If we define an American fascist as one who in case of conflict puts money and power ahead of human beings, then there are undoubtedly several million fascists in the United States.
There are probably several hundred thousand if we narrow the definition to include only those who in their search for money and power are ruthless and deceitful.
That's a lot of money to be unaccounted for. Someone should hang for this but we all know nothing of the sort will happen. The Donald knows better...
The bigger picture, how can a peace deal be worked out. Here is a link, Trump calling out Zelensky as a dictator without elections. [Link]
'' As with the BRICS fiasco, looks like Team Trump also has not been doing their homework on the business front.'' Well they do have an...
Man oh man I had direct experience with 5-6 women on social media thread 2 days ago, who all has full on TDS....It's a real thing ! Bat shit...
They’re gonna lie anyway to use it in their favor. „They” as deepstate, illuminati or whatever we call them. Still any form of disclosure could...
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Reader Comments
Or the one about Polar Bears starving because there is no ice? [Link]
If you have any doubt about the propaganda put forth by the Weather Network then their article supporting this claim should give you an idea. [Link]
Just so you know, the polar bears are increasing in number. [Link] and [Link]
One of my recent favorites is that Jakarta and other Indonesian coastal cities are doomed because of 'sea level rise' due to 'climate change.' [Link] Thinking their readership ignorant fools, they disregard the fact that the sea cannot rise in only one location, plus they disregard the many ongoing studies showing Jakarta to be subsiding at an alarming rate. [Link]
Or look out the window: "Raining again...must be climate change" with a smirk and rolling of the eyes.
When I went to school, 'climate' was a long-term weather condition extending over hundreds of years, if not thousands. Weather was, and is still in my mind what's happening when you look out the window.
Media is programming people in subtle ways.
Mind you, it was all predicted in Rockefeller's Lock Step Scenario.
Scenarios for the Future ofTechnology and International Development.pdf (PDFy mirror) : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
(Link may not work but copy into search engine if you want to read it)
So one wonders if this was all part of some deeper Machievellian plan-within-a-plan?
...and a lot more.
Actually a pretty big list per head of population. NZ has always been big on protest given a subject folks can get fired up about.
I don't have link superpowers here so cheers for coming to the party