Fire in the SkyS


Meteor seen across wide swath of Pacific Northwest

SPOKANE - A meteor was seen across a wide area of the Pacific Northwest early today.

A Federal Aviation Administration duty officer in Seattle confirms that the streaking light in the sky was a meteor.


A bird? A plane? A UFO? No, that was a meteor streaking the early morning sky

If you spotted bright lights streaking across the predawn sky this morning, you weren't alone.


Flashback Large Fireball over Normandy Beach New Jersey

September 1, 2007 (Evening)

Multiple-witness sighting of large fireball and other unidentified object(s) flying from West to East over the NJ shoreline. Object(s) were reported to have allegedly crashed into the Altantic Ocean. Local police and U.S. Coast Guard search missions were dispatched by boat, helecopter, and on the beach.

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UK: Meteorite shoots over Battle

There was a spectacular site in the skies above Battle on Monday night as a suspected meteorite shot over the town before appearing to explode.
Hastings resident Mary Lincon was gazing at the constellations between 10.30-11pm when she saw a 'huge glow' in the night sky.

Mary said: "I presume I was witnessing a meteorite falling through Earth's atmosphere when I was looking at the constellations of Taurus and Orion.


Fireball Over Polk County

Polk County, FL -- A Polk County man videotapes a strange fireball in the sky over Polk County. Rhett Marcotes and his family saw the phenomenon on January 7th just before dusk outside his home in Davenport. Marcotes and his wife grabbed their video camera and began filming. The results were stunning.


Asteroid Flyby: That was close!

Yesterday, newly discovered asteroid 2008 CT1 flew past Earth only 72,000 miles (0.3 lunar distances) away. Had it struck our planet, the 13-meter wide space rock (similar in size to a school bus) would have done little damage, probably exploding in the atmosphere and peppering some lonely stretch of ocean with meteorites. Maybe next time...


The goose that survived crashing into a meteorite only to be savaged by a fox!

A goose survived being hit by a 9lb meteorite and crashing into a car only to fall prey to a hungry fox.


Argentina: Fireball possible cause of fires in Las Ánimas Hill

Last night several witnesses reported to the program Última Hora that a "UFO" that fell at 4:00 am behind Las Ánimas Hill could have been the cause of the enormous and devastating fire that affected hundreds of hectares.

"It was like a huge fire ball that fell behind the hill", said a neighbor, whose report was confirmed by others.


The sky is falling! Witnesses often reluctant to report Canada's many meteorite strikes

Who you gonna call?

No, not when you see a ghost - but when you spot a meteorite falling from the sky.

It happens more often than you would think.

When a suspected meteorite landed on a Spruce Grove golf course recently, a number of residents continued to come forward with their own stories.


Flashback Two "Tunguskas" in South America in the 1930's? The Rupununi event

I now move on to the suspected explosion over British Guyana in 1935. The main source for information on this event is a story entitled "Tornado or Meteor Crash?" in the magazine The Sky (the forerunner of Sky and Telescope) of September 1939(5). A report from Serge A. Korff of the Bartol Research Foundation, Franklin Institute (Delaware, USA) was printed, he having been in the area--the Rupununi region of British Guyana--a couple of months later. The date of the explosion appears to have been December 11, 1935, at about 21h local time. I might note that this is near the date of the peak of the Geminid meteor shower, but yet again this may be merely a coincidence. The location is given as being near Lat: 2 deg 10min North, Long: 59 deg 10 min West, close to Marudi Mountain.