
Cloud Lightning

Woman killed by lightning near Durango, Colorado

A 65-year-old woman was struck and killed by lightning Saturday morning while walking in the Edgemont subdivision.

La Plata County Coroner Jann Smith identified the woman as Pam Mount, 65, of Durango.

Mount was out for a walk in the subdivision with a friend when she was struck by lightning at about 8:37 a.m., said La Plata County Sheriff's Office Sgt. Steve Reiter.

The lightning bolt first struck a tree and moved laterally to strike Mount, Reiter said.


Waterspout filmed off the coast of Pontian, Malaysia

Waterspout, Marine Tromba off the coast of Pontian - Malaysia, June 5, 2020.

Cloud Lightning

Lightning kills 9 people in Sylhet, Bangladesh - at least 50 killed in 3 days across the country

Nine persons have been killed in lightning today in different places in four districts under Sylhet division.

Of the victims, an elderly person is of Sayestaganj upazila, one of Chunarughat and two teenagers of Ajmeriganj under Habiganj district; one youth of Dharmapasha under Sunamganj district; two of Baralekha upazila and one of Kamalganj under Moulvibazar and one school-boy of Balaganj in Sylhet district, police and hospital sources said.

Comment: A day earlier 16 were killed by strikes while 24 hours prior to that at least 25 succumbed to hits.

Cloud Precipitation

Hailstorm, heavy rain damages fruit, veggie crops in Himachal Pradesh, India

Shimla and its surrounding areas were hit by a squall, accompanied by hailstorm and heavy rain this afternoon, causing a sharp fall in day temperature and damaging fruit and vegetable crops.

The inclement weather forced people to rush indoors as the capital town recorded 78 mm rain (74 mm in just two hours).

The hailstorm caused a sharp fall in the mercury and the day temperatures stayed five to six degrees below normal. Fruit and vegetable growers were on tenterhook as stormy conditions are catastrophic for apple stone fruit and vegetable crops.

Cloud Lightning

Symbolic? Huge lightning bolt strikes Washington Monument

lightning striking the Washington Monument
Lightning struck the Washington Monument Thursday night, igniting and lighting up the sky in the D.C. area, a new viral video clip shows.

What happened:

WUSA 9's Sky Cam captured video footage of lightning striking the Washington Monument with a bolt of lightning. Other flashes of light occur nearby in the moments right after.

This is somewhat normal. According to Atlas Obscura, lightning often strikes the 555-foot monument. In fact, the solid aluminum capstone melted about half of a year after it was installed in December 1884.

More lightning strikes
  • Two National Guard members deployed to Washington, D.C., were hospitalized Thursday after lightning struck the area where they were posted, according to NBC News. The location wasn't too far removed from the White House.

Cloud Precipitation

Record-breaking rainfall continues in Yucatan, Mexico - 278% above normal

Floods form a raging river in Tekax, where police rescue stranded residents.
Floods form a raging river in Tekax, where police rescue stranded residents.
It wasn't so long ago that we were celebrating the arrival of rain. Now residents are mopping and squeegeeing away water that in places is knee deep.

While June is normally part of Yucatan's rainy season, rainfall is 278% above normal, the weather agency reported today.

Cristobal has broken weather records in Yucatan. In 72 hours, Merida has been hit with 13.5 inches of rain. Valladolid was hit even harder, with 17.5 inches, Conagua reported. Oxkutzcab appeared to have the most rainfall: 19 inches.

The storm has "begun its journey toward Yucatan," declared a local weather forecaster.

Cloud Lightning

Lightning strikes claim 36 lives in Myanmar over 5 months during pre-monsoon period

Lightning strikes claimed 36 lives with some injured in different areas of Myanmar in the first five months of this year, an official from the Disaster Management Department said on Saturday.

From January to May this year, 34 incidents of lightning strikes took place in the country's regions and states.

"Five people had been killed in a recent incident of lightning strikes in Myeik city of Tanintharyi region," said Phyu Lei Lei Tun, director of the department under the Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement.

Cloud Lightning

16 killed in lightning strikes in 6 districts of Bangladesh

Sixteen people were killed and five others injured in separate incidents of lightning in Pabna, Habiganj, Mymensingh, Bogura, Kushtia and Tangail districts on Friday.

In Pabna, four people were killed and a minor boy was injured as they were struck by thunderbolt in different parts of the district.

The deceased were identified as Hashem, 37, son of Laba of Atgharia upazila; Jalil Ali Sardar, 50, son of Rawshan Ali of Sujanagar upazila; Shariful Isalm, 25, son of Yunus Ali of Chatmohar upazila; and Maniruzzaman Moni, 19, of Ataikula upazila.

Of them, three were killed while returning home from croplands while another died while flying kite in the field.

Comment: In the same country 24 hours earlier lightning strikes killed a total of at least 25 in a single day.


Why Cristobal is a rare 'crossover' storm

A satellite image showing Cristobal moving over southern Mexico
© NOAAA satellite image showing Cristobal moving over southern Mexico on Thursday, June 4, 2020.
Tropical Storm Cristobal already has claimed its fame as the earliest third named tropical storm system on record in the Atlantic basin. It also did something else that had AccuWeather Lead Hurricane Expert Dan Kottlowski saying, "This does not happen very often."

Cristobal developed from the leftovers of Tropical Storm Amanda, the first named storm of the Pacific hurricane season. Amanda pummeled areas of Central America during the final weekend of May, causing at least 26 deaths and forcing at least 8,000 people to be evacuated in El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala.

Amanda appeared to wrap up off the coast of Guatemala, but then it moved inland over the country, which is "rare to see ... let alone during late May," Kottlowski said.

"Once Amanda moved inland, the lower-level part of the storm fell apart, but the upper-level part survived and moved to the western Yucatan," Kottlowski said. "Cristobal's development was associated with a large counter-clockwise wind pattern referred to as a gyre. The Central American Gyre (CAG) is more common during the late summer and fall season."

In this instance, the gyre's circulation forced what was left of Amanda to move back over very warm water in the southern Bay of Campeche "and a low-level circulation quickly formed under that upper-level feature," Kottlowski said. "It did not take time - given the 29- to 30-degree-Celsius [mid-80s F] water - to help create thunderstorms, lowering pressure and a coherent low-level circulation which has become Cristobal."

Comment: Tropical Storm Cristobal makes landfall in Mexico and could loop back toward the US Gulf Coast this weekend


Waterspout filmed in southwest France

A waterspout was spotted near Guethary, France, on June 4 amid a day of heavy rain and thunderstorms.

Mathieu Lapios filmed the spinning column of water from Guethary — a coastal town situated on the shore of the Bay of Biscay.

Authorities issued a yellow weather alert until June 5, urging people in coastal regions to be vigilant of severe weather.

Credit: Mathieu Lapios via Storyful