Comment: We didn't quite believe it at first, but apparently the following videos are part of an advertising campaign for Hulu, an online video service jointly owned by NBCUniversal, News Corporation and the Walt Disney Company and essentially part of the move to saturate the Internet with mind-numbing garbage while the world burns.
Reader Comments
The sheeple still do not comprehend, I think it will take comets to shake things up enough for them to pay attention to reality, but at that point, it will be too late for most of them.
I am certain that the media has been rotting brains for at least since cable tv was deployed. now they use reverse psychology to hide it in plain site. Very few under the age of 30 will be able to deflect the mind meld of mass media which seeks nothing less than the complete brain washing and sensory control of our lives. Is it possible that this has been part of the plan of our alien ancestors as they compete the human experiment. It certainly seems quite evident that our species is under some sort of control from another dimension.
Back when the HDTV conversion was complete I was listening to an internet talk show on the subject and a caller from the DC area said they had a family gathering, holiday dinner and a relative who works for the CIA would not enter the family room where the there was an HDTV with the game on. No one could convince him to set foot in the room as long as the TV was on so it was switched off. When his family asked why all they got was silence.
From time to time we get a little piece of information that clarifies things.
Free your mind, kill your TV!
And the worst part is- I watched it twice because it was so damned entertaining! and I know better too. This makes it obvious that MSM is still quite ahead of the game. Yikes!