The content of the newsletter outlines, "8 Ways the World Health Organization Advances Harmful Agendas". Namely, that the:
1. WHO leadership has a history of promoting abortion.
2. WHO Director-General Tedros also has pushed controversial sexual rights at the expense of sexual health.
3. WHO has continued to aggressively pushing abortion worldwide under its current leadership.
4. WHO supports radical comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) for children that promotes abortion, masturbation, homosexuality, transgenderism and more.
5. WHO partners with the discredited IPPF. (one of the largest abortion providers in the world)
6. WHO is promoting the legalization โ and destigmatization โ of prostitution under the guise of preventing HIV.
7. WHO's Director-General, Tedros, has been advancing initiatives to normalize, destigmatize and legalize transgender behaviours and identification.
8. WHO promotes legal recognition of diverse sexual behaviours and expressions as important to health, when in fact they lead to more (not less) disease.
Comment: Lethal Sex -The Rise of Sexually Transmitted Diseases in the Age of Postmodernist Liberalism
To many, this will come as an enormous shock and surprise. But what follows is a summary of the World Health Organization's, Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe: A framework for policymakers, educational and health authorities and specialists in explicitly promoting sexuality among children from the time they are born.
For Children Age 0-4 yearsWhat has become clear is that WHO needs a complete change of leadership. This is an organisation that is committed to an anti-Christian political agenda. If you are interested in finding out more, then you might want to tune into their Worldwide Webinar, "The World Health Organization Exposed: Sexual Rights vs. Sexual Health" on Tuesday, April 28th 9:00 MST. For more information go to
"Give information about enjoyment and pleasure when touching one's body... masturbation"
"Enable children to gain an awareness of gender identity"
"Give the right to explore gender identities"
For Children Age 4-6 years
"Give information about early childhood masturbation"
"Give information about same-sex relationships"
"Give information about... different concepts of a family"
"Help children develop respect for different norms regarding sexuality.
For Children Age 6-9 years
"Give information about . . . different methods of conception"
"Give information about enjoyment and pleasure when touching one's own body, early childhood masturbation"
"Give information about friendship and love towards people of the same sex"
For Children Age 9-12 years
"Give information about different types of contraception . . . enable children to use condoms and contraceptives effectively in the future"
"Gender orientation and differences between gender identity and biological sex"
"Give information about pleasure, masturbation, orgasm"
"Give information about sexual rights as defined by the International Planned Parenthood Federation and the World Association for Sexual Health"
Comment: Some background on the WHO's current leader:
- The WHO's Tedros Adhanom should be put on trial for crimes against humanity
- WHO Director-General accused of covering up cholera epidemics in Africa
Comment: If one understands that Bill Gates effectively dictates WHO policy through being one of it's largest donors, then it becomes easier to discern the organization's driving forces, which have little to do with eradicating disease, but paving the way for crises that facilitate the use of population reducing vaccines and other interventions that benefit the pharmaceutical cartel.