The story starts in the early 1970s in the US, when Monsanto submitted these safety test documents on glyphosate to the Environment Protection Agency (EPA).

Such proof usually involves laboratory tests on health of two groups of identical animals, where one group was exposed to glyphosate in their food, while the other lived the same lifestyle and ate the same food, but without glyphosate. The comparison of health parameters of these two groups, are used to determine if glyphosate makes the test animals sick compared to the other group, or not.
Such safety test report should contain both the summary report from the scientists conducting the tests, as well as all the supporting raw data, based on which these summaries were made.
Finally, the regulatory authority, such as the EPA, is obliged to make these safety test reports and data public, and subject to public scrutiny.

However, the tables might be turning now, with an unbelievable rise of hitherto unknown or uncommon diseases suspected of being linked to glyphosate. However, there is not much independent research going on about glyphosate, primarily because the biotech corporations have mostly managed to control the research.

Monsanto has now been purchased by Bayer, who is killing the Monsanto name because of the negativity attached to the company.
Under this backdrop, comes this news that the so called "transparency platform" of Bayer, will disclose "summaries" on glyphosate safety studies. I personally have a poor opinion on such summaries mainly because they usually lack supporting raw data and proof of safety, and because Monsanto had been tightly controlling past research on glyphosate and only allowed flattering reports to get published.
We shall not know the full truth about glyphosate's safety, irrespective of smoke and mirrors from Bayer's transparency platform without honest independent research outside of control of the biotech industry.
Independent nations should not accept safe limits for glyphosate as set by the western nations with a vested interest or the international bodies such as Codex Alimentarius that have long been infiltrated by corporate lobbies. They need to either conduct independent and unbiased test of glyphosate themselves and set their own safety standard, or ban glyphosate from their agriculture. Farsighted nations are already doing that, such as Venezuela, Mali, Nepal, Bhutan, Senegal and Bolivia. France and Germany are reportedly looking for a way out of glyphosate dependent agriculture. When will the rest of the world wake up ?

Well, some of my scientist friends, such as Thierry Vrain of Canada, suspect that glyphosate has gotten so controversial and indefensible that Bayer may be planning to kill glyphosate, and replace it with their own glufosinate. Phasing out glyphosate might need dexterity if Bayer wants to avoid being sued into bankrupcy. Is this transparency ploy an attempt to engineer a safe exit for glyphosate and a safe entry for glufosinate?
After all, Bayer's baby, glufosinate, is the only other broad spectrum herbicide that is also a mimic of yet another canonical amino acid - glutamate - and has similar potential to cause biological havoc by wrongly getting into proteins.
So Stephanie Seneff rightly ponders about a shift to glufosinate that could open up another wave of new diseases due to new kinds of protein disfunction, and bring more misery to the living world.
All this is happening because independent nations are not acting to the best interest of its citizens, and are bowing to western efforts to control their food web through toxicity. Ultimately, this is the responsibility of the citizens, you and me, to either preserve national food sovereignty, or to give it up.
Comment: The sinister machinations of Big Biotech never ceases to amaze normal, non-pathological individuals. Killing the Monsanto brand will do nothing to stop this pernicious evil from ruining human lives, the ecosystem and the planet.
See also: