Without self knowledge, without understanding the working and functions of his machine, man cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and he will always remain a slave.
Hegseth has described Kiev's ambitions to recover its 2014 borders as "unrealistic, Hegseth has described Kiev's ambitions to recover its 2014...
Quite a trophy, actually. ;)
Excellent article! Almost funny, the way he describes the reactions.
MISS you RC ๐ Enjoy his fav. [Link]
Makes one wonder, which people were cut - the ones making the financial decisions, or the secretaries and janitors.
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extirpated not extinct. Moreover, mountain lion (P. concolor) sightings - many confirmed cases by state game authorities - have occurred much closer than Missouri in recent years: Michigan, Indian, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Vermont and New Hampshire have all had cat sightings within the past decade. Are they breeding populations? Maybe. Are these sightings of "mountain lion" by confused or ill-informed spotters actually bobcats or smaller species or truly escaped exotic specimens. No doubt this happens. The routine is for authorities to state they are escaped exotic pets when such reports are confirmed, usually by DNA evidence collected via hair samples, etc.. To admit wild breeders is to invite federal regulation at the cost of states, while at the same time inviting contentious wrangling between various advocacy campaigns and PACs.