© The CradleWashington's 'replacement strategy' for sanctioned Russian oil and gas imports appears to be to cozy up to its oil-producing arch-enemies Iran and Venezuela.
The battlefield is drawn.
The official Russian blacklist of hostile sanctioning nations includes the US, the EU, Canada and, in Asia, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore (the only one from Southeast Asia). Notice how that 'international community' keeps shrinking.
The Global South should be aware that
no nations from West Asia, Latin America and Africa have joined Washington's sanctions bandwagon.
Moscow has not even announced its own package of counter-sanctions. Yet an official decree "On Temporary Order of Obligations to Certain Foreign Creditors," which
allows Russian companies to settle their debts in rubles, provides a hint of what's to come.
Russian counter-measures all revolve around this new presidential decree, signed last Saturday, which economist Yevgeny Yushchuk defines as
a "nuclear retaliatory landmine." .
It works like this: to pay for loans obtained from a sanctioning country exceeding 10 million rubles a month, a Russian company does not have to make a transfer. They ask for a Russian bank to open a correspondent account in rubles under the creditor's name. Then the company transfers rubles to this account at the current exchange rate, and it's all perfectly legal.
Payments in foreign currency only go through the Central Bank on a case-by-case basis. They must receive special permission from the Government Commission for the Control of Foreign Investment.
What this mean in practice is that
the bulk of the $478 billion or so in Russian foreign debt may "disappear" from the balance sheets of western banks. The equivalent in rubles will be deposited somewhere, in Russian banks, but western banks, as things stand, can't access it.
It is debatable whether this straightforward strategy was the product of those non-sovereignist brains gathered at the Russian Central Bank. More likely, there has been input from influential economist Sergei Glazyev, also a top former advisor to Russian President Vladimir Putin on regional integration: here is a revised edition,
in English, of his groundbreaking essay
Sanctions and Sovereignty, which I have previously
Sberbank confirmed it will issue Russia's Mir debit/credit cards co-badged with China's UnionPay. Alfa-Bank - the largest private bank in Russia - will also issue UnionPay credit and debit cards. Although only introduced five years ago, 40 percent of Russians already have a Mir card for domestic use. Now they will also be able to use it internationally, via UnionPay's enormous network. And without Visa and Mastercard, commissions on
all transactions will remain in the Russia-China sphere. De-dollarization in effect.Mr. Maduro, gimme some oil The Iran sanctions negotiations in Vienna may be reaching the last stage - as acknowledged even by Chinese diplomat Wang Qun. But it was Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov who introduced a new,
crucial variable into Vienna's final discussions.
Lavrov made his eleventh-hour demand
quite explicit: "We have asked for a written guarantee...that the current [Russian sanctions] process triggered by the United States does not in any way damage our right to free and full trade, economic and investment cooperation and military-technical cooperation with the Islamic Republic."
As per the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) agreement of 2015, Russia receives enriched uranium from Iran and exchanges it for yellowcake, and in parallel, is reconverting Iran's Fordow nuclear plant into a research center. Without Iranian enriched uranium exports there's simply no JCPOA deal. It boggles the mind that US Secretary of State Blinken does not seem to understand that.
Everyone in Vienna, sidelines included, knows that
for all actors to sign on the JCPOA revival, no nation must be individually targeted in terms of trading with Iran. Tehran also knows it.
So what's happening now is an elaborate game of Persian mirrors, coordinated between Russian and Iranian diplomacy. Moscow's Ambassador to Tehran, Levan Jagaryan, attributed the fierce reaction to Lavrov in some Iranian quarters to a "misunderstanding." This will all be played out in the shade.
An extra element is that according to a Persian Gulf intel source with privileged Iranian access,
Tehran may be selling as many as three million barrels of oil a day already, "so if they do sign a deal it will not affect supply at all, only they will be paid more."The US administration of President Joe
Biden is now absolutely desperate: today it banned all imports of oil and gas from Russia, which happens to be the second-largest exporter of oil to the US, behind Canada and ahead of Mexico. The US' big Russian-energy 'replacement strategy' is to beg for oil from Iran and Venezuela.So, the White House sent a delegation to talk to Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, led by Juan Gonzalez, the White House's top Latin America adviser. The US offer is to "alleviate" sanctions on Caracas in exchange for oil.
The United States government has spent years - if not decades - burning all bridges with Venezuela and Iran. The USG destroyed Iraq and Libya, and isolated Venezuela and Iran, in its attempt to take over global oil markets - just to end up miserably trying to buy out both and escape from being crushed by the economic forces it has unleashed. That proves, once again, that imperial 'policy makers' are utterly clueless.
Caracas will request the elimination of all sanctions on Venezuela and the return of all its confiscated gold. And it seems like none of this was cleared with 'President' Juan Guaido, who since 2019, was the only Venezuelan leader "recognized" by Washington.
Social cohesion torn apart Oil and gas markets, meanwhile, are in total panic. No western trader wants to buy Russian gas; and that has nothing to do with Russia's state-owned energy behemoth
Gazprom, which continues to duly supply customers that signed contracts with fixed tariffs, from $100 to $300 (others are paying over $3,000 in the spot market).European banks are less and less willing to grant loans for energy trade with Russia because of the sanctions hysteria. A strong hint that the
Russia-to-Germany gas pipeline Nord Stream 2 may be literally six feet under is that importer Wintershall-Dea wrote off its share of the financing, de facto assuming that the pipeline will not be launched.
Everyone with a brain in Germany knows that two extra Liquefied natural gas
(LNG) terminals - still to be constructed - will not be enough for Berlin's needs. There is simply not enough LNG to supply them.
Europe will have to fight with Asia over who can pay more. Asia wins.Europe imports roughly 400 billion cubic meters of gas a year, with Russia responsible for 200 billion of this. There's no way Europe can find $200 billion anywhere else to replace Russia - be it in Algeria, Qatar or Turkmenistan. Not to mention its lack of necessary LNG terminals.
So obviously the top beneficiary of all the mess will be the US - which will be able to impose not only their terminals and control systems, but also profit from loans to the EU, sales of equipment, and full access to the whole EU energy infrastructure. All LNG installations, pipelines and warehouses will be connected to a sole network with a single control room: an American business dream.
Europe will be left with reduced gas production for its - dwindling - industry;
job losses; decreasing quality of life standards; increased pressure over the social security system; and, last but not least, the necessity to apply for extra American loans. Some nations will go back to coal for heating. The Green Parade will be livid.
What about Russia? As a hypothesis, even if all its energy exports were curtailed - and they won't be, their top clients are in Asia - Russia would not have to use its foreign reserves.
The Russophobic all-out attack on Russian exports also targets
palladium metals - vital for electronics, from laptops to aircraft systems. Prices are skyrocketing
. Russia controls 50% of the global market. Then there are noble gases - neon, helium, argon, xenon - essential for production of microchips. Titanium has risen by a quarter, and both Boeing - by a third - and Airbus - by two thirds - rely on titanium from Russia. Oil, food, fertilizers, strategic metals, neon gas for semiconductors: all burning at the stake, at the feet of Witch Russia.
Some Westerners who still treasure Bismarckian realpolitik have started wondering whether shielding energy (in the case of Europe) and selected commodity flows from sanctions may have everything to do with protecting an immense racket: the commodity derivatives system.
After all, if that implodes, because of a shortage of commodities, the whole western financial system blows up. Now
that's a real system failure.
The key issue for the Global South to digest is that the "west" is not committing suicide. What we have here, essentially, is
the United States willfully destroying German industry and the European economy - bizarrely, with their connivance.
To destroy the European economy means not allowing extra market space for China, and blocking the inevitable extra trade which will be a direct consequence of closer exchanges between the EU and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), the world's biggest trade deal.
The end result will be
the US eating European savings for lunch while China expands its middle class to over 500 million people. Russia will do just fine, as Glazyev outlines: sovereign - and self-sufficient.
American economist Michael Hudson has concisely sketched the lineaments of imperial self-implosion. Yet way more dramatic, as a strategic disaster, is how the deaf, dumb and blind parade toward
deep recession and near-hyperinflation will rip what's left of the west's social cohesion apart. Mission Accomplished.
Reader Comments
We begin with the slo-mo demolition of the U.S. [Link] Look at the comedy of leaders "governing" Western nations who are openly portrayed and "revealed" as corrupt, weak, and inept. Need another party or festive gathering where the leader wears no mask after mandating all citizens wear one? Or another video where Klaus reveals how many of your government's leaders graduated from his Young Leaders school? C'mon, folks. This is funny. Does anyone anywhere actually think Biden controls his presidency? Strategic Culture said it best: [Link] "Ukraine and the Rothschild Family." War is hell because the little people fight and get wiped out while Daddy Warbucks gloats all the way to the bank. Will we be humming "Don't Cry for Me Ukraine"?
