Isn’t the main reason for all these migrants being shipped all over Europe is to produce civil unrest?Yes, I think this is one of the reasons. In case the genetic and cultural dilution fails.
Ah I understand it more now that you have kindly enlightened me more with that info, I appreciate it codis thank you.I know a bit about that country and region, because this is where I came from. And still go to, occasionally. And it saddens me to see what happens there. I had been visiting my parents over Christmas, and when I was amongst other people, the frustration, resignation and anger were almost palpable everywhere I went. Just saying ...
Do you think they will actually void the election if the Afd do well? Seems that way to me, foments more division then doesn’t it?First, most significant percentage of votes the AfD has in the East - for all the beforementioned reasons. The younger generation emigrated (a lot only to Western Germany), thus mostly the older generation remains, which got cheated and defrauded by the subsequent governments for the last 30 years. Did I mention, the highest percentage of Russian speakers ( and thus "Putin stooges") in the population is in the East as well ?
... and I am not looking forward to the coming collapse and I’m not even there!I'm not really - but I prepare for the worst.
Although were are mostly told how it ended ...