults? I'll tell you what will happen instead - the money-grubbing cynics come out of the woodwork and figure out how to take full advantage. And that is exactly what is happening.
Then we had the wholesale rise of xenoestrogens in the environment and its concomitant effects.
Then we've seen the latter-day brainwashing schemes of the last two or three decades that've left thousands of people not knowing which way is up and with the rise of that population, a coming to the fore of those unscrupulous "medical" people willing to commit 3rd degree assault and battery by surgery - for money.
Decades back, we didn't have the mealy-mouthed whiners looking for others to accommodate their incomprehensible-to-most difficult situation. Rather, the situation was that one's life choices in the matter for people who surgically transitioned to the only apparent physical sex thru which they could then more fully and honestly express themselves, was to realize that as experienced by most others most of the time they'd become walking cog' dis' generators, with men much than women likely to go off the rails.
Present-day the situation is a mess; historically it has always existed and, in rare cases will continue to do so...
“dysfunctional” is subjective, what are your frames of reference and what are your biases ?
This entire exchange is pointless, I’m done and knew better than to start this in the first place. My mistake…
Pretend you are walking down a dark alley and someone is approaching, how do you decide the level of danger you could be in? Are you not deciding how much danger that is by as you say their "dress up?" There are two ways to go here. 1. You are wrong. 2. You are delusional.
One way is understandable the other makes you just as insane as the people in society you look down upon.
It's a gene expression based on the male/female ratio which codes based on every human life having a partner whether it's a male or female depends on the ratio. It maintains the balance that Mother Nature programmed into the DNA based on the laws of the universe.
My biases? That's ridiculous. The real sympathy and support that people suffering this disappears when people get sick and tired of being bludgeoned by accusations of "bias." That's the result of trying to normalize DYSFUNCTIONAL behavior and calling it brave or unavoidable or admirable or whatever inverted projection is popular in order to not be accused of bias. Being an enabling idiot backfires! It actually causes more problems. People aren't able to recognize when they need help, and clueless twits start asking prepubescent kids what gender they feel like this week, or grooming them for sexual roles they aren't developmentally ready to even consider. I'm not the one that's biased. You are. You're committing a classic act of projection, and I suspect that you know it. Who do you think you're protecting from reality? Yourself?
You have only options about your only imagined observations.
And, to bring that thing up again (as I so often do) - all this celebration of mental derangement and perversion is brought upon us by the same people that wanted to kill us all quite recently.
I am talking about RARE pancultural phenomena known exist throughout human history dating back several thousand years.
Regardless, I am wasting my time because you guys have always known more, known better and seen more clearly and all that despite zero lived experience. So carry on…
Results, published in 2013, showed that even before treatment the brain structures of the trans people were more similar in some respects to the brains of their experienced gender than those of their natal gender. Trans people have brains that are different from males and females, a unique kind of brain.
And yes, you are correct about the brain similarity issue but even so, I don’t think it’s a great big deal in what is a mysterious situation.
Another mystery is the splitting of a fertilized egg into the two that then form to produce identical twins. An even deeper mystery is the forming of twin souls (which DO exist) who, like identical twins, can go on to live quite separate lives that are nonetheless inextricably grounded in a commonality not unlike the intertwined root structures of trees growing side by side. Wonderful mysteries…
Here's an Amazon [Link] to his 2002 book, "Twin Telepathy — The Psychic Connection" for which the text below is copied: You can download his 1999, 13pg. work, "Identical Twins and Telepathy" at this [Link] and his 164pg., 2002 book, "Twin Telepathy — The Psychic Connection" at this [Link]
Now perhaps you can to illuminate us as to the profound connections between twinned souls, of which I'm the other half of a pair. So once again: the voice of of experience...
Please don’t attempt to put words in my mouth!
The reason twins seem more connected has been proven to be caused by their interpretations having a common basis of factors such as personal experiences, biases, and emotional states. Whereas two individuals who weren't so closely raised with each other will have an individual interpretation different from everyone else.
What is happening between twins is called an ideomotor reflex. Basically, that thinking about something can unconsciously trigger a physical action that the other perceives which is more in-tune because of the vast amount of time spent together.
This isn't being gearheaded. It based on scientific facts and data unlike you being brainwashed by cognitive bias of others who write books not for the purpose of educating but for fame and money based on them needing approval that they didn't receive at a young age.
