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The Ukrainian government has come up with yet another "brilliant" way to improve the unenviable financial situation in which the country has found itself thanks to their "talent.

They argue that Russia should not only return Crimea to Ukraine, but also give Kiev money "for using" the peninsula.

This was stated today by the first deputy minister of justice of Ukraine, Natalya Sevostyanova. The amount which Ukraine wants to receive, according to preliminary estimates, is 1 trillion hryvnia [around $122 billion - JA].

"You will immediately ask me about the amount, as different amounts have been suggested, but the estimated amount which we have today amounts to one trillion," Sevostyanova announced to journalists.

According to her, Kiev will think of how to justify increasing this "compensation" and "redress" by consulting European experts.

"The European Court for Human Rights is taking note of the information which we have provided and when the case will already be de facto won, and when it will be recognized that articles have been violated, then we will move to the stage of 'redress' and will determine an amount. Obviously, at such a stage, we will appeal to international expert organizations so that the European Court can clearly establish this sum on account of the evidence and documents which we have provided concerning the damage done to our country due to the restricted use of this property," the deputy minister said.

Sevostyanova stressed that this money is not a substitute for Crimea. It cannot just be paid and everything left as is. Ukraine wants both Crimea and the money.

"We are not talking about compensation for loss. We are demanding the return and de-occupation of Crimea and financial compensation for what we were de facto unable to use during this entire period," Sevostyanova concluded.