Experts say most child victims in the U.S. are from poor neighborhoods and broken homes.
"Most of the girls that we work with come from a broken home, maybe a single-headed household, where there is a lot of poverty," Andrea Powell, executive director of FAIR Fund, told Press TV. Fair Fund is an international nonprofit that works to prevent human trafficking and sexual violence in the lives of youth, especially girls, around the world.
The average age of children being drawn into the sex trade is 12 to 14 years old.
"No matter where we would pull in different truck stops, there were always other truckers talking on their CBs to let other truckers know that I was available," Kristy Childs said. Childs became a victim at the age of 12 and was prostituted out in different cities and truck stops for six years.
A new documentary, "Sex and Money - a National Search for Human Worth," exposes the scope of this tragedy inside the U.S.
The producers of the film are currently on a 50-state tour to raise child sex trafficking awareness.
This will continue on unabated and unfettered unless those psychopathic-Pentagon-peadophiles and perverts in similar positions of power in the US/global governments and corporations are held to account for using taxpayers money to finance and support child trafficing peadophile rings and websites worldwide. If the FBI aren't holding those in the Pentagon or government to account, then anything they say on the matter is not only disingenous but morally reprehenible selective thinking. If they were genuine about wanting to stop this trade in childrens lives, they would start at the top of the institutionalised peadophiles pyramid of power, with those who control the funding and organisational capabilities and then work their way down from there. If the monsters at the top fall, the organisation and funding routes for such a sex trade would dry up and rest would likely follow.