An easy example for you to understand. Twins at a young age learn to understand the others reaction to their environment. Like say when one sees a spider they will have a reaction, whether that's them putting up both their hands or a certain look of disgust, could be something so subtle as a change of a line on their forehead. The other will register that whether subconsciously or as part of their retreivable memory. So when they are adults later one can be sitting on the couch and the other walking across the room could see a spider and react. The other would then say outloud "don't get bitten by that spider." To other people in the room that would appear as being a telepathic occurrence instead of the real reason being their interpretation of the others reaction to their environment.
And they don't necessarily have to be in the same room to know what the others reactions currently are because reactions can be based on weather events, news events, or even times of the day or week. Because they know each others perception and interpretation of the outside world.
Saying it's telepathy is the simple man's interpretation who isn't able to understand the complexity of the subconscious and consciuos brains actual abilities which is far more impressive than the simplistic supernatural reading of each others minds.
Then you don't understand when to use aberration in a sentence.
Aberration is the (action) deviation to the abnormal. Abomination is the person or object that has deviated from normal.
1. deviation from what is normal, expected, or usual
2. departure from truth, morality, etc
3. a lapse in control of one's mental faculties
i dont know what abstract explanation Americans use, they think dictatorship is democracy! They have a real sense of humour, they actually think they are free!
I hope this has placated your silly petty little outburst. Remember put the feather duster down!
With defeating Biden, Trump (and his backers) defeated their plan to regain control over the US financial system and thus their foreign affairs.
The knives are out.
I think it is another one. Time will tell.
how’s that for starters? Oooh that’s not all, that’s just a few of lots more and even more that’s still to be appointed, they are at present only nominated!
I find it amazing how Americans pick the facts to suit their beliefs, rather than base their opinions on the facts presented! It’s called being an informed adult! Or making an informed decision! The facts speak for themselves!
No matter how much jews/zionists are surrounding Trump, there is a divide in the dirty global money lender "elite", and Trump is the figurehead of the faction that fights the WEF, EU and Bank of London. Not for us, but for his elitist backers. And the Trump faction (as I call it) has now got the upper hand in North America.
I only open more doors, while you close them! Reality, truth, and the horrors are all of your politicians making! The fact, the dollar is collapsing, or there is war! It’s works by the Rothschild's every time previously!
For sure, presidents are just figureheads. One must be sound asleep to not realize that.
But I think the plans did change - because another faction of the so-called elite now got the upper hand there. What we see now is the expulsion of the losing (Biden/Obama/Clinton/WEF/EU) faction from the levers of power. And certainly not for us or for "freedom and democracy", but because their possessions and wealth were on the cusp of being lost.
That's how I see it. And lastly ... Of course not. I am quite fine with other people have other opinions. Or other ways of thinking.
Unless it comes to emotional ad hominems, one can always learn from from such an exchange. In my last company, I liked to engage in chats with a fellow engineer who was a Turkish muslim. He told me a lot about circumstances in his old home country, and how he viewed national and global political events. Without any attempt to proselyte, ever. None of my (Austro/German) compatriots wanted to talk about such things - except to reenforce the current mainstream narrative.
I fear things wont fundamentally change until we have like McDonalds a “National Razor” on every block as a fixture for a number of years, probably with the first installations at or near the city of London and Wall Street Et al.
"Those missiles fired by Trumps American military into Russia, was the reply Russia was waiting for! Trump committed himself and the American population for what’s coming, last night by firing Storm shadow and ATACMs via American satellite and American ground stations and American troops killing Russian civilians! While Trump speaks the words we the population of this world, wants to hear, his actions are all American and more of the same actions!"
On a societal scale, my belief is that rigid expectations end when people no longer accept them as rules, and that means they no longer export their authority onto others . That's all it takes. *Poof*, it's gone. The snake has shed its skin. People don't want to believe it's up to them. They want to point fingers at others, believing some big, bad "them" has the power to stop poor, long-suffering, abused, me from being authentic.
I went thru being "sensitive" all of my younger years; and while I had a few, very few, male pals I was always more comfortable with girls, then women. In my early 20s I started a little motorcycle repair shop, a "macho" undertaking I suppose one might say, and remember literally inverting, whole cloth, a "male persona" in order to "get by". As far as I know, everyone "bought" that persona. It came though at some great psychic cost but over 50 years on, I simply don't care one way or the other. If someone gets in my face, and years back one HFL around here certainly did, I simply let them know that their "problem", whatever it might be, is their problem not mine.
For some reason I am always at ease with people with wide set eyes
Mead and Conway weren't the inventors of the technology. They wrote the textbook which triggered a breakthrough in education, as well as in industry practice. People who read the textbook then came up with the Multi Project Chip concept. All computing is not based on this textbook either. The textbook just hurried along a process that had already begun but was moving very slowly. Computing started 30 years before they even wrote the textbook.