Great read from ZeroHedge today. [Link] "A Weaponization Of Money We’ve Never Seen Before" or will Biden be writing "Don't Cry for me America" as the U.S. dollar slowly sinks in the West? Russia wins because the New World Order wants a multipolar world collectivized into regional technocracies before uniting all the "countries of the world" under their New World Umbrella...where you won't own a thing but be so blessedly happy with yourself because AI releases mood-altering chemicals in the pills you're required to take (bodily sovereignty is so passé ), so you never experience anxiety or unhappiness. You're a controlled being with very little if any free will left. Look what's happened to American children simply via smartphone entrainment [Link] Think they'll say "no" to AI and bioengineered human systems? Sayonara, human being, unless everyone realizes the fight is NWO v human and not nation v nation.
I see today that Klaus et al . have disinherited Putin, Russia, and all things Russian. I remain undecided whether or not Putin consciously has preplanned the demolition of the U.S. or has simply been manipulated into the scenario wherein he's boxed and outfoxed necessitating his invasion of Ukraine.
The extremely poignant aspect of your paragraph is that, very unfortunately, I think we will see huge hunger, suffering, disintegration of societies, etc., worldwide as you indicate. I hope the common man uses this suffering as food for spiritual and life growth.
Perhaps this struggle exists between the psychos (parasites on humankind and human societies) and awakening humanity. So many voices from divergent backgrounds foresee a newly emerging Golden Age beginning on Earth. Usually these ages, as your remarks indicated, are presaged by intense suffering which awakens people.
Humanity currently falls into two camps (from my perspective). Those who immediately understand that circuitry such as Musk describes and desires completely short circuits the wonderful being-ness and richness of truly being human (the capabilities and potentials) and those who fall for these promises with spell-bound eyes and dreams of grandeur. The latter envision themselves the equivalent of Creator Beings (gods)...for, yes, I do believe forces and energies exist which create in this universe in an ever-evolving and unceasing fashion. They embody much higher consciousness which they have earned and merit.
The basic problem is that the illusion of life in the body is so powerful, that we think "This is Me and will always be Me." Look at the Universe. The Creator of all that infinite glory has created the illusion that is being experienced as Me, and that creative force is so powerful that the illusion of Me is perfect and inescapable.
Some lives are easy, some are hard. Over the course of 30-50 human lifetimes, we get to experience it all. We get to live it all. The human problem, which cannot be avoided because it is necessary for learning, and for the Universe to continue, is that the illusion of Me is so strong and so seamlessly perfect.
Once we realize that all creatures, but most especially humans, are merely going through a phase in their experiencing of Life and Existence, then it becomes easier to feel compassion and understanding for that soul. A Jew in this life may have to become a Muslim in the next. A man may become a woman. A rich person who misuses their wealth may have to become a beggar, in order to understand the blessings and responsibilities of wealth. A judgmental bigot may become a homosexual or a repulsively ugly person in the next life, in order to learn compassion and tolerance for the faults of others. And so it goes.
The bottom line is that whatever we see is only (a) an incredibly perfect illusion and (b) temporary in the life of the soul. All souls, those suffering and those inflicting suffering, are undergoing a many-thousand-year-long process of learning and experience which will ultimately end in a desire for perfection, a yearning for the love of the Creator, and a process of growth and redemption.
Since our own illusion of our own existence is so perfect, it is very hard for us to keep these concepts in mind and to live by them. We are overcome by the apparent reality of what we see - war in Ukraine, a COVID plandemic, governmental corruption, cruelty, selfishness, and greed, generosity, compassion and kindness. Yet, all of that is merely souls suffering or living in gratitude, in order to learn a multitude of life lessons.
There was a contemporary of Kahlil Gibran, also a Lebanese poet (amazing how that part of the world seems to produce so many mystics,) by the name of Mikhail Naimy. He wrote this, one of the most profound statements in all of literature:
" We Live, that we may learn to Love. We Love, that we may learn to Live. No other lesson is required of us."
Ponder that thought, Its meaning is very profound, and if we can discover and live that meaning, life will become an unending joy.
And zombies are non-beings; training our discernment.
Vigilance of the wishywashies.
Remain in BLISS, Love the Life in your ❤
I just do not believe in the many incarnations; it makes no sense to me. We can continue to grow and learn in the spirit world. There is not one reason why we would want or need to come back to earth.
