Daily records Tmax=368 Tmin =1072
Monthly records Tmax=6 Tmin= 17
3 new snow records.
I had noted earlier this year that the data feed from NCDC that allowed independent plotting of high/low temperature records has suddenly disappeared. HAMweather has been running this map of record events for several years, and I have used it frequently in WUWT reports.
Yet, mysteriously, since February NCDC appear to have yanked the data feed, as they been showing no new records for several months.
Paul Homewood points out that even PBS is affected by this outage:
It was not long ago that we were bombarded with claims of record high temperatures in the US. For instance, PBS introduced their new widget in 2011, shown above, to track daily records.
As they pointed out:
We've built this widget so our viewers can understand the significance of the heat, not only in terms of raw degrees, but in a format that compares today's temperatures to previous record highs.As of last September, it was still running. (Not that they cared to show record daily lows as well!)
With cold records outnumbering high records this year, it makes you wonder if NOAA's NCDC might want to keep the reporting of these things close to home. I've seen no explanation as to why the data feed of high/low/precip and snow records stopped this year.
If anyone knows of it, leave a note in comments.
I have not seen the temperature records for the UK but autumn seems to have come rather quickly here. I have had the heating on in August! It is worse in the North.