Puppet MastersS


Eager Indian generals eye six-month campaign in Pakistan-controlled Kashmir

Indian soldiers
© Reuters
Amid rising Pakistani-Indian tensions over the disputed Kashmir region, Indian generals are reportedly calling on the government to approve a sustained six-month campaign to destroy "terrorist infrastructure" on the Pakistani side of the de-facto border.

"We have to look at a sustained campaign. The terror network is on the back foot, but to really achieve something, we have to look at a medium-term plan, a six-month campaign. A one-off event will not deter them," a top Indian Army official was quoted by Times of India as telling the country's government.

The suggestion comes at a time of rising tensions over Kashmir, a mountainous border area that India and Pakistan have been disputing for seven decades. Each party controls part of the region, while claiming sovereignty over all of it. Two of the three wars that the two nations have fought were over Kashmir.

Comment: Also read: Kashmir nuclear hot spot: Pakistan says 2 soldiers killed in what India calls 'surgical strikes' on militants - UPDATES


Bill Clinton paternity saga continues: Prostitute's son wants DNA test

Danney Williams-Clinton paternity test Clinton
© Danney Williams-Clinton / Facebook / ReutersWilliams claims Clinton met his mother while out jogging.
The son of a former prostitute has renewed calls for Bill Clinton to take a paternity test, claiming the former president is his father. Danney Williams says he's the love-child of Clinton from his time as state governor of Arkansas.

Williams, 30, who goes by the name Danney Williams-Clinton, claims his mother Bobbie Ann Williams met Clinton in 1984 and began a relationship with him after the then-governor paid her $200 to have sex with her behind some bushes in a Little Rock housing project.

The relationship continued and a year later his mother was pregnant, claims Williams. When his mother told Clinton he was the father he allegedly laughed and said: "Girl, that can't be my baby."

When he was born his mother believed he was Clinton's son as he had a light skin tone, with Clinton being her only white client.

Comment: Given Slick Willy's sexual proclivities, requesting a DNA test is not unreasonable. What is more interesting is this is yet another scandal plaguing Killary as her numbers continue to slide.


Imperial power play at the UN: Human Rights Chief urges Security Council to cut veto right over Syria

Zeid bin Ra'ad Al Hussein
UN Human Rights High Commissioner Zeid bin Ra'ad Al Hussein
The UN high commissioner for human rights has called for "extraordinary steps" to halt the "ghastly avalanche of violence and destruction" in Syria's northern city of Aleppo, urging the Security Council to introduce a limit on its members' veto power.

The Security Council should "adopt criteria to restrain members from using the veto when there are serious concerns that war crimes, crimes against humanity, or genocide may have been committed," Zeid Ra'ad al-Hussein said in an October 4 statement.

Comment: After all the information that has been divulged regarding US/Western facilitation of Daesh, al-Nusra and so-called moderate rebels that al-Hussein has been privy to - and he wants to tie the hands of Russia and follow the bogus "pro-humanitarian" narrative?? One must logically conclude then that this guy is simply another shill for Empire...

Wall Street

No doom and chaos? IMF admits UK is fastest growing G7 economy despite post-Brexit recession warning

British money
© Money Sharma / AFP
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has backtracked on its gloomy post-Brexit forecast for Britain, now saying the UK will boast the fastest-growing major economy in 2016.

In its new report, the IMF predicts the UK's gross domestic product (GDP) will grow by 1.8 percent this year ahead of the US, Germany, Japan and other members of the G7.

Prior to the June referendum, the IMF claimed a Brexit would plunge the UK into recession. It has now conceded that those warnings proved to be overly pessimistic.

However, it forecast a sharp slowdown in 2017, claiming the economy would eventually suffer from the shock of the EU referendum result. It said expansion next year would be just 1.1 percent, lower than expected in the immediate aftermath of the Brexit vote.

Comment: IMF must keep the propaganda line of doom and gloom for upsetting the financial world order.

Comment: Let's see what the financial elites will be up to this week: Financial elites confront existential threat to their world at IMF meeting

Wall Street

Financial elites confront existential threat to their world at IMF meeting

Washington DC picture
Policy-making elites converge on Washington this week for meetings that epitomize a faith in globalization that's at odds with the growing backlash against the inequities it creates.

From Britain's vote to leave the European Union to Donald Trump's championing of "America First," pressures are mounting to roll back the economic integration that has been a hallmark of gatherings of the IMF and World Bank for more than 70 years.

Fed by stagnant wages and diminishing job security, the populist uprising threatens to depress a world economy that International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde says is already "weak and fragile."

Comment: Financial elites are worried their 'world order' isn't working out and may get desperate to reinstate their rule. They don't care about the average person in so far that they are kept happy and feeding the financial machine. When the 'casino' implodes, it will be a chance to change this financial order to something more beneficial to the people.

Wall Street

Bill Gross: Central banks have turned financial markets into 'Vegas casino'

Bill Gross
© Jim Young / Reuters
Unprecedented central bank monetary policies such as negative or zero rates have turned financial markets into a casino, said bond investor Bill Gross of Janus Capital. He recommends investors switch to gold and Bitcoin, if they want to keep their money.

