Abby Johnson was a clinic manager at a Planned Parenthood clinic for 8 years. In the interview with Fox News' Tucker Carlson below, she discusses what her responsibilities were:
Abby: I took care of just the day-to-day operations, hiring and firing personnel, making sure that our budgets were maintained, including our abortion quota that we had to maintain every month, so that was my job.

Tucker: You mean you had to perform a certain number of abortions every month?

Abby: That's right. So, every abortion facility within Planned Parenthood has a monthly abortion quota that they must meet.

Tucker: Why?

Abby: That's how they make their money. About 50% of their income is just cash from abortion services. And so, in order to keep their clinics open, they have to sell so many abortions.

Tucker: But what about all the mammograms and the life-saving work they do?

Abby: Yeah, you know, funny about mammograms, there is not a Planned Parenthood in the country that provides mammogram services, they don't provide pre-natal care, they don't do a lot of the things that they say that they do.
Let's think about that for a minute. If any company's business model involves a quota, that means that they will favor a person 'buying' what they are selling over not 'buying' it. This is understandable in many cases. But in the case of Planned Parenthood, which assumes a position of high moral authority in the field of reproductive health and supposedly is the supreme defender of a woman's 'right to choose,' there is a clear conflict of interest.

In practice, as a business, Planned Parenthood inevitably is not able to objectively support a woman's right to choose. They will support a woman's right to an abortion, because that is what is dictated by their business model and upon which their survival as a clinic is dependent upon. And as Johnson describes in the interview, there are strategies employed in their interactions with young girls and women that actually aim to maximize the number of abortions that end up being performed.

They Sell Fetuses Too
Tucker: So they also sell fetal tissue, baby parts, and you also saw that happen. What are the economics of that?

Abby: Yeah, at the affiliate I worked at, we sold the whole body for about $200 per fetus. That went to a company called Amphioxus, and, you know, the Houston facility, the largest-I worked for that affiliate-it's the second largest facility in the Western hemisphere, second largest to China, and we were doing, we had capacity to perform about 75 abortions every day, 6 days a week. So if you look at even half of those women having tissue that is suitable to be donated-'donated,' or sold, then you're looking at over $2 million a year just at that one clinic.

Tucker: But I thought that Planned Parenthood, or any facility like Planned Parenthood, is not allowed to sell human parts.

Abby: Yeah, it's interesting, because the way that they line-item everything, it looks like it's a legitimate business transaction, but if you-because the law says that they can charge for things like shipping and handling and, you know, things like that. And so if they line-item it correctly, then it looks like that you're just paying for handling services, or for shipping services, but really there is no additional handling involved, there is no additional shipping involved, Amphioxus came and picked up the parts from our facility, but if you line-item it correctly, that's how they're skirting around the law.