barr judiciary hearing July 2020
© C-SPANU.S. Attorney General William Barr
Barr: "Well, this is a hearing. I thought I was the one who was supposed to be heard."

AG Bill Barr testified in front of the House Judiciary Committee this morning. For exactly what I do not know because it didn't take long for it to go off the rails.

In other words, right away:
Once the hearing, which lasted until mid-afternoon, [Chairman Jerry] Nadler did not hesitate to express his scorn for Barr and his Justice Department.

"Thank you for being here, Mr. Barr," Nadler said with a note of sarcasm, pointing out that this was the attorney general's first time appearing before the committee. โ€” Fox News
Nadler brought up the death of George Floyd, the protests, the collusion investigation, prosecutions against those involved in the investigation, re-elections, etc.

Like I said. Who knows the actual point of the hearing except to try to embarrass Barr on TV.

Nadler's opening statement:

Ranking Member Jim Jordan fired back with a video of those peaceful protesters Nadler called a myth:

Nadler's reaction? He hopes that Jordan never complains about the length of his opening statements.

Barr's opening statement:

The Democrats could not stop interrupting Barr. They asked him stupid questions.

Barr with the mic drop: