Big Pharma
Such is the network of the Blob, even here in the last outpost of Western Civilization, in the city furthest on Earth from Washington DC, The ABC Blob TV news made sure we knew that Robert F Kennedy Jnr was a "headache" for Donald Trump, and a guy who believed wild conspiracy theories and hung out with quacks. Yesterday they prepared us for his confirmation hearings by interviewing his cousin. She called him a predator.

What they would not show Australians is a few minutes of Kennedy speaking for himself, discussing medical studies in intricate detail. Apparently Australians don't need to know that not even one US childhood vaccine was pretested in a long term placebo controlled trial. They just need the family gossip about the man who might be a health minister soon in a foreign country.

This was our national prime time news.

Our ABC Blob TV, paid by us, replayed the Congressional critics, hid Kennedy's replies, and also hid that Big Pharma money was greasing the palms of most of the critics. RFK Jnr is roughly the Antichrist to Big Pharma, so looking for Big Pharma influence among his critics is the obvious thing to do. But our award winning celebrity journalists missed it. Citizen journalists on X, like A Midwestern Doctor, figured it out instead:

The figures they quote come from Open Secrets, so the paid journalists just had to google. If they had, they'd know that the corruption goes right to the top.

You'll never guess which politicians Big Pharma like the most

Money from Pharmaceuticals / Health Products to US Senators, 1990-2024

Harris, Kamala (D) $11,341,349
Biden, Joe (D) $9,128,291
Obama, Barack (D) $6,041,678
Clinton, Hillary (D-NY) $4,622,654
Romney, Mitt (R-UT) $3,378,614

The Big Government Blob is so nebulous but extensive, the ABC / BBC /NPR and CBC journalists wouldn't even feel like they were a part of it. But every one of them is paid by the Big Government Blob, trained in Blob Universities that feed off Big Government funds. They were probably taught to read in Blob schools, with a Blob curriculum. They have Blob Friends, they marry Blob people, and they learn to scorn the riff raff outside The Blob. They know smug insults about the Rednecks will impress their friends. They know that being anti-vax is social death.

Pfizer and the CIA didn't have to phone up the ABC to ask them to paint RFK Jr as a freak, or to cover for the racketeering politicians. ABC journalists do it voluntarily. All parts of the Blob are cheerleaders for all the other parts. Their salaries depend upon it. So does their social status.


ABC WA News Jan 30th 2025: 17 minutes