LAURA INGRAHAM, GUEST HOST: And in the "Personal Story" segment tonight, Academy Award winning actress Shirley MacLaine frequently raises eyebrows with her out of this world views, like her claim that she's had close encounters with aliens, and out of body experiences. She spoke to Bill last week about UFOs while promoting her new book, "Saging While Aging."
BILL O'REILLY, HOST: Let's talk a little UFOs. You know, I'm skeptical because as a reporter, I realize if you could prove the existence of UFOs or produce an alien, you would make gazillions of dollars. I mean, it is a huge industry, even though nobody has produced anything. So I'm saying, if something was provable, it would have been done.
SHIRLEY MACLAINE, ACTRESS: I say I don't think that kind of proof is subjectable to making money and profit. I think it's much more important to know the truth than it is to make money on it, Bill.
O'REILLY: I know. But if there were aliens or life on other planets and somebody knew about it, they would just bring it out. Because it would be so valuable.
MACLAINE: No, I think it's maybe more valuable concealed, at least at this time. A couple of reasons. One, it's an extension of the military-industrial complex, as long as there's something to be afraid of, it works for the military.
O'REILLY: I am not afraid of UFOs, are you?
MACLAINE: No, not at all.
O'REILLY: We are afraid of real aliens coming up overrunning the country. Not Venus aliens.
MACLAINE: Which maybe is happening.
The idea that I am pretty sure, in fact, I know, military intelligence knows, and they have proof. But now, what would that do if they really release it?
O'REILLY: But wait, wait, wait. I do not care about that. You tell me the proof and I will get it out.
MACLAINE: You are the last person I'd tell.
O'REILLY: Where is it?
MACLAINE: You have to do that. You are the reporter.
O'REILLY: You have to give me a hint?
MACLAINE: No, you have to work for your living.
O'REILLY: If you, Ms. MacLaine, have any proof of aliens, you can give it to me, and I guarantee you I will get it out there.
MACALAINE: There is no reason they cannot trust the American people to deal with this.
O'REILLY: So you want them to come clean, come clean about...
MACLAINE: Yes. And let me just point out that I think the reason it has been suppressed is because they are suppressing it for our own good, they think we might panic and pull an Orson Wells number, like happened like "War of the Worlds."
But where you have polls done where 60 percent of the American people believe in UFOs, I think we can handle it. And also this curtain of ridicule that goes on, like that.
O'REILLY: I agree you should not be ridiculed because you believe in UFOs. But I shouldn't be ridiculed if I am skeptical and ask you to provide me with as much information as you can.
MACLAINE: I am not ridiculing you.
O'REILLY: Okay. I know, you would never do that. You are much too nice.
Final question, do you believe that Bush and Cheney and all these guys know that there are extraterrestrials around? That they personally know it?
MACLAINE: From talking to Jimmy Carter, from my contacts with people around Reagan, the presidents are not on a need to know basis from military intelligence so I would say, possibly Cheney, but I would not say anybody else knows. And from the intelligence point of view, they have no need to know.
O'REILLY: Does Jimmy Carter believe that there is UFO evidence being suppressed?
MACLAINE: He asked for "sunshine laws" to be placed on the subject when he reported a UFO when he was governor of Georgia, you might remember.
O'REILLY: Does he believe in UFOs, Jimmy Carter?
MACLAINE: Yes. Oh yeah. And I have talked to all the astronauts. They tell me...
O'REILLY: Some astronauts do believe, and airline pilots, that they have seen unexplained things.
MACLAINE: Yeah. I think the question is not, are they seeing something real that's unidentified, but, what are they? Let's get into that discussion.
O'REILLY: Do you know what they are?
MACLAINE: There are so many visitations that I would have to do some kind of analysis on them and answer your question.
O'REILLY: So are they like we are? Are they people?
MACLAINE: They are living "star beings."
O'REILLY: Star beings.
MACLAINE: That is what they prefer to be called rather than aliens.
O'REILLY: Do they get haircuts and stuff? Do they look like we do?
MACLAINE: Stop that.
O'REILLY: Come on now, lighten up a little, Ms. MacLaine. Do they look like us?
MACLAINE: God, I hope not.
O'REILLY: All right, Ms. Maclaine, the book, always interesting, "Sage-ing While Age-ing." And you are ageless and we appreciate you coming in.
MACLAINE: That is what they prefer to be called rather than aliens.
OMG! Shirley MacLaine in that remark is alluding to them being space brothers. And the line about the government just thinking that they are protecting humanity, as we can't handle it is another give away to where MacLaine is vectored.
If they were really interested then they would ask somebody like Dolan to come on the show. Or listen to the excellent podcast done by the Sott team.
he chooses to discuss alien life forms with and the sheeple eat it up as if it were coming from a scholar and authority. there are few brain trusts in this world and hollywood is one of the last places that we should be looking. currently i am watching a discovery special on the evolution of man. it is hosted by one of the baldwin brothers... probably because they look very similar to a caveman... its as if science has learned a lesson or two from religion.
O'REILLY: Star beings.
MACLAINE: That is what they prefer to be called rather than aliens.
OMG! Shirley MacLaine in that remark is alluding to them being space brothers. And the line about the government just thinking that they are protecting humanity, as we can't handle it is another give away to where MacLaine is vectored.
If they were really interested then they would ask somebody like Dolan to come on the show. Or listen to the excellent podcast done by the Sott team.