The boy's mother, Karla Noriega, said police impounded the miniature gasoline-powered motorbike that her son got for Christmas after he crashed into an SUV on Dec. 27.
Noriega decided to go to the media and make the case public after finding out she would have to pay what she called a "ridiculous" $183 in fines to recover the toy motorbike.
City council Secretary Hector Arceluz said Thursday that authorities had dropped the fines, released the motorbike and would punish the police officers for having acted improperly.
Noriega's son Gael was happy to get his minibike back, but said it no longer works after the accident.
Source: The Canadian Press
Usually, these kids are running around on their own, in this case on a small motorcycle, of which the word 'toy' IMO shouldn't be used, especially if they are operating them on the roads where bigger 'toys' come out to play. If his parents like watching him step into the ring with the big 'toys' then let him take the hits that follow.
That fine doesn't sound like much. Imagine the cost of a funeral and the that lost investment. Of course, the parents could look at it from the other perspective and envision an early 'retirement' of that investment as a good thing, as it then requires no continued investment in the same product line.
Did the police overreact? Perhaps so, but who is looking out for this kid running loose on the streets? Who will pay the funeral cost if the parents consider such an additional expense 'ridiculous' as well. Will the state step in like some kind uncle or slap a lean on their property?
I just don't see an discussion on the kid in this article. What if he died? Would the 'ridiculousness' of the situation be seen differently?