© BBCThe health centre boasts more than 10,000 satisfied customers
Caroline Wyatt checks into a German spa which offers a taste of Eastern asceticism and a minimalistic menu.
There is nothing, it seems, that European women would rather spend a great deal of money on than getting away from it all at a spa or health farm and as correspondent Caroline Wyatt discovers, the bill is often as painful as the rather intrusive treatments.
The brochure had a photo of a luxurious hotel, and all the buzzwords: revitalising, rejuvenating.
A detox. Well, I was not sure about a detox.
I like to tox, and I think my liver and kidneys do an admirable job, considering the challenges.
Apparently, the Maharishi Ayurveda spa offered daily full-body massages, with hot oil dribbled over the entire body, rubbed in by two people simultaneously.
I booked straightaway.
Comment: Gee, you don't suppose that all these excuses cover up the fact that these guys suddenly became aware of their potential liability after the Ramazzini Study in Italy showed aspartame to be a multipotential carcinogen, peer reviewed by 7 world experts; not to mention the studies by the original manufacturer, Searle, which also showed cancer?
Betty Martini, Founder Mission Possible International, (www.wnho.net) tells us:
For years FDA and the manufacturers have tried to prevent independent studies, and Gregory Gordon who did the original UPI Investigation once wrote an article on this.
http://www.dorway.com/upipaper.txt and http://www.dorway.com/upipart2.html
And the studies keep coming.
One in Greece shows neurological problems and memory loss. Bottom line Alzheimers.
Another in Liverpool shows aspartame interaction:
Actually aspartame interacts with all drugs and vaccines:
Dr. Ralph Walton's research showed 92% of all independent peer reviewed studies show the problems aspartame causes:
Now the FDA is obligated to recall aspartame and invoke the Delaney Amendment which says if a product produces cancer in animals it cannot be put in food. Their own FDA toxicologist, Dr. Adrian Gross told Congress this should have been done in the beginning.
Aspartame should never have been approved, and how Don Rumsfeld got it approved when the FDA said no is told by James Turner, Atty, in the aspartame documentary, Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World, www.amazon.com or Barnes & Noble. Here is the clip: