Republican Senators Lindsey Graham and John McCain spent the New Year in Kiev where Petro Poroshenko gave them both state medals, the Order of Ukraine. They were later pictured with a group of military men drawn from units engaged in the genocidal, anti-democratic war against the people of Donbass, which in recent weeks has become ever more violent, with Kiev continually violating the Minsk II agreement.
Both Senators are beyond reproach. To try to bestow international legitimacy on a blatantly neo-fascist, genocidal, racist, corrupt, rogue and loathed regime, is an insult to the civilised world.
Comment: We think Garrie meant to write: "beyond reproachable"! If there's anything Graham and McCain are NOT, it's irreproachable.
But no matter how heinous the two men's actions are, they are not surprising.
McCain for years has posed for photos next to a wide array of violent extremists from ISIS leaders, various other radical Islamist terrorists, to the leaders of the Kiev coup of 2014.
Graham too is known for his militarism which knows no end.
The two Senators are two politicians who think that the Obama/Hillary/Kerry policies of constant regime change don't go far enough.
McCain also once re-wrote the lyrics to the tune made famous by the Beach Boys, Barbra Ann as 'bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb-bomb Iran'.
Not level headed to say the least.
What's more is that both men have a personal dislike of Donald Trump and this is to put it mildly.
McCain was taunted by Trump who said that he prefers war heroes who don't get caught, a reference to McCain's period in a prisoner of war camp in Vietnam. He later went on to call McCain a 'dummy'.
Graham who ran against Trump in the Republican primary, had an early spat with Trump which resulted in Trump giving away Graham's private phone number, and asking his supporters to inundate it with messages, which they soon did.
So not only are McCain and Graham true believers when it comes to the backing of any extremist who hates Russia and also Assad, but they also have very personal grudges against Donald Trump.
The most important question is, will this actual amount to anything?
Here are some possible scenarios.
The best case scenario for Trump and his rapprochement with Russia is that McCain and Graham are increasingly seen as two voices in the wilderness who are out of touch with the modern political movements that propelled Trump and other Republicans to power. In this scenario, McCain and Graham would still be invited to torch-lit neo-Nazi rallies in Kiev as guests of honour, but the wider world wouldn't really give a damn.
Another possibility is for the dangerous duo to use their relationship with Russia's enemies to try and help US mainstream media wage a propaganda war against Trump's 'operation cooperation'.
Although the US mainstream media coverage of Ukrainian events from the coup up to today's war in Donbass have been woefully bad, the silver lining is that the coverage has become increasingly sparse. Most Americans care far more about events in the Middle East than in Kiev or Donbass. Even many American Neo-Nazis with posters of Hermann Gรถring above the fireplace, would scratch their heads at the mention of the name Stepan Bandera.
A third possibility is that the two men would defect to the Democrats where anti-Russian hysteria is now the norm. Although it would technically affect Trump's quorum in the Senate, if the two men are going to vote against Trump time and again anyway, it could be a blessing in disguise for Trump, as the media could no longer paint the two men's actions as signs of a Republican civil war.
The most dangerous possibility is that the two men could form a kind of pseudo-third party whereby they could try and create a congressional quorum made up of Democrats and anti-Russian Republicans to form a bloc against Trump. One could liken it like the Southern Democrat/Dixiecrat faction who happily united with members of any party to try and halt the passage of anti-racist legislation.
This would require a lot of effort by two men who seem happier to take selfies with murderers than actually get any work done, but it is still possibility. However, this too could play into Trump's hands.
Donald Trump was a third party candidate in all but name. The Republican establishment was against him during much of his campaign, and this goes far beyond the lunatic McCain fringe. Trump is well aware of this and now that he'll shortly be assuming the Presidency, it will not be difficult for Trump either to form his own party or more likely purge the Republicans of his enemies, effectively turning the party into his.
If McCain and Graham form an official Congressional alliance with Democrats, Trump could turn around and say 'look how the establishment are against me because I'm on the side of the people', 'look at these sore losers'. His followers on social media would then post pictures of McCain with ISIS leaders who unlike the Kiev mafia are known figures among the wider US public.
It would take a great deal of political courage for McCain and Graham to pull this particular political trigger and Trump has generally come out more popular whenever the Republicans start tearing themselves up over his controversies.
If Trump could survive being exposed as talking about 'pussy', then surely he can stave off attacks by those supporting the fascist regime in Kiev, because of course in today's America, so dumbed down by the mainstream media, talking about 'pussy' is far more severe a crime than supporting a regime whose soldiers murder children because their parents voted to succeed from a neo-Nazi controlled regime.
Try as they may, McCain and Graham have far less influence than they like to believe. Apart from the more surreal elements of the mainstream media and some in the anti-Russia deep state, their mad crusade will likely fall on deaf ears...so long as they're not recorded speaking with Poroshenko about grabbing pussy.
Reader Comments
I don't know who I feel more sorry for; Poroshenko for having to host those two nutters...or the nutters for having to spend the night with Porky.
I hope they had fun together and I am wondering if the medals are not really just Porkies chocolate wrapped in gold foil.