"This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model, for the first time in human history. This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally — within a defined period of time — [attempting] to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the industrial revolution."Other than Patrick Wood (and The Corbett Report, of course), few noted or wondered at these words. Surely it was just more hot air from the bumbling bloviators at climate alarmism headquarters, right?
Fast forward to 2021 and we can listen to Prince Charles repeating this threat to transform the global economy in even stronger terms. Pivoting from the COVID scaremongering to climate scaremongering (exactly as predicted), His Royal Lowness warned that the "existential threat" of climate change would require that countries not only transform their economies but put themselves on a "war-like footing" and mount a "military-style campaign" against ManBearPig:
"Here we need a vast military-style campaign to marshal the strength of the global private sector. With trillions at its disposal, far beyond global GDP and with the greatest respect beyond even the governments of the world's leaders, it offers the only real prospect of achieving fundamental economic transition."I know people would like to close their eyes, let the normalcy bias kick in, and pretend that these are just empty rhetorical statements. It's true: Christina Figueres and Prince Charles, individually, run nothing. The world does not run on their pronouncements. But for the last several years, and with increasing intensity in recent months, the people who do control the world of international finance have begun constructing the web of organizations, instruments and mechanisms for accomplishing this "fundamental economic transition."
And, sadly, not one person in a thousand is paying attention to this complete overhaul of international finance. Let's rectify that right now, shall we?
The Background
I hope that you've figured out the climate swindle by now, but if not, here it is in a nutshell: The UN, the WEF and the international banking oligarchy are not trying to save Mother Earth, nor are they going to protect you from the weather gods. As anyone who has been paying attention should know by now, they are simply using your healthy, natural concern for the environment as a handy tool to manipulate you into supporting their politial agenda.
If you have bought into the climate change hype and you think that man-made CO2 is the magical thermostat that is dialing the "global average temperature" (whatever that means) up or down, fine.
. . . I mean, you're wrong, of course. In reality, the climategate criminals are using unfalsifiable pseudoscience to deceive you into joining their cargo cult. They are manipulating the temperature record to cool the past and warm the present. They are relying on flawed models and lying with statistics to trick you into believing their sky-is-falling narrative. And they are making ridiculous alarmist predictions about the coming climate apocalypse, all the while openly admitting that their movement has nothing to do with environmental protection and everything to do with economics.
Worse yet, they have convinced their cult of true believers that anyone who questions these lies (like yours truly) is a shill for Big Oil and doesn't care about the environment. The truth, of course, is that — as I've been at pains to explain in my work over and over and over — it is the big oil billionaires and their bankster cronies who are steering this greenwashing agenda and misdirecting the public away from the REAL environmental problems that the billionaires themselves are causing, hindering real environmental science in the process.
. . . But fine. I get it. You care about protecting the natural environment and you've been convinced that Al Gore and his cadre of climategate companions are super cereal about the existential threat of carbon dioxide. OK.
Regardless of your position on manmade global warming, one thing that everyone needs to understand is that the banksters and the international oligarchs of the superclass are not pushing the climate change threat because they care about Mother Earth. They are cynically using this scare to achieve their century-old quest to implement a technocratic system of total control over our daily lives. This is leading toward the carbon ration system where every single action you take, every transaction you undertake and every move you make will be measured for its "carbon footprint" (or "carbon foodprint") and reduced as necessary at the whim of the technocrats.
And, oh yeah, by the way, these same would-be technocratic controllers are constructing an entire international financial and banking structure to consolidate control of the earth in their hands. Almost forgot that part.
Of course, if you've been following my work on the climate finance front over the years you'll already know all about the $100 trillion climate swindle, namely:
- that Enron and Goldman Sachs pioneered the emissions trading swindles (that — surprise, surprise! — are a complete and total fraud from top to bottom);
- that General Electric, DuPont, Johnson & Johnson, Pepsi, Siemens, AIG and a host of other Fortune 500/CFR companies joined BP, ConocoPhillips, GM and a host of other oiligarch companies as founding members of the US Climate Action Partnership, whose "Blueprint for Legislative Action" became the backbone of the Wall Street-backed Waxman-Markey bill of 2009;
- that former Bank of England governor, current United Nations Special Envoy on Climate Action and Finance and all-round globalist insider Mark Carney delivered a speech in 2019 declaring that an entirely new (digital, of course) financial system was going to be needed to help transition the world to a net zero carbon economy;
- that the Rothschilds and their bankster pals have been quietly laying the financial groundwork for the creation of an entire climate banking system to facilitate their debt-for-nature swaps and other attempts to monopolize the world in the name of "sustainable development"
But what you might not know (because I haven't covered it yet) is that yet another multi-billion dollar international climate finance facility was created in the wake of the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change: the Green Climate Fund. This fund had the ambitious goal of facilitating the $100 billion of climate financing that the developed nations of the world pledged to contribute to appeasing the weather gods every single year by 2020.
