ReRan Yes a courageous man !!Once the truth gets out that the D0D used Covid-19 hoax as a method & means to manipulate & dupe citizens all bets are off which is probably why we are seeing the pivot back to China Lab Leak story to take heat off of D0D Weaponized the VaXXine.
" He cited a long-term Swedish study that showed females who had undergone sex change surgeries had "40 times the suicide rate," and that the average rate was 19 times higher than the general population."
Maybe a 40x increase in suicide rate is the goal ?
Levine listed 13 ideas he had found in scientific literature written by those who support affirmation and medical interventions for young people who believe themselves to be transgender, stating he believes that all are scientifically untrue.I only wonder why only psychologists of Levine's age are speaking out.
My last experience with the "mental health" profession can succinctly be summarized as such:The growth of the DSMs over the years ("Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders") reveals what it is actually about. Proclaiming "mental health" as being "normal", with "normal" defined as the average.
The whole thing top to bottom is a racket and not in the interest of healing - I should know cause I been there.
To conclude, Levine asks how an intervention can be trusted when the ideas that underpin it are not true or not correct.Duh . . .
OK, I can't help myself. I've read them sessions before and I appreciate them. It is like info coming from a portal.From an unfathomably higher state of awareness actually, and because of many factors, the signal-to-noise ratio many years ago wasn't that high at about 6 to 10dB. These days it's probably rather better because as the Cs have many times said, it has been necessary to "groove" a better channel between the equally important "ends" of the communication "pathway". That has been the work of the 25 or so years.
Now consider this - you got portal "a" and assuming that portal exist does it not suggest there is a portal "b"?Sure, and then there's discernment because there are all kinds of noise out there.
It does to me, and as somebody with no "skin in the game" tis hard not to wonder if there might be a portal "c", but how is one to know or deduce this or that?Practised discernment and endless collation of information because thru that process the noise, which is random (so to say) self-cancels and drops in level whereas signal, which is coherent, adds cumulatively. This is a well known process in signal processing.
Truly, so when I see somebody throw out a number like 94%, I can't help but wonder was that from portal "a", portal "b" or maybe portal "c"?There's rather more to it than that but you have to go back and read and re-read the material
It is worth thinking about, but not worth much because some things are out of our hands and moreover some things merit little consideration especially when you have no say in the matter.Individually maybe but as a collinear group "things" are much more amenable to the collective mind.
Still - I can't deny lessons to be learned from all portals, but question I have is - is your portal better than mine?Mine's better and I'm smarter than you because I
Mine's better and I'm smarter than you because IThat was a good one.....thanks for taking the time to type what you did. I've studied there some, and I know there is a long history, but I also know, just like this place here......at first I was a true "newbie" and that is the way it is when you strive to go to different places and interact. Now, here at this place (sott.net), I have my own history, I've had temper tantrums, as have others, but all along my focus was on communication - and it helps to have a sense of the history of it all.believeknow that !! See, it says so right here in this big, thick book some guys wrote a long time ago, they say. And I'll kill you if you don't agree with me.
you know I have this concept of "uncertainty".....and so, one would think, that if it is part of life undeniable, then it doesn't matter how advanced on entity is, uncertainty remains and will always beExactly so, and that's why the Cs do "predictions" in only the broadest sense. Large trends can be somewhat predicted but in only the rarest of situations can minutiae be seen with any accuracy.
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