"Our financial markets have become a Vegas/Macau/Monte Carlo casino, wagering that an unlimited supply of credit generated by central banks can successfully reflate global economies and reinvigorate nominal GDP growth to lower but acceptable norms in today's highly levered world," Gross said in his 'Doubling Down' investment outlook.

The investor oversees $1.5 billion at Janus Capital explains gold and Bitcoin are safe havens for those who want to preserve their cash.

"At some point investors - leery and indeed weary of receiving negative or near zero returns on their money, may at the margin desert the standard financial complex, for higher returning or better yet, less risky alternatives," Gross said.

Comment: This highlights why banks need to go back to being banks and not allowed to invest or speculate in the markets.

Death of democracy: Big Banking has turned America into an oligarchy

War Whore

War mongers US, Britain, France scrap UN diplomacy embrace terrorism against people of Syria

Axis of Evil
© Press TV
An ambassador is a ... gentleman sent to lie abroad for the good of his country. (Attributed to Sir Henry Wotton, 1568-1639.)
When Vitaly Churkin, Russia's Permanent Representative to the United Nations ("We the people of the United Nations, determined to save succeeding generations form the scourge of war ...") rose to speak at the UN to address Syria's ongoing tragedy, on Sunday 25th September, US Ambassador to the UN, Samantha Power, François Delattre, Permanent Representative for France and British Permanent Representative, Matthew Rycroft, metaphorically threw their toys out of the pram and walked out. Anything more infantile and further away from the UN's founding aspirations would be hard to find.

They would have done well to hear Mr Churkin's full address (1) it lays out home truths and the reality of international State sponsored terrorism - resulting in Syria's living nightmare - in succinct detail. He began:
It is the sixth year that the Syrian people have been suffering a grave tragedy. In 2011, Washington and some other Western capitals decided to continue the reshaping of the geopolitical space of the Middle East and North Africa, which started with the US and UK criminal invasion in Iraq in 2003. Besides, both in Libya and Syria they continued to 'use an axe' without any disdain for the support of terrorist groups ... consequences of countries' break-ups and flows of millions of refugees were qualified as an unforeseen 'irritant'.
Samantha Power, however, has never seemingly found a conflict she would not embrace (safely, from afar, of course.) The Balkans, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and now Syria, "liberation" by annihilation seemingly ever her preferred option. The UN welcomes some unlikely Representatives to uphold its founding aspirations.

Comment: See also: NATO's 'Civil War' Machine Rolls Into Syria

Light Sabers

Duterte goes on anti-Western tirade again in speech, tells Obama he can "go to hell"

© AP Photo/Bullit Marquez
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte told his U.S. ally Barack Obama "you can go to hell" in a speech Tuesday that was his latest tirade against the U.S. over its criticism of his deadly anti-drug campaign.

He also lashed out anew at the European Union, saying the 28-nation bloc, which has also criticized his brutal crackdown, "better choose purgatory, hell is filled up."

Duterte, who took office in June, has been hypersensitive to criticism over his crackdown, which has left more than an estimated 3,000 suspected drug dealers and pushers dead in just three months, alarming the United Nations, the E.U., the U.S. and human rights watchdogs.

The tough-talking former city mayor, who describes himself as a left-leaning leader, has had an uneasy relationship with the U.S. and with Obama and has declared intentions to bolster relations with China and Russia as he revamps the country's foreign policy that has long leaned on Washington.

Comment: It's a little difficult to get a read on Duterte and whether his bombastic comments towards the West are because he sees the evil actions they have committed and wants to ally with China and Russia, or because he is just a little unstable. Either way, he is making the Philippines into more than just an imperial vassal state for the US by continually stirring the pot:

Bad Guys

Russian embassy in Syria attacked by Al-Nusra terrorists

 Nusra Front fighters
© Stringer/Reuters Al Qaeda-linked Nusra Front fighters.
The Russian embassy in Damascus came under fire on Tuesday from a neighborhood controlled by militant groups, including Al-Nusra Front, the Russian Foreign Ministry reports.

One of the mortar shells fired at the embassy complex hit the residential area, while two others landed near the embassy building, the ministry said in a statement. Nobody was injured by the explosions.

"According to reports, the shelling came from the Jobar neighborhood of Damascus, which is under control of the terrorist groups Jabhat Fateh al-Sham and Failak ar-Rahman," the ministry said.

Bad Guys

40 million Russians practice evacuation drill as country prepares for 'sudden threat'

US Nuclear weapons test
© Flickr/ International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
Translated by Inessa Sinchougova

On October 2nd, Oleg Manuilo, the spokesperson for Russia's Ministry for Emergencies (MCHS) announced that a large scale "civil defense" drill will take part in the next few days.

Over 40 million personnel from Russia's regional and municipal authorities, as well as emergency and evacuation services will be involved.

"The drill will take place from the 4th to the 7th October 2016. As a total, over 40,000 million people will be involved, with 200,000 specialists from various rescue services, and over 50,000 equipment units will be put to the test." - Manuilo said.

Comment: Russia will leave no stone un-turned when protecting her people from NATO's aggression. Also see: