SOTT Radio Network


SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Interview with geopolitical analyst Stephen Lendman

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This week on Behind the Headlines we spoke with geopolitical analyst Stephen Lendman. Born in 1934, Stephen is a Harvard University graduate and a prolific writer on major world and national issues. His articles have appeared on many news websites and he maintains a personal blog at

Stephen is a regular guest on alternative news radio shows and hosts his own show on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network three times weekly. The author or editor of four books:Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive For Hegemony Risks World War III, Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity, How Wall Street Fleeces America, Privatized Banking, Government Collusion and Class War and The Iraq Quagmire: The Price of Imperial Arrogance, Stephen is a 2008 Project Censored winner and 2011 Mexican Journalists Club international journalism award recipient.

Running Time: 01:27:00

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SOTT Focus: The Truth Perspective: Dabrowski's theory of positive disintegration

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On this show, our hosts Harrison Koehli, Elan Martin, and fellow editors discussed the latest release from Red Pill Press. Out of print since 1967, Dr. Kazimierz Dabrowski's Personality-Shaping Through Positive Disintegration introduces readers to his theory of positive disintegration. Dabrowski's theory is miles ahead of the disease-based, Freudian-tinged, materialistic psychology of today. We talked about the book, the theory, and why Dabrowski is still so important. TPD is a psychology of transformation that helps make sense of onself AND the world.

The book is available on Amazon (print and Kindle), and you can watch two videos of Dabrowski here.

Running Time: 02:14:00

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SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Since when does the U.S. care about FIFA corruption?

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On Behind the Headlines this week your hosts are going beyond the Western media's sound and fury to examine the real story behind the 'FIFA corruption scandal', the latest Russian-Chinese military (and political) maneuvers, the return of anthrax on the eve of PATRIOT Act renewal in the US, and the latest madness in Ukraine.

We'll also have updates on the US's 'creative destruction' in the Middle East and the extreme weather and planetary upheaval breaking out all over the world. Tune in from 2-4pm EST / 11am-1pm PST / 7-9pm UTC / 8-10pm CET

Running Time: 01:47:00

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SOTT Focus: The Truth Perspective: The ISIS Vaccine!

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Broadcasting from deep in the heart of the American Empire, join your hosts Harrison Koehli and Elan Martin, and fellow editors, as they discuss everything from current events and the latest machinations and manipulations of the global elite to history, science, and religion, and how it all fits together.

This week, join our hosts as they discuss the latest ISIS antics, vaccine legislation, and more.

The Truth Perspective is brought to you by the SOTT Radio Network and, your one-stop source for independent, unbiased, alternative news and commentary on world events.

Live every Saturday from 2-4pm EST / 11am-1pm PST / 8-10pm CET.

Running Time: 01:33:00

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SOTT Focus: The Health & Wellness Show: Detox Protocols

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The Health and Wellness show on the SOTT Radio Network covers topics of health, diet, science, homeopathy, wellness culture, and more. Tune in weekly!

Today we'll be discussing detox protocols - what works and what doesn't? Intermittent fasting, detox via a health diet, heavy metals detox, FIR saunas, coffee enemas, and more!

Included, as always, will be Zoya's pet segment.

Running Time: 02:18:00

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SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Gay Marriage means 'equal rights' as global society descends into chaos

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It's a blip on the radar in the grand scheme of things, but much fanfare greeted the recent "yes" vote in the Irish referendum on gay marriage. It was proclaimed an "historic watershed" and "marked a milestone in Ireland's journey towards a more liberal, secular society". The vote was "almost like a social revolution that makes us a beacon of equality and liberty for the rest of the world" according to Irish health minister Leo Varadkar, who is gay. British tycoon Richard Branson was delighted to "see the people of Ireland voting to live in a country where everybody is treated equally."

Meanwhile, violent, sexual abusers of children are still protected by the Irish state. Irish schoolchildren are still taught lies about their own history, Irish politicians and bankers get away with massive theft of state resources that have impoverished thousands, while Irish police are ordered to beat Irish citizens who protest the privatization of Irish water on the orders of international financiers.

We'll also be discussing latest events around the world, mostly involving death, suffering and chaos.

Join us this Sunday May 24th 2015 2-4pm EST 8-10pm CET.

Running Time: 02:01:00

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SOTT Focus: The Truth Perspective: Cops gone wild

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Broadcasting from deep in the heart of the American Empire, join your hosts Harrison Koehli and Elan Martin, and fellow editors, as they discuss everything from current events and the latest machinations and manipulations of the global elite to history, science, and religion, and how it all fits together.

This week, join our hosts as they discuss some recent, outrageous news stories involving thuggish, power-obsessed, pathological cops, and the big picture of what's really going on.

The Truth Perspective is brought to you by the SOTT Radio Network and, your one-stop source for independent, unbiased, alternative news and commentary on world events.

Live every Saturday from 2-4pm EST / 11am-1pm PST / 8-10pm CET.

Running Time: 01:59:00

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SOTT Focus: The Health & Wellness Show: Child and Infant Health

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The Health and Wellness show on the SOTT Radio Network covers topics of health, diet, science, homeopathy, wellness culture, and more. Tune in weekly!

Today we'll be discussing health and wellness of infants and children - What's the best thing to feed your baby? How can one optimise prenatal health and breastfeeding? What components in the surrounding environment can compromise your child's health?

Included, as always, is the pet segment.

Running Time: 01:58:00

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SOTT Focus: The Truth Perspective: China supports Russia, Kerry visits Sochi

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Broadcasting from deep in the heart of the American Empire, join your hosts Harrison Koehli and Elan Martin, and fellow editors, as they discuss everything from current events and the latest machinations and manipulations of the global elite to history, science, and religion, and how it all fits together.

This week, join our hosts as they discuss Kerry's recent visit to Sochi, the Russia-China alliance, and other topics.

The Truth Perspective is brought to you by the SOTT Radio Network and, your one-stop source for independent, unbiased, alternative news and commentary on world events.

Live every Saturday from 2-4pm EST / 11am-1pm PST / 8-10pm CET.

Running Time: 01:59:00

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Bacon n Eggs

SOTT Focus: The Health & Wellness: Toxic additives

The Health and Wellness show on the SOTT Radio Network covers topics of health, diet, science, homeopathy, wellness culture, and more. Tune in weekly!

On this show we discussed toxic additives in our food - where they come from, what harm do they do, and how you can identify them. We also covered natural and alternative sweeteners to use in place of dangerous sugar substitutes.

The show wraps up, as always, with our pet segment. This week's pet health segment was on toxic ingredients in pet food.

Running Time: 01:56:00

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