- Snow, hail and flooding in the deserts of Saudi Arabia (again)
- New Zealand's second strongest tremor in the modern era
- Johannesburg's worst flash-flood in living memory
- Another powerful quake (and another tsunami) off Fukushima, Japan
- Outbreak of 'thunder asthma' in Melbourne, Australia, which killed 8 people and sent another 8,500 to hospital
- The latest Atlantic Hurricane in the modern era (and the most southerly, and the first to ever make landfall in Costa Rica)
- Unprecedented 'superfires' torching swathes of the US Southeast
We are, of course, being facetious. There's nothing normal about any of this. We've entered a new global climate. Forecasting models are largely redundant at this point. The costs from all this destruction pile up ever higher with each passing month. Until now, elites have either ignored the climate/planetary upheaval, or blamed ordinary people for causing one or another symptom, then carried on milking taxpayers and spreading wars. No doubt, given recent patterns, they're soon going to start blaming it all on Putin.
These were (some of) 'the signs' in November 2016...
Watch it on Sott.net's Vimeo channel:
Music used: 'Escape from the Temple' by Per Kiilstofte. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalTo understand what's going on, check out our book explaining how all these events are part of a natural climate shift, and why it's taking place now: Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection.
Check out previous installments in this series - now translated into multiple languages - and more videos from SOTT Media here, here, or here.
You can help us chronicle the signs by sending your video suggestions to sott@sott.net
Russell Crowe's THE WATER DIVINER.
The Colonel says: "We used to be one county and now we are constantly at war."
We are only one Earth. We will never leave it.