Well, it's 2021. Are they raking in a hundred billion a year by now? Hardly. So far, total pledges to the fund amount to a mere $10 billion, and only $2 billion of that has actually been disbursed.
Suffice it to say the Green Climate Fund has been a colossal flop for the banksters so far. But don't worry about them. They're back with a fresh new scam: GFANZ!
The Latest
You can garner a sense of where international finance is heading in the 2020s from the disjointed, fragmented bits of "news" that slither into the MSM finance feeds:
New Zealand to make banks report climate impact
Janet Yellen Admits The "Net Zero" Grand Reset Price Tag Will Be $150 Trillion
New corporate climate reporting standard 'a game-changer'
But in order to really understand what's going on here we have to go straight to the horse's mouth. And in this case, the horses are bankster supergopher Mark Carney and financial gatekeeper Michael Bloomberg. The two recently joined forces to opine in the pages of (where else) Bloomberg that "[In Order] To Fight Climate Change, [We Will Have To] Put Markets to Work."
Amongst the usual hot air and empty rhetoric that inevitably form the fabric of such pieces, you'll find reference to yet another climate financing vehicle, the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero, or GFANZ. Launched at the recent UN "Conference of the Parties" in Glasgow (COP26), this group boasts the most ambitious goal yet: to organize the assets of 450 major financial institutions across 45 countries and commit them toward achieving a "net zero" economy. And the value of those assets? A cool $130 trillion.
Whitney Webb does a great job breaking down this new body in her latest report, "UN-Backed Banker Alliance Announces "Green" Plan to Transform the Global Financial System." As Webb observes:
"As part of COP26, GFANZ — a key group at that conference — is publishing a plan aimed at scaling "private capital flows to emerging and developing economies." Per the alliance's press release, this plan focuses on "the development of country platforms to connect the now enormous private capital committed to net zero with country projects, scaling blended finance through MDBs [multilateral development banks] and developing high integrity, credible global carbon markets." The press release notes that this "enormous private capital" is money that alliance members seek to invest in emerging and developing countries, estimated at over $130 trillion, and that — in order to deploy these trillions in investment — "the global financial system is being transformed" by this very alliance in coordination with the group that convened them, the United Nations."
In order to understand what this means, we have to turn to the latest GFANZ progress report, in which Carney (who is chairing this banking alliance) writes:
"Only mainstream private finance can match the scale of climate action needed for the net-zero transition, including in emerging markets and developing countries. We cannot get to net zero in a niche. Rather, we must transition the entire financial system, alongside every sector of our economies. To mobilise the capital needed, GFANZ is developing the best practice tools and methodologies so that the climate is at the heart of every financial decision. These include driving upward convergence around corporate and financial institution net-zero transition plans, supporting frameworks and metrics to measure portfolio and sectoral net-zero alignment, creating new frameworks to wind down stranded assets responsibly in a way that is transparent and Paris-aligned, and mobilising the enormous capital required for the net-zero transition in emerging markets and developing countries."While this certainly sounds like a bunch of overheated, buzzword-laden gobbledegook, these terms do have actual referents in the financial world. The "frameworks and metrics to measure portfolio and sectoral net-zero alignment," for instance, refers to initiatives like the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, a creature of the Financial Stability Board that is developing international standards for reporting of climate-related risks. Under these new standards, multinational corporations and financial bodies would have to devote considerable resources to complying with mandates for specific reporting on the energy inputs and outputs of all of their products and services and engage in climate risk mitigation that (naturally) involves obligatory tithes to the weather gods (i.e. bodies like GFANZ).
To cut to the chase, this is heading toward a world in which the banksters will be able to use the cover of climate change to "eliminate national sovereignty, privatize the 'natural assets' (e.g., ecosystems, ecological processes) of the developing world, and force increasingly technocratic policies designed by global governance institutions and think tanks on ever more disenfranchised populations."
This is the point of the climate change "threat" that is being pushed by every government, every major international body and every major corporation right now. It has as much to do with saving the environment as the hype about the scamdemic has to do with keeping people healthy. Instead, it is all about seizing as much control over the natural world as possible and squeezing every ounce of capital out of every square inch of the planet.
We better wise up to this scheme quickly, or get used to living in the carbon-rationed, neofeudal nightmare economy that these banksters are bringing about in the name of global warming.
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