... Those who don't stand for this nor stand for that. Vigilance
Remember Y'All that NOT all human portals are living portals. Discernment
OR re-watch Matrix I
How do you ever un-nest these treasures
🧸You melt my ❤
That SONG is sooooo b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l.
Suppose we are poor in one life. We want to be rich, so next time around it is granted to us. How do we use that wealth? Do we share it, having experienced poverty, or do we keep it all for ourselves? Bad choice. Lesson not learned. Rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat, until we get the message and learn right attitudes to wealth.
Edgar Cayce said it takes at least 30 lifetimes as a human to achieve liberation from the cycle of birth and death. First step is to want liberation. Very few people do - they are enjoying this life too much, or at least, they think they are.
Thinking of your comment of Jesus, I think of the narrow path. Truth separates, but I'm finding it's in that solitude that I'm being pulled to those who share similar mindsets even if for only a brief period.
Also, re: your name, Inspired by the myth or Joseph Campbell(perhaps both)?
AS we have lived.
The trick is to pass over the incredible energetic storm consciously. Very few actually do, as very few live consciously.
There exist many realities in the realm of death. How one dies is the true indication of the following step.🛐
YoBro^👋 and all Bros🙆♀️
Keep me away
from the wisdom
which does not cry,
the philosophy
which does not laugh
and the greatest
which does not bow
before children.
end of a poem of wisdom from Kahlil Gibran
"we are on the precipice" - what are we going to do? Cut the strings is my advice.
31422 1120
Karmic VIRGO FullMoon coming right up. March 17/18, followed by the Equinox ....
Your wish is being heard
And then, when the storm passes, we will all look about and think to ourselves - what are we going to do now?
That is when the serious business truly commences and I'm ready.
I want a small-time farmer to be prosperous. I want local commerce to increase. I want many things. I know I don't always get what I want, but sometimes I can tell when change is in the air. I know I'm not alone in this regard.
Some have passed their lessons and applying them already, such as you, and me. Farming, Barter, living in peace is easy.
Daily cup of SauerKraut
Life knows , she looks after herself.
She was sexy n free 😉
If 'mworks, use 'm haha said lovingly
Are you looking for me? I am in the next seat.
My shoulder is against yours.
you will not find me in the stupas, not in Indian shrine
rooms, nor in synagogues, nor in cathedrals:
not in masses, nor kirtans, not in legs winding
around your own neck, nor in eating nothing but
When you really look for me, you will see me
instantly --
you will find me in the tiniest house of time.
Kabir says: Student, tell me, what is God?
He is the breath inside the breath.
I questioned the need of reference . The quote works wonders, with or without reference. That is just me though.
(I also recall the history of your namesake ).
There are certain principles by which one recognizes a true Guru: First, he lives from his own earnings and does not accept even one penny or any material gifts from his disciples. Rather, he is charitable and generous to the poor. Second, he is completely humble, claims no abilities or power for himself, and insists he is only a servant of the disciples, and that he owes all he is, or has achieved, to his own Guru. (Every true Guru has his own Guru.) Third, he preaches or reveals the structure of the Cosmos and its Creator, and how it all works. (Not all of this is public knowledge, because it is easy to misunderstand it if one tries to explain it in language.) Fourth, he does not advertise, proselytize, preach, or recruit converts, and forbids his disciples to do so either. Fifth, he gives initiates a mantra to repeat, in order to still the mind and focus the attention within. This mantra is never to be shared with anyone.
Once one has the truth of the Cosmos, one sees clearly that every religion, present or past, was founded by a guru or enlightened soul, and all of them have the same teachings at their core.
Once the guru dies, if he does not appoint a successor, the people who are attracted to the teachings try to interpret them in an outward manner, which gives rise to a vast range of different rituals and ceremonies. The gurus try to explain in metaphors and stories and comparisons, that which is cannot be explained in language, and can only be understood by personal experience. (The reason why it is called "Gnosis" or "Gnosticism," meaning "Knowledge," as against "Faith" or "Belief" or "Dogma.")
There is always at least one perfect Guru (also called in India "Saints,") in the world. When I was initiated and went to the ashram in India in 1974, there were sometimes TWO Saints sitting up on the dais, one being my guru, and the other, the Saint of Taran Taran, a village about 15 miles away. And Saints are found in many countries, all over the world, and in all periods, going back thousands of years, and they all give the same teachings, every last one of them. Once you know the teachings, you see them revealed everywhere, in ancient texts and in rituals and in archaeological excavations, which the professors and theologians are at a loss to explain.
I hope this answers your question. Do not worry if it does not appeal to you or sounds confusing. Your Creator loves you unconditionally, always has, ever since you first took birth as a bird or a lion, and also when you first became a human being, and will always love you and guide your steps until you return home to the place where He lives. It is the greatest love story in the Universe. The entire Creation is singing His praises, if we only had ears to hear the music, which Plato called "The Music of the Spheres." Always be happy - that is how we were meant to live in this world.
Let me end with a quote from St. Augustine: "The greatest adventure in this life is to seek God. The greatest achievement in this life is to find God. The greatest joy in this life is to fall in love with God."
Be well, L.G.
The reference was more surrounding 'once we get there' b/c until we are 'there', how would one know... you know?
It is of great interest to me. For one, I am from India but was not born there and grew up in Canada. Secondly, I've studied Mythology quite extensively and a lot of what you've detailed I've come across in my readings. I've also taken time to visit Ashrams when I've travelled to India. And I'm guilty of speaking in analogies to make others digest and understand what I discern to be truth as one often chokes on the food that is best for them when given directly.
Earning one's own living is probably my greatest challenge at the moment. I'm trying to break-free from the corp.world but the muscle needs building. The others I've incorporated for the most part although living in the material, one sometimes gives in hence why I aim to leave the city and into more secluded areas. I often think of all the people preaching spirituality and I think of the Gurus and Yogis in India that would have to looked for to obtain this knowledge - none of them wanted to give it freely but only to disciples who showcased their absolute willingness to follow the strict regiment required to obtain this knowledge. I think of Sri Ramakrishna as I write who I think once said, one should seek enlightenment only if one is seeking a pond like their hair is on fire.
I'm familiar with Gnosticism but more through the lens of Carl Jung and my studying of psychoanalysis.
If I have a worry, it is understanding that I'm on a path that I know not where it leads and that I cannot go back. However, there is a saying that appeases me should I come close to falling off the Sword Bridge/Razor's Edge(which I do seem to stumble a lot on) and that is "there is a solution to every problem, so you need not worry... And, if there is no Solution to your problem, there is nothing you can do, so you need not worry".
Looking forward to reading the other breadcrumbs you drop along the way.
Take care,
There is no where to be getting to Sweet One, but BE-ing now here.
1. Re-Member
2. Be
3. Experience
No where to go, No thing to do. BE.
who does the kissing?Just kiss.
Once kissed, you know !
(or keep the monkeymind busy with the fantasy of it for years).
Living, Loving is not of the mind nor talk... walk . Trust in your Nature-All responses.
The solution always looks for creative expression. If there is no solution there is NO problem. And vice versa. Yin and Yang aka creativity/activity are the embodiment of love in life.
When we are pre-occupied, it is because we are NOT occupied. (Not listening, not effective).
Karma (fruit of activity) teaches us disciples the discipline to BE host to GOD ...or remain hostage to our ego. ... we are all on the path of light but the zombie.
Dont play with the zombie lest you seek a burn.
First thing, let me tell you that Baba Gurinder Singh is coming to the USA to give two satsangs on July 23 and 24, the first time he has come here for about 3-4 years, due to the COVID situation that has been in place. The satsangs will be given in Fayetteville, North Carolina, so if you are interested you might think about attending. Let me know and I will give you more information. However, I must caution you that you might be disappointed. Some people see the Master and burst into tears because they feel the divine love for which he is the channel, others feel nothing and see only an old man in a turban with a long white beard.
When I was recently initiated, I was very sad to see the suffering all around me, and in my heart I felt a question, "Why must all the world live in ignorance and suffer in this way? Why cannot they all be enlightened so that at least they understand why they are suffering?" The answer came back into my heart: "Out of love and compassion God cannot enlighten them, because their karmas are too heavy, their actions in past lives have been too severe, and in order to be purified and to clear off those debts, they would have to suffer terribly, more than they could bear. The process of cleaning the soul and returning to our Home takes many lifetimes of prayer and devotion, and little by little, they get more and more favorable births, until they can return to their eternal Home and not take birth any more."
That is an extraordinarily rare person. Most people are enjoying the material Creation, a few feel a yearning for God's love, and even fewer actually can find it in this life. I feel blessed beyond any possibility of expressing it, by the fact that in this life I have been so lucky. And also, for these reasons, I do not fault anyone who is going to the church, or the gurdwara, or the mosque, or the temple - I am so glad for them that they are at least thinking about God, and He is calling them from afar to seek Him. They are on the Path, and will eventually in some future birth get to their destination.
