Flipped Sheep
© Off-Guardian
I used to believe that the only way we were going to get out of this mess was to flip sheep (apologies to those offended by my continued use of the word "sheep" — old habits die hard). Meaning that if we got everyone, or mostly everyone, to see what truly was going on, then we could stop the insanity.

In other words, if everyone woke up there would be no more compliance, no more believing in the lies, no more falling into the agenda's traps.

Now I am not so sure.

It seems now that the only way this insanity will work its way out is either by a direct act of God or if we are willing to wait 1,000 years or so when it works out on its own. Maybe we just need to face Armageddon, let it happen, and try to live the best life we can before and while it's happening. I don't mean "give up," I mean to still fight but focus the fight on things other than trying to flip sheep.

I know I've said this before, but now I am refining this idea a bit. Although I do believe once we know something, we can't unknow it — meaning we can't force ourselves into a state of denial and pretend all is rosy as the sheep tend to do (now that they've got Trump to feel dismal about, maybe they won't be all rosy, but for the wrong reasons). But maybe we should stop focusing on it so much and try to get back to the basics of joyous living. Did I really just say that? No, of course not.

I have found myself envying the sheep. I recently had a friend on FB question something I had posted (a comment actually on someone's meme about chemtrails). She had said she simply did not understand what was being said negatively about natural contrails that jets innocently leave behind. I turned her on to a James Corbett video interviewing Peter Kirby about chemtrails.

She responded with the usual disbelief — "how could people be doing this without anyone knowing — purposefully poisoning the earth and all of the people on it?"

I didn't push it and just said, "You seem to be enjoying your life, keep doing that and don't let this cat out of the bag. Let it go." It was the first time I did something like that, and it felt right. I had the opportunity to possibly flip a sheep, and I didn't take it. I believe, however, that this "letting go" only applies to sheep. Whereas before, I wanted sheep to learn the truth about the world, now I am not so anxious to be the one to wreck their day.

They will figure it out soon enough.

Maybe this is an old person thing, and I am just tired. I have no young kids to look out for like so many of you do. I have little other than myself to sacrifice if the world goes down the tubes. I am not going to be here that much longer anyway. Although I do think some of this bad stuff is going to start happening long before I die, I am not so sure of that either.

Will another scamdemic hit soon, will social credit scores, CBDC, and Digital IDs come upon us that quickly, and if they do, will they have the devastating effect we all believe they will? Will we soon be living like the folks in 1984 or Brave New World?

Now, I don't think I am going to die before much of that, but maybe the worst of it will not hit for another 20 years. Most likely I will be gone before then. Unless I get some shiny new body parts which will soon be available, but if shiny new parts do become available, I doubt if I will be able to afford them.

All I am saying is that we will be faced with it soon enough, and maybe before we are, we should forget about trying so hard to stop it. As I type this I am getting nauseous. What an old geezer-coward I've turned out to be.

If it was possible to flip sheep I would say let's keep flipping them. But since it is not possible to even make a dent in that woolly armour, then I say forget it. Most of you, I believe, quelled this effort long ago.

Maybe fighting at all is useless. When a person has terminal cancer, isn't there a rational point to stop the effort to beat it and just enjoy what you've got left? Is that really a deeply defeatist attitude? I think falling somewhere in the middle might be a consideration. For us, it is different. As I said a minute ago, we don't have the option, like most sheep do, to slip into complete denial. What we know, we cannot unknow.

The sheep are also not all that happy, happy, joy, joy. They obviously think something is afoot. It is interesting to observe their "inaccurate" concern. In the states, it is all about Trump destroying democracy, the constitution, women's rights, gay rights, trans rights, and the rights of anyone who is not white and Christian (and male). When Biden was around, it was also about destroying Putin and Russia's rampage to conquer the world, as well as Palestine and Iran destroying Israel and Islam in general destroying every Jew on Earth.

So, sheep have worries, too, but in general, they are distracted from the truth.

I have been confused recently (before the US election) trying to determine who these memes are referring to, Trump or Harris — memes predicting the end of democracy, etc. Both sides are being accused of the same things. One of my recent favourites was a meme of a wolf eating sheep while saying he would protect the sheep and only ate a few of them. The sheep respond by saying to one another, "This guy is going to protect us, he's the one for us!" I commented to the poster, "Who are the sheep?" The person posting the meme liked my comment, obviously assuming I was on her side.

They think we are sheep, too.

I am wondering if there is a less obvious way to continue this fight. Maybe just by trying harder to create community and be more accepting of contrary views. I do think we shrews are better at doing that. Since we have all been categorized Trumpsters (whether we are or not), it is much easier for sheep (who have all been categorized liberals and Harris supporters — which they may or may not be) to hate us and not give us the time of day. This is where the real problem lies.

I am afraid now with the election over, things will only get worse before they get better — assuming they ever will get better.

Maybe it is time for us shrews to let go of sheep entirely — to attempt to create community without them. Not to reject them outright, but just not concern ourselves with them unless they voluntarily come into our fold. I don't like the idea of "sides," but I don't think it is possible to ignore the fact that we are indeed polarized.

Although it may seem that I am suggesting we become complacent, I don't think I am. We cannot become depressed though. When we fight, and then fail, and repeat that cycle, we can bring on depression. We must focus our efforts on success, not on things that are bound to fail, but rather on things we know we can be successful with. Like community, joy, and laughter coupled with a serious critical eye and a continued penchant for sniffing out the truth in a deeply illusional world.

I know it seems strange hearing this from me, Dr. Doom. I don't have much to say in my writing other than pointing out negative aspects of our experience. I will continue to do this only because I think it is very easy for us to fall back to sleep. Maybe that is exactly what I am doing myself by writing this particular article.

Maybe I have started to nod off, breathing in the intoxicating falsity of the good life still to be had that so many seem to be enjoying. If you feel the same, don't let it happen. Stay awake.