All paths up the mountain, from whichever direction, arrive at the same summit.
The second thing is that as a seeker, you may not realize this, but you have been guided and are being watched over since your birth, by angels whose task it is to look after you. The joy one feels when one understands the loving care of the Being and his angelic servants, is indescribable.
The third thing is that before we were born (which we do not remember - we do not even remember things from our early years in this very life, much less what happened before that,) we were shown the life of the person we were to become, and offered that birth in order to fulfill our karmas and to grow spiritually. We accepted this birth, which may have included many difficulties and obstacles - we learn from our mistakes - which we accepted in order to learn from them, or to fulfill certain debts we owed or debts owed to us.
Next, our minds cannot grasp certain things, because they are illogical and make no sense to the mind. Only the heart can understand. For example, I say to people, "God loves our sins." The mind, which judges and measures and plans and passes judgment, cannot understand such a concept. But here is the explanation: Our sins allow God to forgive us out of His infinite love and compassion, and cause us to become humble and grateful for His mercy. Only our sins can bring us to that place. In the Bible, Jesus says, "I came to bring the sinners, not the righteous, to repentance and salvation." The proud and righteous people cannot accept forgiveness - they are too proud. Only the sinners, conscious of their failings, can accept that love and forgiveness with profound gratitude. Therefore, God loves our sins.
Crazy, isn't it??? Be well, LG.
PS: Reading your comment again, I must say that working in the corporate world is OK, it is even harder to run away to the forest and seek solitude and enlightenment. Running away is not the answer. The need for human company is great, and is a great source of both strength and challenges. We grow through our relationships. Yogis spend 50 years in the forest, and as soon as they come out they at once fall into the same temptations they were trying to run away from. My Guru said, we are trying to attach ourselves to the love of God, but we cannot do this by running away or detaching ourselves from the world. Detaching from one thing does not create attachment to another thing. Only when we find something more appealing to attach ourselves to do we at once turn away from that which we were attached to before, and attach ourselves to the more appealing thing. Then, that which we were attached to before simply is no longer appealing to us. So we must cultivate the love of God within ourselves, by living the lifestyle the Guru advises, and then, even while we are living in the world and performing our duties there, our real desire and joy will be in the life of the soul. Eventually, the time may come when duties pass away, and one is lucky enough to be free to isolate oneself and enjoy the bliss of contemplation on God.
Okay, enough now. Let me know your thoughts. Don't worry - be happy!
The guru lives within. We are dependants of breath aka GOD and the only illusion is seperatedness.
I have ceased to exist. Only you are here my beloved, only you are here.
I appreciate your words, nonetheless.
Witness n feel the present moment, then move along. A new 🎁 awaits.
ReMember who thou art.
Having said that, no disclosures are necessary. Be it a Guru or an average Joe, I always look with the same eyes and do my best to discern what I can. If I feel nothing, then it doesn't resonate, and If I'm disappointed, that's my own expectation. Reminds me of a story I once heard/read. If all is Bramha, and life is to be affirmed, then we have to affirm the suffering as well as the Joy.
My more recent awakenings have been, somewhat.... disturbing, as I'm learning more about this World system, and not of the people that inhabit it - although they are connected. For we know the tree by it's fruit. Agreed. The seed is there. For when it grows is left to the Creator/God. One of my fav quotes, "there are many ways up the mountain, the one you worry about is the one running around telling you which way is up" This is what I haven't reached yet. I know Faith plays a huge part here but I've always strived to know rather than to believe. So very interesting... If I may share a story about an experiment I once read about: it was a unique experiment taking place at Oxford Univ. in which scientists using ultra-sensitive cameras were able to photograph the figure of an Oak Tree hidden within an Acorn that will be fully manifest in twenty years' time. The actual is latent in the idea, it is not manifest yet but still it is. It is in the sense that it can become. Agree. One cannot have courage without having fear. It is! I agree, the corp. world is okay and also agree that running is not the answer for the only way out is through. Hence why I used the words "break-free". Wanting to not-want is never the answer.
The rest was pleasant to read and resonate with me quite deeply. I look forward to more chats with you L.G.
My very best,
Love it!!
Canada may just be the sweetest ... 🇲🇶 🙆♀️
It's almost like the masses are in a proverbial 'Tunnel of Love'(more like deception) where they're just going with whatever pops up during their ride.
i actually laughed when i read the west is braindead..
sure is, just look at the mighty pedo USA gov